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Name: Miyo Kimura

Nickname/Alias: Slut, Whore, Bitch, Hun, etc. (Does he always enjoy it? No.)

Age: 23

Species: Human
(Optional for fantasy/supernatural roleplays: Incubus)

Gender Identity: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Relationship status: Single

Sexuality: Gay

Other languages spoken: German and Italian

Occupation: Prostitute (Wants to be a cosmetician)

Position: Power bottom


Height: 5'4"

Hair colour: Deep strawberry-blond

Eye colour: Indigo

Tattoos: No

Piercings: Double helix piercing on both ears

Scars: Faint burn marks on his torso

Other: Because of his slim build and curvy hips, most men mistake him for a woman.


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Smoker: No

Drinker: Yes

Likes: Lingerie, scrapbooking, going to clubs, lacy stuff, wearing panties, holidays, money, singing, one night stands, and playing the piano.

Dislikes: Really small spaces, hot weather, most cats, popcorn, lavender scented things, watermelon candy, and stalkers.

Highest level of education: GED

#1 Turn-on: Being tied up, really explicit dirty talk, and vibrators

Fears: His ex-husband is the only thing he's afraid of.

*Family members and/or significant others*
-Mother (No personal relationship)
-Father (No personal relationship)
-Older brother (No personal relationship)
- Ex-husband (Whereabouts unknown)

Personality: He is a total bombshell. Heartbreaker and wonderful caretaker, kinda sadistic and loves to wear cute stuff for his clients. Though after everything had happened to him and he had a complete turn around, he has tough skin so being called things like a slut doesn't really bother him anymore. Don't get him wrong though, he won't take anything from anybody anymore after the bad life he's had including controlling or abusive relationships. His trust is hard to gain back, so if you ruin it, there's a one in a million chance you'll get another chance. and he's very sweet once he lets you in, so don't take it for granted.

*TW: Domestic Abuse*
(Please don't continue reading if you're not comfortable with these things!)

Backstory: Miyo was pretty much as flamboyant then as he is now. When he was about 16, he met a man named Alex. He fell deeply in love with him, or at least that's what he thought. Miyo's family hated Alex with a passion because something didn't seem right about him. He rubbed them off the wrong way because of how he acted in front of them, how he was a bit douchey towards Miyo, and even got into a fight with Miyo's older brother Jun. Trying to have the boy for himself, he managed to convince Miyo to get eloped and they moved far away from his family and left them devastated. Though Miyo quickly learned why his family hated Alex so much.

For the four years they were married, Alex mentally, emotionally, and 99 percent of the time physically abused him. He made Miyo what some would call the old-style definition of a housewife. He made Miyo stay home and cook dinner, clean the house, do the laundry, take care of finances and such, and he wasn't allowed to have any friends. he even forced Miyo to make love to him whenever he wanted and that meant even against Miyo's will most of the time. Alex forever accused Miyo of flirting and being a cheater, so he kept a close eye on everything Miyo did and who he talked to. He was given a specific amount of time to go get groceries or go out and if he didn't come back in that allotted time, he'd be beaten and accused of sleeping with another man.

After so many times in and out of the hospital, after being too scared to leave him Miyo finally stood up for himself and tried self-defense against his husband to the point his neighbors called the police and they took his husband to jail. Leaving Miyo unable to fend for himself because he threw away any chance of a good life when he got eloped at 16. With no other choice, Miyo turned to prostitution and within a short amount of time became quite popular and was able to afford a decent living again. He loved the attention he got and liked to lean men on just to get that much more money. He isn't proud of what he's done, but it was the only choice he had.

Other: He's extremely feminine and owns little to no "masculine" clothing.
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5 | 0 Comments | by TheAlmightyAobooty | Sep 25th 2016 15:44

Overwatch Oc

1.. Ok my oc is MK 983476 aka Storm Rider

He has a HP of 150

1. Weapon switch from knife / base damage of 15 /and rifle arms /base damage of 25 / to claws ( claws have super low range but cause / base damage of 45 / bleed damage for 2 seconds for every slice.
2. Wall climb
3. Tail strike / rider impaled his tail threw his enemy / stun for 3 seconds and bleed damage for 5 seconds base damage of 100 ( cool down of 10 seconds )

Project storm Rider was a project started by talon. The robotic creature was created by moira.

Storm Rider is known for three main things
1. His speed is by far his greatest weapon. At top speed and concentration he can run up to 100 mph. His legs are extra long and are made just for running but if need be he can use it for a powerful and deadly kick. As of now he is very poorly made so if he ran too fast his legs might break.

2. Percision. Knife shooting gauntlets are built into his wrists. They shoot serated knife's on the left hand and bullets on the right. His aim is incredible. Not as good as widow maker or hanzo by far but very impressive. He can make a perfect sniper attack but shooting a knife. His ultimate is the power to eject two machine guns , one from each shoulder and fire then at the same time.

3. Close combat. He is deadly at close range. His Razer sharp diamond incrusted claws shred threw steel as paper. The same for his long tail Wich has a Razer blade at the end that is just as deadly as his claws and fangs.

1. If his opponent relizes that he is really a confused and scared 4 year old trapped in a horrific body you can easily distracted him with candy and even just being nice to him. He is a absolute sweetheart ...and a master killing machine. He only kills because of the programming moira put into his brain.

2. Fraility. He is EXTREMELY frail. He is only in prototype mode and his armor is not that powerful. Under the armor is another very weak later that holds his organs . The only strong layers of armor are his legs , arms , and head. Everything else is easily damaged.

Other Power's
. Tactical vision
. Scale walls with his claws or just running up them
. Built in computer that is kinda like a boot leg lower quality winstens computer when it comes to tech
.. bepending on how the overwatch family treats him...he can either be a powerful Allie or a powerful enemy


His cybornetic appearance looks quite Terrifying and intimidating. Everything is normal size and he stands at 6ft 5 inch in height. His " skin " is transparent blue. His tail is 5 feet long and is completely covers in Razer spikes...make sure to not touch it! No matter where you grab it your getting stuck by long sharp spikes. What is not covered by armor Wich is near joints and other small parts you can see the skeleton of the 4 year old Wich is a lot smaller then the actual body. The legs and tail resemble those of a velocirapter. his head kinda looks like the Arkham Knight helmet slightly but it has a mouth filled with Razer sharp teeth. His eyes glow red when in attack mode and green when he is in...4 year old mode. The only organic parts of his body is his skull , brain , heart and other internal organs. Storm Rider has been a long work production. When Moira first started making rider she was not very well eqipped doing so. She could only afford to get the brain of a four year old due to funds and...time restraints. After being kicked out of overwatch she had no money or good parts to work with. What she made was not even close to her expectations. Its armor broke after small damage and even his own legs crumbled apart as he vegans to run to fast. His weapon gauntlets exploded up in his face when he fired. Moira deemed the project a failure and left it to rot in her lab. Then talon found her. When they heard about project storm rider they saw the potential it had. A killing machine that could match the speeds of tracer or genji. Its just what they needed! talon brought Moira into their ranks and her first order was...continue project storm rider! Now with money and parts for her to tinker with she was only able to add minor upgrades to rider...before overwatch bust down the doors to her new talon lab ( aka when the role play starts )
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2 | 3 Comments | by Megadragon3000 | Sep 24th 2016 18:44

Tra i mutaforma

Simon Castle, l`attuale figlio più piccolo di Jeremi, (arrivato ad una certa quota ha deciso che prima di continuare doveva smaltirne un po`...)
Sua madre è morta alla sua nascita, certe volte partorire un mutaforma non è una passeggiata e se la madre non è forte abbastanza, muore.
Lui quindi è cresciuto con il patrigno, anche se il padre non sapeva che non fosse suo figlio, lui in effetti viveva abbastanza bene con il padre, non era il genere di padre che dava la colpa al figlio per come erano andate le cose alla sua nascita. La sua non era una famiglia ricchissima, però a lui bastava che ci fosse il padre con lui, preferiva questo ad un qualsiasi oggetto che un padre più ricco avrebbe potuto comprargli, l`amore per lui era più importante del fattore economico della famiglia.
A lui bastano le cose semplici, ha ripreso dalla madre, uno dei Castle più difettosi che ci siano, però questi rari casi insegnano a Jeremi sempre qualcosa di nuovo. Come ognuno dei suoi figli e nipoti gli ha insegnato qualcosa di diverso e importante. Anche se al momento non è il mutaforma più libero del mondo dato che sta assistendo ai lavori per la cotruzione della scuola dove la sua famiglia andrà, (ad insegnare o come studenti non conta.) proprio per questo ci si è impegnato tanto...

Proprio perché Jeremi è estremamente impegnato ha deciso che cambierà metodo per un periodo con i suoi nuovi figli, (Quelli che sono ancora con la madre e con il falso padre.) Il nuovo metodo consiste nel trovarli poiché pur essendo suoi figli non sono per forza dei mutaforma o almeno non completamente a volte e Jeremi preferisce rendere noti solo i figli ben riusciti...
Tanto c'è una possibilità su un milione che capiscano di non essere del tutto dei normali auriold, a volte neanche i mutaforma puri se ne rendono conto. (Ovviamente perché gli blocca i poteri quando sono piccoli, ma anche perché ci vuole uno stimolo preciso da dare al corpo per cambiare aspetto, non è una cosa che accade a caso.).
Dopo aver accertato la discendenza pura, beh mandava una lettera tipo quelle di Hogwards che spiegavano tutta la loro storia e gli spiega come attivare i propri poteri. Naturalmente dopo che Jeremi li ha sbloccati, si può permettere di non inviare le lettere ma di mandare alcuni tra i mutaforma più anziani a consegnarle ai ragazzi, così da dimostrare quanto scritto sulle lettere...

Ad infrangere i sogni di Simon va Alaric, purtroppo gli toccava fare almeno uno, è mattina presto e il padre di Simon stava preparando la colazione quando Alaric bussó alla porta. Simon si stava appena svegliando grazie all`odore del caffè sul fuoco, il padre andò ad aprire la porta in modo disinvolto di certo non si aspettava che arrivasse un tizio a dirgli che suo figlio non era suo figlio...
Alaric gli disse che aveva una lettera per il figlio e che dovevano parlare tutti e tre, intanto che Simon non scese Alaric parlò con il padre e facendosi leggere la mente fece comprendere tutto al padre in modo chiaro. Di certo non poteva controbattere sul fatto che stesse dicendo la verità, l`immediata reazione del padre fu il silenzio con un`espressione riflessiva, stava ancora riflettendo sulle immagini che aveva visto quando Simon scese le scale ed entrò nel salotto dove erano il padre e Alaric.
Di primo impatto fu sorpreso di vedere il padre così silenzioso, era un tipo piuttosto allegro e disinvolto, quando il ragazzo scese gli venne consegnata la lettera che aprì immediatamente e di cui lesse ogni parola. Finito di leggere accartocció la lettera e abbracció il padre le parole che gli uscirono per Alaric furono, °Io non sono niente del genere, vattene via, quelle, quelle sono tutte menzogne.°. Dopo un`ulteriore spiegazione in cui Alaric gli ha anche fatto vedere di che cosa stava parlando le parole del ragazzo furono, °Comunque sia è lui mio padre, lui mi ha cresciuto e si è preso cura di me, non quell`altro...°.
Il padre (che era stato davvero orgoglioso di sentire il "figlio" parlare così) aveva capito che suo Trevor aveva bisogno di un aiuto che lui non poteva dargli non sapendo quasi nulla sui mutaforma, perciò decise che doveva convincerlo ad andare con Alaric in modo convincente, così gli disse queste parole, °Per me non è così, se avessi saputo che eri un mostro non ti avrei mai tenuto, devi andartene ora e anche lui° indica Alaric,
°MOSTRI! Andate via da casa mia!° resiste a malapena dal non mettersi a piangere perciò Alaric porta via Simon in fretta per far si che il padre non cambi idea.

Simon ci rimase abbastanza male, era possibile che la sua vita fosse cambiata così in fretta? Durante il viaggio fino a casa di Alaric, non disse nulla era ancora scioccato per l`accaduto. Non credeva di valere così poco per suo padre... Credeva che avrebbe combattuto per lui e invece lo aveva cacciato via come se fosse la persona che odiava di più al mondo, se contava così poco per lui allora c`era qualcuno per cui lui contava qualcosa?
Alaric lo lasciò da solo a pensare sull`accaduto, controllando che non scappasse ovviamente, gli disse che quando avesse voluto parlarne lui ci sarebbe stato, in fondo è il fratello maggiore... E in fondo lo capiva, anche lui aveva avuto un padre come quello e anche lui aveva dovuto abbandonarlo e il cambiamento era stato difficile è proprio questi il motivo per cui certi mutaforma sono "problematici"; Non tutti sanno come superare al meglio certe situazioni. E al contrario di altri Simon ora aveva qualcuno che potesse spiegargli come affrontare una cosa simile, qualcuno che la aveva già affrontata in precedenza...

Alaric gli spiegò ogni cosa e personalmente come sarebbe stato meglio comportarsi e cosa avrebbe dovuto imparare sin da subito, dopo lo portò a parlare con Jeremi.
Simon alla fine si convinse a prendere le cose così come gli erano capitate, si è diciamo lasciato andare alla sorte, ha imparato in fretta come mutare pelle, è la parte più divertente di quello che i mutaforma imparano, in fondo.
Ormai si è abituato alla sua nuova vita e pur sentendo la mancanza di suo padre va avanti, in fondo crede che il padre lo disprezzi poiché è un mostro e che incredibilmente dopo averlo saputo si è accorto di non volergli bene... E pur essendo impossibile Simon non sa che altro pensare.
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3 | 0 Comments | by Arran | Sep 24th 2016 18:27


The massive expulsion of all monsters -and not just- from Malicedom, unexpectedly, triggered reactions from the Alphas of the main races. also moved by Carlie's plea to protect her children from the hunters.
These were the main points of a quick council they organized among them. The Alphas reunited to discuss these things. They all agree on two points:
1 Their young ones must be protected from both hunters and other adults of their race, since they can be pretty dangerous and hostile towards kids;
2 Their young ones must be instructed too, not just to have access to Academies and thus build themselves the future they dream of, but also to learn to control their instincts and behaviours.
One thing they had discording thoughts about instead, was whether to start a war against hunters or not. Won the no, since Sigurd's murdering of three Auriold was an infraction to their peace treaty, making hunters' reactions totally legit. "We killed their youngs, they kill ours".

Long discussions and ideas lead the Alphas to come with a very interesting decisions: Auriold school only for Auriold? We make our own monsters-only school then. At first it seemed almost ridiculous but it soon started to become a very interesting solution.
That way, they can gather all of the young ones of their races and keep them under their protection, benefic influence and control for the most part of their childhood and teen years, which will drastically reduce the troubles caused by them to the Auriold and also give a school the discriminated children can continue to attend.
The real problem there, was imaginable: who be the headmaster? Jeremi would never let Barclay be it himself and viceversa, Ezekiel would never agree to let anybody other than himself be, Viktor would rather scrap the school option if Ezekiel is to be the headmaster of it and it ended with...four Headmasters. Viktor, Barclay, Jeremi and Ezekiel, the Alphas of the main races attending the upcoming school.

The project was much easier than one would think, to accomplish, at least for what concerns the structures. Johnny and Viktor were sent to discuss and convince the King to let this happen and of course they got his approval -no, without using filthy mind-controls!- they gave them the go to start the works immediately.
Place? The Deadlands. Creepy, dark, full of abandoned ruins, humans cemeteries, some human ghosts, endless valleys and forests and most of all, absolutely and entirely uninhabited by any person, or at least, any person worth to be kept safe and alive.
Jeremi and Barclay interely financed the building of the school, and since Lord Castle was involved in the project, there is no need to mention that the school turns out to be huge, beyond luxury and full of every comfort, equipment and best tools there could be. A perfect Battlefield traning field, a Quidditch one and a tennis one and a swimming pool too, even.

The main building was designed in 100% total dark and gothic style, on the shape of a black castle, full of towers and surrounded by walls which include a very huge courtyard, together with all the sport fields.
School also has a very huge and equipped gym, perfect Alchemy, Potions, Physics, Dark Arts and Anatomy labs, all brand new and of great materials, a huge library where students can do researches, spend their time or do their homeworks, beyond luxury dormitories, a wide and perfectly equipped kitchen, two Main Halls, one designed for meals the other for conventions and meetings, beautiful classrooms, all following the dark and gothic style of the building, blood dispensers in all corridors, tens of beyond luxury bathrooms, 5 common halls/lounges for students and 7 for professors.
The project would take tens of years to be built, if it wasn't that the wisdest majority of the workers were tireless, uber strong Werewolves and Skinwalkers. Thanks to their strenght, numbers and will, the whole school was ready in barely 1 month. In its full splendor and style, enviable to Malicedom itself. Especially now that Marvolo is back on the lead.

School organization:
Like it used to be in Malicedom -but not anymore now that Marvolo is back- students can choose whether to attend school full time, sleeping and living in there for most of the year -with one month holiday for Winter II and one for Winter I-.
Part-time students must be at school at 7:30 pm, to take part to the dinner in the main hall. Classes start after dinner, at 9 pm. Being a nocturnal school, lessons only take place at night, while day is dedicated to resting, sports and homework (For the full-time students).
After each class is from 30 to 60 minutes of "stretching", in other words, spend some of the insane amount of the guys' energy, the only way to manage to keep Werewolves sat for some time for the upcoming class.

Subjects are the same as Malicedom, except the order-specific subject that are replaced by race-specific classes -only for Werewolves, KoZ, Skinwalkers and Shapeshifters, as said classes are performed by their Alphas.-

Students are not divided among 4 Orders like in Malicedom, but in 5 races. Werewolves, Knights, Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers and Miscellaneus, in the rare cases where someone that belongs to none of the main races joins the school. -it includes Nimox.-
Nimox though, have a special clause their parents have to accept: School, professors, staff, headmasters and students themselves won't be in any way held responsible if the non-monster student gets hurt or killed. It's a school for monsters where they are meant to be themselves freely and fully, making it truly dangerous for others. In other words, "sign in your kids at your own risk", as Ezekiel would say.

Each race has its own dormitories -separated for males and females, even though they are nowhere as strict as in Malicedom and relationships are fully allowed- and common hall, Battlefield and Quidditch teams, head student and such.
Race-specific subjects:
Werewolves: Transformation control and management. (Practiced in the Forest of the thousands skulls)
Knight of Zimkesha: Mind control. (Practiced in the cemetery of the lost souls)
Skinwalkers: Hunting skills. (Practiced in the Valley of Death)
Shapeshifters: Shapeshifting. (Practiced in the Graveyard of rising dreads)
Those who belong to none of the race have free time when said subjects are on.

Professors x subjects list: (Incomplete)
Barclay McLaine: Dark Arts and Hunting skills.
Bartholomew II Riddle: Geography and catography.
Carlie Castle: Literature and grammar.
Jeremi Castle: Alchemy and Shapeshifting.
Viktor Jagermeister: Maths, physics and geometry and Mind Control.
Ezekiel Teyss: Potions and Transformation control and management.
Alaric Castle: Law and economy.
Jackil Riddle: Anatomy and medicine basics.

Even though the school year has already begun, as soon as the school is ready they open it, inform the students through letters, like Hogwarts ones and fix the starting date.
Just for the first day, the students are invited to come school a bit earlier, at 6:30 so that they can be welcomed and explained everything, showed the school and so on.
Other creatures, like Nimox, can join the school upon their parents asking the headmasters to allow their children to join.
Also, there are several people, mercenary-like who are on the defence of the school, to keep hunters far away from it, and among them is Ming's daughter.
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2 | 61 Comments | by MORAX | Sep 24th 2016 17:35

The Doctor

Name:Joel Nicholas Kennedy
Species: Hybrid
Occupation:Doctor at roses clinic
Age:about a few thousand years old
Relationship: he still has feelings for the mother of his son @Alice_Voltaire but she's married so he's single
Children:Caleb Peirce
Family: @Broken_Hybrid ( older brother ) ,@Warrior_Vampire ( younger brother ) Hades (father )

Personality: he's a kind honorable man with a few flaws

Time manipulation
Aura vision (sees colors )

Bio: cursed over a century ago by a old witch he grew to get use to dying constantly and being reborn Joel's past was filled with tasks but one thing he doesn't regret is falling in love with Alice pierce now mason and creating Caleb his father Hades had separated him from his brothers for a reason there powers had grown exponentially and was dangerous they were created as amplifiers for powers and magic but Hades grew to love them so he gave them a greater purpose to protect the guardian of death

Playby:Daniel Gilles

(Original character do not steal Please )
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8 | 1 Comment | by Unrequited_Souls | Sep 24th 2016 15:59


The day after she and Tristan were brought back to Nortrig by Sao, she had an appointment in Jackil's clinic for a visit, that would allow him to make the certificate Sao needs in order to entrust her to the priests who deal with orphaned kids.
She is insanely worried, since she has never been to a doctor before and doesn't even know what sort of things he will have to do to her for that certificate. All that, added to a very terrible night during which she didn't manage to close eye, due to fear.

At perfect time, she and Sao head to the clinic and are welcomed inside immediately, as there is nobody else in wait to be visited.
Sao leaves her inside the main room with Jackil and goes out to actually take a walk in the city while he waits to be called back there. He is not the type who can sit in a waiting room for a while, that's for sure.
Jackil knows that Absynthia is Tristan's girlfriend, the previous evening when they joined, the son told him literally everything: what had been bothering him for years, the problems he got in the last times and every single circumstance -total true and honest- that lead him to run away from Nortrig, including the matter of Absy's uncle and the murdering of the criminal.
He can't help but not fell 100% right at the idea he has a girlfriend, since he fears he could end up harming her by mistake, but they had been together for a while and nothing happened so far. Plus, last thing he could do after his son opened up like that with him for the first time, was to force him to break with his girlfriend, especially after admitting he tried to hide it from him in fear he would do exactly that.
In any case, he stays as professional as always with her, just like he would be with any other patient.
To start with, he had to make her a number of questions, to create his own folder about her as a patient and for the certificate:
• Name? -Absynthia Werther.
• Birth date and location? -05/17/1370, North.
• Previous doctors? -None.
• Any surgeries? -None.
• Any treatments at the hospital? -None.
• How would you describe your current health situation with one word? -Fine.
• Were you aware to be affected by xK Syndrome? -No.
• Are you aware of any disease you may be affected by, ever since your birth? -No.
• Have you noticed your wounds to bleed for longer than normal? Does it seem to you that your wounds struggle to cicatrize or break open too easily once cicatrized? -Not that I have noticed.
• Have you ever happened to sleep for too long, even two days in a row? -Not that I have memory.
• Do you feel tired without reason? Even when you are totally rested? -Often.
«Now, a few questions that might sound rather embarassing and/or unpleasant, but necessary to determine your actual health state.»
• Have you ever drunk a considerable amount of alcoholic drinks? A finger or two of wine or ale doesn't apply, it is intended some very strong alcoholic drinks as Whiskey could be. -Never.
• Have you ever gotten drunk? -Never.
• Have you ever made use of any sort of drugs? -No!
• Have you ever swallowed, inhaled or injected yourself -or be injected by someone- something unknown or unidentifiable by you? -No.
• Have you ever had sex? Whether consenting or not. -No, never... -even though the question embarassed her beyond measure. Truth be said, Jackil is almost sure that she and Tristan did it, when they were on Earth so he thinks she is lying, even though he will find out it's not so, when he will visit her.-
• Have you ever taken medicines? Specify if it happened sporadically or constantly or for long periods. -Never.
• Made use of any potions or elixir? -No, never.

Finished the questions, Jackil tells her to undress so that he can visit her. No doubt she is embarassed to death, but Jackil is absolutely professional and reassuring, managing to make her feel more at ease.
He takes some blood samples and a DNA sample in order to 1 check if she has any sort of genetical disease; 2 check her metabolism and glands productions; 3 check any possible disfunction; 3 prepare a balanced diet, since she is underweight, 4 find out if she has any living relatives.
While the blood tests will take him hours to perform, the DNA test is set to start with a simple spell, that will compare her DNA to that of almost every living Northern person. Before the end of the visit, he will be able to know if she has relatives or not.

Since Jackil is beyond attentive and careful, the visit lasts for a long while. He checks literally everything, from breathing to dermis, eyes and even some basic psychology through some colloquial questions and talking.
All in all, except from the magic disorder and to weight some kilos less than she should to be in good health and a broken arm that fixed wrongly, she is fine.
Naturally he fixes her arm, re-breaking the bone -an insanely painful thing no doubt- and bandages it the correct way so that it will heal properly. Arm aside, she expected the visit to be something much worse and more painful.
Once everything is done -including confirming that she is still virgin for real- he tells her to dress up again and goes to fill the certificate. There, he notices that the DNA test not just finished, but it also had results. Three, in the specific: 1 Amil Werther, known, her arrested uncle; but 2 and 3 were a total surprise to Jackil too. To the point he checks that everything was correct twice, and always came up with the same results. 2 Viktor Jagërmeister, paternal uncle; 3 Donovan Jagërmeister, first cousin.

It is certainly nothing that can be ignored, as in case of orphaned children the first thing to do according to the protocol is to contact every living relative to entrust the child to them, before even considering to find other people elsewhere.
Which makes Sao's day even longer, as now they have to wait for Viktor and Donovan to decide what to do with Absy. Naturally, the first to be asked will be the uncle, then the cousin, but regardless, they are summoned together at the same time.
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2 | 18 Comments | by SulBang | Sep 24th 2016 13:00



@ rachael_christine
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5 | 1 Comment | by megmdxoxo_ | Sep 23rd 2016 23:26


@ stephstonecos

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6 | 2 Comments | by megmdxoxo_ | Sep 23rd 2016 23:25


@ Nicoletters
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6 | 1 Comment | by megmdxoxo_ | Sep 23rd 2016 23:24


Name: Jade Drago Shadow
Age: 18-20
Gender: female
Personality: Unknown
Appearance: black hair and red eyes
Family: Royal
Family members: none
Species: Dragon, shadow, devil and angel
Likes: darkness, weapons, dragons and winning
Dislikes: losing and dull weapons
Favorite color/colors: Red, Grey and black
Friends: none that's are human but some that are dragons
Pets: Shadow dragon
Thinks about herself: Unknown
About her: she doesn't know her dragon friend is part human. She tends to stay in her castle a lot and all of her servents are loyal to her and trust her since she would never hurt anyone that she knows and that's her friend unless she had to or was forced to and everyone of her servents she knows and are some of her friends.
Bio: She lived with her parents which her parents were the king and queen. She learned many thing but she had to behave 24/7. She ran away when she was seven because her mother was gonna beat her for not behaving. She ran into the forest and up the mountain. She was very tired that day and she passed out in front of a cave. A dragon noticed her and the dragon walked out of the cave. The dragon took her in and took care of her and trained her for years but little did she know that the dragon was part human at all. When she was thirteen she killed her whole family out of rage and anger and she ruled the kingdom with her dragon friend by her side. After a few years she got her own pet dragon named shadow and the dragon was a shadow dragon. She now ruled the kingdom with two dragons by her side.
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0 | 0 Comments | by FallenRose | Sep 23rd 2016 00:39


Sanura Amir Almasri- your typical young egyptian woman. Long straight black hair, fringe bangs, olive colored skin. She has a deep hazel or green colored eye, depending on the light you see them in. She's of average height, around 5'7", and curvy. She's very strong, quick, and agile. Meridian is also gifted. She considers herself an earth girl- that's her gods given element. Geokinesis. Her "Earth girl" nature enables her to do many things, such as control over soil, sand, mud, rocks, and plants. Anything that could be defined as mother nature. That also includes earthquakes, and volcanoes. Another thing she has is a minor telepathy with animals. It's by no means a direct communication, more of a sense, where she can pick up on vibes and interpret what the animal is "thinking". She is adept at using her abilities to keep herself and her loved ones safe, and will fight to the death to protect them. She's very fierce, very loyal, and not afraid to speak her mind. If she hates you, you'll know, and if she loves you, she'll tell you upfront that she does. She's not afraid of much, but heights is definitely her greatest fear, as she's nowhere near the ground and her abilities become very limited in the air.
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1 | 0 Comments | by TheMeridianSea | Sep 22nd 2016 15:43

And what of their family?

Malicedom wasn't spared from the mess, but certainly the family involved in it and that is held responsible for it is not being left out of the tensions.
The parents of the dead bullies claimed so hard that Sigurd would be executed regardless of the fact it was something he couldn't control and when they only received denial from the authorities, they even claimed his parents to be executed or at least publicly humiliated. Denied too of course, but that only thanks to the fact they count as Riddle family.

Despite that, they were on every newspapers, names, surnames, the story of the two husbands publicly revealed to the whole world on a shaming tone, Carlie pictured as a low woman, a whore and definitely someone beyond unfitting to raise children. She was the main person in target, due to the fact it's known she is a Shapeshifter and since she worked in Malicedom. It humiliated her beyond measure to the point she became ashamed to even go out of home and all this right when Tristan is missing. She can't describe her feelings at the moment and she feels disappointed beyond imagination to both Sigurd and Frerin for keeping such a thing from her.
She had everything she dreamed of, at some point, actually even more than that. A seemingly perfect family, two loving husbands, three beautiful sons and total balance and peace. But she realized it was only an illusion and in barely a few days, everything turned into ashes. And it not even the worst part.

Of course, putting an almost whole family of "monsters" on the spotlight of the whole world is the worst possible thing ever. Not really due to racism and mistreatments from Auriold, but rather, because of Western Hunters. They are always on the hunt, always searching for new preys, they all became Hunters out of lust for revenge against the monsters and they take it as their life mission to rid the world of them all, regardless of the law and alliances. Unlike the Northern Hunters, they aren't an organization, they aren't controlled, they have no rules, they are just singular individual who follow their own rules. Conny and Malcolm were just like them, before they became Demigods and now they are out, but still in touch with the most reasonable of them all, Bobby.
Weeks earlier, Bobby warned Malcolm that some of the cruelest Hunters among them, planned to capture Tristan, in order to learn on his skin, how to defeat and kill Knights of Zivhur. And Malcolm warned Carlie on the matter, though she thought that they would never dare to cause troubles in the North.
She realized how wrong she was, only the same evening as Sigurd's mess at the school. She was at home with the two sons and Jackil, when suddenly, a noise of breaking glass could be heard coming from Frerin's room. She rushed there, bursting inside the room just as Frerin was peeking outside the window what or who threw the rock that broke it. She was just in time to pull him away as a silver dart was shot from a crossbow, piercing her to the side but clearly aimed at Frerin to kill him.
Thanks to the treatment and symbol Jeremi gave to her, she is much less vulnerable to silver than Frerin would be, so the wound despite being horribly painful, won't cause her any worrying damage.
After that, Jackil went immediately out to catch the Hunter, Gordon, and after defeating him, delivered him to the Royal Guards, sueing him for attempted murdering of their son.

Despite the tragedy was avoided, it really worsened things big time to Carlie and made her realize that they are in serious danger. It also terrified her, thinking that it's possible that the Hunter seriously took Tristan and maybe managed to kill him. The doubt started to kill her.

She cried floods, literally, but the next morning, she woke up extremely determined:
1 Put the boys to safety;
2 Find out what happened to Tristan;
3 Erase Hunters from the world if they killed him.
That morning, she looks totally angry and cold, like she was never seen before. She is angry to Frerin almost even more than she is to Sigurd, since she knows Frerin knew and kept the information from them.
Anyhow, she waits in the dining room to be joined by the rest of the family, intending to give orders to each. -Let's say Thorin is there too?-
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1 | 16 Comments | by Crow | Sep 22nd 2016 12:31


Name: Katherine Elizabeth brown
Nickname: Kat, Kate
Age: 22
Gender: female
Appearance: long black hair and pink eyes
Family: not Royal
Family members: brother
Species: Angel, demon and fox
Likes: fighting, weapons and winning
Dislikes: losing, chains, being captured and being locked up
Favorite color/ colors: black
Skills: fighting blindfolded
Friends: Unknown
Pets: none
Thinks about herself: great fighting, and strong
About her: she is always in her human form unless she needs to be in one of her other form. She doesn't have strong control on all her abilities.
Bio: She grew up with just her brother and an queen raised her and her brother. The queen had her and her son and also her brother be tought how to fight and other things. They were all tought by great warriors and fighters. She now helps guard the prince while fighting wars and fighting other kingdoms. She got captured multiple times but she has always found an way out of where she was locked up.
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0 | 0 Comments | by FallenRose | Sep 21st 2016 21:09

Alex Woods

General info~

First name: Alex
Middle name: Hope
Last name: Woods
Name Meaning:
Title (Mrs, Ms, Mr, etc…): Miss
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: N/a
Species: Ram, elf, demon, Angel, and vampire
Occupation: N/a
Loves: N/a
Likes: blood, killing, hugs, fighting and winning
Dislikes: strangers, people watching her, losing, being locked up and chains
Hates: N/a
His/her song:
About her/him: She is usually in her human form. Sometimes she tends to hide her true intentions from people.
Bio: She grew up with her brother and sister. She learned how to use weapons and learned how to control her abilities and also forms. Her mother and father died from being defeated by a different kingdom. She was captured by the kingdom and was forced to live in the kingdom or else her siblings would be killed along with other people. She had to have a guard around her at all times or one of the princes. She helps the kingdom out even though she hates the kingdom sometimes.


Elementary School: none
Middle School: none
High School: none
Colleges: none
School? Homeschool
Graduated? Yes
Degree? N/a
Learning Type:


strength: 5-9/10
speed: 7/10
intelligence: 8/10
powers: N/a


Hometown: N/a
Current Residence: N/a


Date of birth: Noveber 10
Place of birth: N/a
Zodiac sign: Scoprio


Weaknesses: Her family and friends
Fears: being locked up in chains in a dark room for days
Skills: fighting with her hands cuffed
Good habits: N/a
Bad habits: Drinking at times
Reputation: N/a


Food(s): Eggs
Color(s): black, blue, red and purple
Weapon(s): N/a
Music genre(s): N/a
Animal(s): Tigers and wolves
Book genre(s): Mystery
Season(s): Fall
Time of the day: Evening
Clothing: Dresses
Subject(s): Math
Number(s): 13
Word(s): Love
Quotation(s): N/a
Movie(s): none
Drink(s): Orange juice
Mythological Creature(s)
Place(s): the forest
Flavor(s): strawberry

Least favorite~

Food(s): sausage
Color(s): yellow
Weapon(s): N/a
Music genre(s): N/a
Animal(s): Turtle
Book genre(s): N/a
Season(s): Winter
Time of the day: Morning
Clothing: Very long skirts
Subject(s): science
Number(s): 2
Word(s): Couple
Quotation(s): N/a
Drink(s): N/a
Place(s): The castle
Flavor(s): Choclate


Royal: Yes
Mother: N/a
Father: N/a
Sibling(s): Brother and sister
Best Friend(s): Jack, Elizabeth and Chase
Rival(s): N/a
Enemie(s): N/a


Disorder/disorders: Depression and anxiety
Mental health: N/a


hair color: Pink
Hair length: Short
eye color: Red
Skin color: Pale
height: 5’ 3”
weight: 100
body shape: hour glass
moles: no
freckles: no
scars: yes
Tattoos: no
Birthmarks: none
Piercing(s): no


Status: bisexual
Crushes: N/a


Pet(s): Huge tiger and TImber wolf
Name(s): Jack and Chase
Nickname(s): N/a
Gender(s): Males
Age(s): 17, 18
Appearance(s): White, Black
Personality(s): N/a

Sexual background~

Virgin? No
Sexuality? Bisexual
Raped? Yes
Turn-ons: N/a
Turn offs: N/a
Position: Sub


Take drugs? No
Smokes? No
General Health? 6/10
Hobbies? N/a
Glasses/Contacts? no
Left/Right handed? Both
Does she drink? Sometimes but she doesn't drink enough to get drunk and sometimes she is forced to drink or else something will happen to her or her friends or even family.
What happens when she disobeys the kingdom (prince's or Prince.)?
She gets locked up in chains and put in her room and locked up for days or its matters what she has done to disobey orders and sometimes the punishment can be worse than just being locked up in a room.
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0 | 0 Comments | by FallenRose | Sep 21st 2016 20:28

My rps and warning

(This is half an warning and about what usually happens in rps. Will be adding later)
There is usually a lot of death in most of my rps.
I usually rp with an forest sence or somewhere else.
There are usually always fighting in the rps or trying to kill someone.
My character personality can change during the rp over time.
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0 | 0 Comments | by FallenRose | Sep 20th 2016 23:57