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Catherine Walsh

Name: Catherine Walsh
Nickname: Boudicca
Race: Human
Height: 5 foot 10 inches
Age: 27
Personality: Determined, won't give up, and a real sweetheart outside of the job.
History: Catherine graduated top of her class in riot control during the Omnic Crisis, being granted an experimental suit of armor to keep Humans and Omnic under control and not killing each other. She uses an energy shield and a plasma cutting sword for a worst case scenario, when the danger is too high to keep herself and her guard safe. After the first year of service in the armies for riot control, she was invited to join Overwatch as a front line next to Reinhardt.

Catherine went back to her riot control work after Overwatch was dismissed, staying with and helping Mercy save people in Southern Asia.
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10 | 0 Comments | by Flabberoo | Jul 8th 2016 06:39

Assassin's Creed oc (4)

Name: Olivia Branstrom
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Swedish
Looks: Long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, light blue eyes, wears silver armor or a basic shirt and pants with brown boots
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 125 Lbs
Relationships: None
Weapon of Choice: Broadsword
Personality: A quiet and serious girl. She normally puts most of her focus into her work and doesn’t really go out and have fun a lot. But she’s not really mean or anything even though it is easy to get her angry.
Life Summary/Background: Olivia never really had friends growing up. She thought it would only become a nuisance and distract her from her training. Because of this, she doesn’t really know how to have an actual conversation with someone. There isn’t much else to say about her other than she doesn’t spend a lot of time partying, drinking, or socializing in general.
Occupation: Templar/Soldier
Universe(s): Original AC plot lines
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0 | 0 Comments | by G0lden_Eagle | Jul 8th 2016 02:52


Fili e Kili sono in un bosco vicino alle montagne azzurre, si stanno allenando e lo zio Thorin non è ancora tornato da Brea quindi non sanno niente riguardo all'avventura.
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1 | 34 Comments | by KIWII | Jul 7th 2016 17:26


Dopo essere scappata da Fëanor, lei ha trovato rifugio, ospitslità e protezione dai nani delle Montagne Azzurre, dato che Thorin ha una cotta per lei.

Lei è ancora molto scossa e spossata dal lungo viaggio di fuga e teme sempre che Fëanor possa sbucare da un angolo e portarla via.

Al momento é nella sala principale, seduta vicino al fuoco sorseggiando una tisana.
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1 | 21 Comments | by Crow | Jul 7th 2016 07:22

On the Road.

After teleporting away from Feanor and taking the horse in Bree, she ran off completely clueless on where she should go or where she was going. She knows nothing of these lands and doesn't even have a map.
She knows she wants to go to the Blue Mountains, where she was told Thorin and the Dwarves with him are staying, but she has no idea how to reach it and she knows one thing for sure: she can't stop riding for any reason, she fears Feanor like hell and she thinks he is already on her track, so she wants to exploit her advantage as much as possible.

By mere luck though, after one day of riding, she met Gandalf on her way, riding in the opposite direction, intending to go to Rivendell to accompany Fili, Balin and the Hobbits on the way to the Ered Luin as well. Though, she doesn't feel at ease to go to Rivendell among other Elves, she fears someone might direct Feanor there and all, so she claims to continue her path to the Ered Luin on her own, to reach it as soon as possible.
Gandalf naturally explains her the way and gives her a map, pointing her on a safe path that will lead her there faster and that hopefully would slow Feanor down if he was indeed after her, as it goes through many Dwarven villages and outposts, who would definitely not welcome an armed Elf and would slow him down in tens of ways.

It takes her about one week to reach the doors of the Blue Mountains and she really went as fast as possible, never taking a break if not for the horse who needed rest to survive and continue.
As she reaches the door, both her and the horse are not in the best conditions, it's clear Feanor really scared her to the point she pushed so hard.
She even falls when she dismounts, but still stands up and approaches the gate, that is being guarded of course, and one of the dwarves there is Bofur.
Of course, they don't want to let her go in so lightly, they are not even sure to which race and realm she actually belongs to. They fear she could be some sort of spy of the Elves or something like that, though the fact she keeps saying that there is a dark elf after her sounds convincing enough, also the fact she swears to know Thorin and to be there to see him.

Eventually, Bofur indeed goes to look for Thorin to tell him about the strange woman.
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1 | 34 Comments | by Crow | Jul 6th 2016 17:58

Tony Lentini [ Mafia ]


[ The police archives held a lot more about Tony Lentini than you had anticipated. ]

[ You were working on a case to stop this crime lord, but first you needed to know about him, which you finally can read his case after obtaining every file on him. ]

Tony Lentini is a horrific man who was born in Chicago on the seventh day of June in the year 1909. His father, Vincent Lentini, was a hard-working businessman who ran his own company, and had dreamed for a son to take his place as he would lead the company to greater things if something should happen to Vincent. The father already had two daughters; April, who was at that time of Tony's birth three years old, and Megan, who was at that time of their brother's birth two years old. His mother, Jane Lentini, just wanted their newborn son to grow up and accomplish things that nobody could do and change the world. Neither of them knew that Tony would grow up to change the world, but not in the visions they both had.

As a child, his parents began to see who Tony was. He was born with brown eyes, but they changed as he grew older by a few years to a darker color which made them appear to be red. His parents never could figure it out, but most people say that it just helps his eyes stand out from his short height. Tony started school as a straight A student, until he hit high school where things quickly changed. His sisters attended the same school as him, and both of them were nice, innocent children while their brother changed from a kind state to a rough, cruel state. Tony got into plenty of fights outside and inside his school, and he rarely lost. He had taught himself how to fight hand-to-hand, which was important in the fights he had. He also frequently threatened many other students, and it was until his sister, Jane, came in where he showed his true self. During an argument about Jane's current boyfriend since Tony believed the man just wanted to get into her pants, Tony decided that he would show just how he gets his way. The next day Jane's boyfriend had broken up with her, and he had done so with a broken nose, a black eye, and plenty of scraps and bruises on his body. It appeared Tony wasn't wrong that he would get his way, even if he was wrong. Despite this behavior, Tony still remained very intelligent and cunning.

As Tony somehow graduated high school in 1927, he decided to not go to college like his two sisters and go his own route. His parents wanted to know what he had planned for his life, but he never gave them an answer. One day, Tony vanished from his apartment and was never seen by his family until a few years later. However, during those years, Tony had made a name for himself. He robbed a few stores before actually using that money to demand entry into the local mafia. At first, the crime lord who was named Johnny, laughed at him until he saw the money that Tony had stolen. Despite that, Johnny planned to have Tony killed on his first day in the mafia in Chicago, but his plans went awry. The plan was that Tony would attempt to take out a few rival members with just two other mafia members, and if Tony wasn't killed then the two mafia members would kill Tony themselves. However, Tony had somehow gained skillful marksmanship from the time he took to train with firearms on his own time. The rivals were eliminated with ease, but before the two mafia members could deal with Tony, they were shot in the head by Tony himself. Afterwards, he searched their corpses and found the note which told the men to kill him, and then burned all the bodies to hide the evidence. He returned to the mafia's hideout and personally walked up to Johnny, and raised his Colt M1911A1 to pull the trigger five times. Johnny got shot three times in the chest, once in the testicles, and once in between the eyes. Afterwards, Tony titled himself the new leader, and from the way Johnny was killed and Tony escaped his death, the members agreed.

Tony returned to visit his family in 1934 when Tony was the leader of the mafia in Chicago for two years. He had been betrayed many times at the beginning when he took over, but all the traitors had been outwitted and taken care of. Now, the mafia had learned to respect their new leader, or at least most of them while the others just decided to follow along. Tony returned to find his sisters still attending college, while his parents were glad to see him. However, Tony wasn't there for a reunion. He told his parents he had a new family, and he was the leader of it all. He explained to them about all the murders he committed that were on the news, and his parents were horrified. His father asked why Tony would tell them this, and Tony had a simple answer; he wanted the money from the company -- every single dollar. His father disagreed, but Tony knew he would and then personally shot down his father and mother before him. Afterwards, he gained access to the company through his father's passwords that were hidden on him, and had some members help with blowing the vault and taking all the money the company had to offer. After that, Tony exploded the building and enjoyed watching it burn, smoking a cigarette as a grin was upon his face. Everything his father had worked for was gone - and he was happy. He didn't know why, but he never felt so alive. The world would remember Lentini forever, and nothing could stop that. History would be changed.

The year is now 1937, and Tony Lentini is now twenty eight years old. He is still the mafia leader and quite big in Chicago. Most police officials won't even dare to get close to him or talk about taking him down, because he had always found a way to escape and take them down. He is known to be bisexual, and despite his cruel and devilish nature it is believed he is submissive in a relationship. However, this is rather uncertain since he has dated nobody in his career or so it is believed. Tony is a very intelligent, cunning, skillful man with anything -- including any combat and even planning -- but his downfall is that he heavily smokes cigarettes or cigars depending on what is available. His sisters never had seen him after he first vanished, but they knew that somehow he was connected to the deaths of their parents which he obviously is. Nobody can take down Tony Lentini, or at least not yet. It is certain that Tony will be remembered in history as the crime lord that wasn't easy to take down if that is even possible.

[ After seeing this information, you decide it is best to not even try to take down his crime lord, and so you close the file and tell the chief it would be best if he found somebody else to do that assignment. ]

[[ face claim; Al Pacino ]]
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3 | 0 Comments | by Disconsolate | Jul 4th 2016 22:32


Lui dopo essere scappato dalla contea in cui ha ucciso uno hobbit e svariati orchi che gli sono capitati sulla strada per andarsene. Si sta allontanando quanto può dalla contea, un attacco degli orchi non passa inosservato, specialmente se è in una zona così lontana da Gundabad e Mordor.
Non ha riportato ferite allo scontro con gli orchi, naturalmente ma era ancora dentro quando hanno dato fuoco alla casa di Paladino quindi ha il cappuccio un po' rovinato dal fuoco. Ora si sta dirigendo lontano dalla contea è un po' amareggiato perchè Paladino non gli ha dato informazioni sul silmaril.
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1 | 30 Comments | by Aventurine_ | Jul 4th 2016 18:10

^ o.o ^

I loro genitori sono Dis, sorella di Thorin figlia di Thrain e Fremin, anche detto Flirk buon amico di Thorin. Il padre di Fili e Kili morì nella battaglia per Moria quando i due erano piccoli.
Da quel momento in poi Thorin gli feve da padre in un certo senso, li crebbe, li addestro, gli raccontò della bellezza della loro casa perduta, del giorno in cui il drago la rubò e infine gli raccontó della morte di loro padre (Nella battaglia di Nanduhirion)... ("Quando re Thrain organizzó di riconquistare Moria tu avevi 7 anni Fili e tuo fratello 2, avevo raccomandato a tuo padre di non venire, volevo che rimanesse con voi e con vostra madre. Lui mi fece credere che lo avrebbe fatto, ci salutò alla nostra partenza, non portava nemmeno l'armatura. Sinceramente mi sollevò in un primo momento l'idea che comunque fosse andata qualcuno vi avrebbe potuto addestrare e crescere come i principi che siete mi rallegro. Ma questa sensazione durò poco perché quando la guerra contro gli prchi di Moria iniziò me lo ritrovai a combattere al mio fianco... quando un orco lo colpì a morte ne rimasi distrutto ma nel colmo del mio dolore trovai il coraggio per guidare l'esercito alla vittoria. Solo che non gioimmo molto quel giorno perché i morti superavano di gran lunga il nostro cordolio")
Sin da quando erano due bimbi erano uniti e stavano sempre insieme, benché Thorin portasse quasi sempre Fili con lui, nei viaggi in cui un bambino non era di peso. Alla morte di Fremin gli ha promesso di crescere Fili come il suo successore, cosa che sarebbe stato alla morte di Thorin.
Entrambi i figli di Dis e Fremin gli ricordavano a modo loro i genitori. Fili ricordava Fremin per i suoi occhi chiari e i capelli biondi, ma se lo guardava con attenzione poteva scorgere dei particolari nel suo volto che gli ricordano molto sua sorella. Mentre invece Kili che aveva ripreso gli occhi scuri e i capelli mori da Dis era la fotocopia di suo padre per i particolari del suo volto.
Fili quando Thorin raccontava le storie su Erebor a lui e a Kili si sforzava di ricordare le vaste sale di Erebor, ma era troppo piccolo quando le vide per poterle ricordare con chiarezza. Comunque lui poteva immaginarsele meglio del fratello che è nato alle montagne azzurre senza neanche aver mai visto la sua vera casa. Ma anche se una volta aveva visto quelle enormi sale probabilmente se non fosse stato per le storie di Thorin avrebbe semplicemente dimenticato quelle immagini sfocate della dua memoria per far posto alle montagne azzurre.
Thorin li ha cresciuti in modo da prepararli al loro futuro, già da quando i due nani erano piccoli li vedeva già come due forti principi dei nani che avrebbero saputo garantire al loro nome un futuro.

6/7 mesi prima del loro arrivo a casa di Bilbo quindi dell'inizio dell'avventura Kili e Fili sono in una foresta vicino alle montagne azzurre a prendere un po' di aria fresca fuori dal buio delle stanze della montagna.
"Fili… Sbaglio o sono più alto di te?"
Misurò anche le loro altezze con la mano dalla sua testa verso quella del fratello ed effettivamente qualche centimetro di differenza c’era eccome.
Fili si voltò osservandolo anche con quel movimento della mano:
"Non lo so… Perché me lo chiedi?"
Qualcosa si fece largo nella mente di Kili, un ricordo di un gioco che gli faceva sempre Fili quando erano piccoli solo perché lui era il più piccolo.
Ma questa volta la questione era diversa perché le parti si erano invertite e Kili poté avere la sua “vendetta”:
"Chi è ora il fratello più grande?"
Allargò di più suoi occhi e allargò le mani come faceva quando voleva afferrare qualcosa e cercò di avventarsi sul fratello per fargli il suo stesso gioco dell’infanzia ma Fili lo bloccò prima. Lo aveva capito fin da subito di cosa stava parlando e lo afferrò dal collo per fargli quel gioco dato che lo desiderava tanto:
"Ah si eh?! – mentre gli muoveva la mano a pugno sulla testa scompigliandogli i capelli mori – Va bene fratellino…"
continuò mentre il fratello cercava di dimenarsi e liberarsi e poi davanti a loro sentirono un rumore sospetto che insospettì entrambi i nani fermando il loro momento di gioco:
"Hai sentito?"
sussurrò Fili al fratello tenendolo ancora in quel modo mentre guardava il bosco intorno a loro come per cercare la fonte del rumore:
"Si ho sentito… Ma se mi lasciassi forse…"
"Ah ops scusa."
Lasciandolo lo fece cadere a terra e nemmeno Kili si aspettava una mossa del genere e quando si rimise in piedi si mise schiena contro schiena a Fili e incoccando una freccia nel suo arco:
"Da che parte era secondo te ?"
chiese squadrando la foresta intorno a sé:
"Non lo so Kili ma sta attento potrebbe essere di tutto."
Con l’esperienza che entrambi avevano, veramente poteva essere qualsiasi creatura nemico o amico ma in entrambi i casi loro erano pronti e armati:
"Chi sei?... Fatti vedere !"
Impose Fili girando con il fratello da avere una migliore visione panoramica del punto in cui erano che per il momento sembravano esserci soltanto loro.
Tra foglie e alberi potevano esserci anche animali, come grandi orsi o lupi selvaggi, e uccelli in grado di fare tanto da far insospettire i due nani.
A un certo punto sentirono ancora quel rumore e videro un cespuglio alto muoversi a tratti e Kili scattò ancora:
"ECCOLO !!!"
Preparó una freccia nell’arco e stava anche per scoccarla sentirono una voce profonda che chiedeva una cosa a entrambi. Come se già sapesse che fossero due in quel bosco:
"Aspettate, aspettate… - sbuca una mano con un guanto senza dita ed era più alto dei due nani – Non sono un nemico."
I due fratelli si mettono spalla contro spalla allontanandosi verso il punto in cui sbucò un uomo vestito con una tunica completamente grigia, compreso la barba lunga e riccioluta fino a metà petto, e un cappello a punta sempre grigio che gli copriva gli occhi.
"Non sono un nemico."
Ripeté appena fu uscito dal cespuglio del bosco e i due notarono che anche lui era armato di un bastone lungo che poteva usare anche come arma, tanto i due fratelli erano armati più di lui.
Egli era alto più di Fili e Kili ma anche molto più alto degli uomini che vedono tutti i giorni nel villaggio, e quando si tolse il cappello incontrarono i suoi occhi chiari e azzurri come quelli di Fili.
Guardandolo Fili ebbe la sensazione di averlo già visto da qualche parte, quasi familiare. Lui sorrise ai due per rassicurarli e tranquillizzarli:
"Salve Fili e Kili…"
Già che conosceva i loro nomi li fece mettere ancora più in guardia ma guardando quel colore delle iridi li faceva calmare, o almeno solo Fili lo sentiva perché Kili aveva ancora la freccia puntata.
Fili abbassò di poco le armi sperando che anche l’altro avrebbe fatto lo stesso:
"Chi sei straniero, e come fai a conoscere i nostri nomi?"
Il vecchio non abbandonò il sorriso caldo e continuò a parlare:
"So i vostri nomi perché conosco sia vostro zio che vostro padre, Flik."
Sentendolo nominare da quell'anziano con l’aspetto minaccioso ma anche gentile allo stesso tempo, i due nani rabbrividirono al ricordo del genitore, anche se scomparso da tempo, ma grazie a lui Fili ebbe un flash:
"Aspetta, io ti ho già visto… Tu sei quello che alla festa di capodanno porta i fuochi d’artificio…"
Kili si volta a guardare Fili.
"Stai scherzando spero ?!"
anche Fili si volta a guardare Kili:
"Sì, non lo ricordi ? Eppure non è passato tanto da capodanno... "
si rivolta con uno sguardo sospetto verso l’uomo:
"Che ci fai qui, straniero?"
Al signore grigio non sembrò dar fastidio essere stato chiamato per due volte consecutive “straniero”, forse per abitudine e infatti non si scompose:
"Se abbassate le armi sarò molto più contento nel parlarvi."
nello stesso istante in cui i fratelli abbassarono le armi lui si liberò del cappello a punta rivelandosi un po’ più basso di quel che sembrava e sembrava anche meno minaccioso.
"Sapete una cosa, ragazzi? È da tanto tempo che desideravo parlare con voi e ho aspettato a lungo e credo che sappiate cosa sto per proporvi… Ma prima lasciate che mi presenti. Io mi chiamo Gandalf il Gandalf."
Kili lo guardò strano, come se volesse prenderlo in giro perché era vestito di quel colore o perché si chiamasse veramente così. Decise di rimanere stranamente in silenzio.
"Salve Gandalf, - salutò Fili – ci saremo presentati comunque ma tu ci hai preceduto."
I due non sapevano cos’avesse in mente quel Gandalf e anche per il fatto che conosceva il padre e di sicuro lo zio, nessuno tra le persone che entravano e uscivano dal villaggio, passavano tutte da Thorin, e di sicuro anche lui.
"Io non so se vostro zio vi ha parlato di me, ma a quanto pare no per via dell'accoglienza."
Il tono era calmo, una strana calma, che fece un po' ribrezzo ai due fratelli, ed erano ancora armati. Gandalf raccontò loro quello che già sapevano di loro zio, ovvero, l'impresa per riprendersi Erebor.
C'erano grandi differenze tra spedizioni e imprese.
Le spedizioni venivano fatte con i nani padri, aiutanti, e dai nani bambini per fargli esplorare i boschi e le montagne che circondavano il villaggio, e, a mano a mano, che i nani screscevano, questi viaggi li facevano con i figli.
Le imprese, invece, venivano fatte da nani adulti e esperti in qualcosa, per viaggiare molto lontani da casa, per molti giorni, anche mesi a volte,
Esse erano pericolose e insidiose perchè ci si basava solo sulle regole di sopravvivenza e bisognava stare attenti ai nemici che si potevano incontrare per la via. Gli orchi purtoppo non mancavano mai.
Confessò anche che sapeva dei vari talenti dei due fratelli, in cuor suo Kili si sentiva lusingato che il mago non avesse nulla in contrario contro gli archi, i nani che li usano, e cambiò anche postura assumento una posa più formale.
E qui si vide la differenza di altezza di cui ne parlava prima Kili.
Avvertì inoltre che aveva incontrato Thorin parecchi mesi prima nei pressi di Brea e che lo ha convinto di intraprendere questo viaggio, anche perchè ha parlato anche con altri nani del loro villaggio, quelli più anziani e in grado di capire, tramite alcuni segnali, che un'impresa andava fatta o meno.
Solo quando ebbe una completa risposta positiva decise di cercarli finchè la loro madre lo avvertì che erano in queste zone.
"Tu ci stai dicendo che, noi due dobbiamo affrontare questo viaggio?"
Al povero Fili tremavano le mani al solo pensiero.
Proprio in quel momento ne stava parlando con Kili ed ecco spuntare dal nulla quel mago avvertendoli che era possibile tornare alla montagna.
In cuor suo un po' sentì che aveva paura, si sentiva ancora più piccolo di quel che era.
Poteva essere l'impresa più pericolosa della sua vita oppure quell'occasione che aspettava da quando era un nano bambino dato che suo zio l'ha addestrato solo per quel momento.
Peccato solo che una persona mancava all'appello già da molto tempo ormai, già stava in ansia ma riusci a non darlo a vedere.
Kili invece non poteva crederci che stesse succedendo sul serio, sentiva una spacie di adrenalina scorrergli nelle vene e sorrise al mago.
Alla domanda del principe Gandalf il grigio annuì e sorrise per rassicurarli entrambi:
"Certamente Fili, figlio di Filk, il momento è quasi giunto, e voi... - si alzò dal masso in cui si era seduto - Ne farete parte in quanto nipoti di Thorin Scudodiquercia."
I fratelli si guardarono per pochi attimi e poi insieme riguardarono il mago vestito di grigio, alto quasi quanto un albero che si avvicinava al punto in cui era sbucato.
"Per ora ci salutiamo. Preparatevi nani..."
E se ne andò.
Loro pensarono a quelle sue parole per tutto il tempo prima del viaggio.
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1 | 0 Comments | by KIWII | Jul 4th 2016 12:37

Lost in Ered Luin.

Cercando Carlie lui si spinge piuttosto lontano da Gran Burrone, senza davvero considerare i luoghi in cui si addentra. Non è un Elfo qualunque, lui non ha paura, in combattimento è una vera e propria bestia, ha combattuto gli eserciti di Morgoth -e degli Elfi- per secoli, è stato prigioniero ad Angband, ha combattuto in ogni guerra contro Morgoth ed è sopravvisuto. Soltanto sè stesso ha potuto prendere la sua vita in tutti quei secoli di lotte, e tornato dalle Halls of Mandos di sicuro non è cambiato, ed ha di certo ancora meno intenzione di tornarci presto.

Al momento sta galoppando molto a Nord, ha quasi raggiunto le Montagne Azzurre in effetti.
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1 | 86 Comments | by Tighnari | Jul 3rd 2016 12:14


Dopo essersi riempito le tasche con i soldi rubati agli elfi uccisi che sono andati a sfidarlo. E naturalmente dopo aver fatto il pieno di armi elfiche come si deve, e aver trovato una buona armatura, sempre elfica rubata a qualche elfo morto. (L'armatura proviene da Lothlorièn, le armi sono molto varie, ha preso tutte quelle che poteva avere con sé)
Fatto questo decide di andare a visitare questo nuovo luogo detto la Contea, dove si mormora che sia stato trovato un silmarill. La sua intenzione è di sapere tutto riguardo a queste voci che corrono.

Lui parte da Minas Tirith e si avventura nel nuovo mondo, al momento è nei pressi di Rohan. (O dove volete che sia, basta che imcontra qualcuno :-D)
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1 | 35 Comments | by Aventurine_ | Jul 2nd 2016 06:29

Caranthir Morofinwë Fëanorion returns.

After thousands of years in the Halls of Mandos he got released.
He finds himself in the centre of the ruins of Osgiliath, when he wakes up he feels rather weird. The place is calm for now, no Orcs attacking and the human soldiers are resting a little.
This gives him the chance to steal a few weapons and also some decent piece of armor. He heads to Minas Tirith with the only attempt to spread the voice that Caranthir Feanorion has returned, that because he wants to kill all the remaining enemies of his family - he is one of the most bloody elves ever - so he thinks that this way people will come to fight him and he will be able to kill them all.
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2 | 0 Comments | by Aventurine_ | Jul 1st 2016 13:24


In last weeks he was in Nortrig for helping his friend Kyng to fight in the war. (He goes because Kyng saved his life 1 year ago).
Now the problem is that he can't tell to the other dwarves of his adventure because they can't understand. Portals, a different world, strange eternal people, it's too complicated.
"So what do I tell the other dwarves?" He thinks before to take the portal to the middle earth.
Returned in the middle earth he goes to the Eredluin Montains, Kili while Fili was away says to Thorin this words "He didn't tell me his plans but he said that won't stay away for long time."

Now he is in his room and he is thinking a story to tell to Thorin.
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1 | 35 Comments | by KIWII | Jul 1st 2016 08:57


Alla fine della guerra a Nortrig lui ha trovato uni stregone, che ha pagato perché gli facesse un portale per la terra di mezzo. Naturalmente si è preparato a ripartire dopo i festeggiamenti per la vittoria, sarebbe potuto rimanere ad aiutarli nel ricostruire le città, ma il fatto è che non voleva, poiché a casa sua lo aspettava suo fratello. E sa bene che da lì a poco si sarebbero immersi in un'avventura. Un'avventura per realizzare il loro più grande sogno, andare a Erebor, riconquistata e uccidere il drago. Finalmente Erebor non era più solo una storiella che lo zio gli raccontava quando era piccolo, quella storia cominciava a concretizzarsi.
Arrivato ad Arda corre subito a chidere novità su tutto, organizza un incontro con dei suoi amici e lui e suo fratello vanno insieme.
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1 | 46 Comments | by KIWII | Jun 30th 2016 17:50


She is in total panic right now. She can't find Tomiel anywhere and it is simply absurd, because Tomiel never goes anywhere on her own, especially without asking.
Jackil left that early morning for another 3-days shift of surgeries at the Royal Palace and Tomiel was left to Carlie's attention. Which makes her even more panicked, as it was her responsibility.

She asks almost everybody, first of all Ramsay, that has no clue and he too starts to search for her all over the area.
She has no guts to ask people like Ezekiel or to ask for Sao's or any hunter's help, so she keeps searching until a woman tells her she saw a blonde girl being pushed by mistake into a portal that was taken by some weird people with pointy ears, together with the Draenei and Kyng Riddle.

She goes in even more panic as she has no clue where they could have gone, and she can't contact Kyng or Althus from another world.
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1 | 138 Comments | by Crow | Jun 30th 2016 12:18

Maedhros' Return.

Maedhros, among his close relatives, was the first to be released from the Halls of Mandos. It is unknown to him why, as he expected to never be allowed to see the world again, not it is clear to him why he, who was the last to die, was released before the others. Only Namo and maybe Manwë own that knowledge, all he knows is that he was released, so unexpectedly to him, that once awakened again into the world, he was completely clueless on what to do, what to seek.

While in the Halls, he isolated himself just like Fëanor did. He didn't have the heart to meet those he killed and all the souls to whom he caused so much grief. Neither he fancied to meet his brothers and even less, their father. Truth is, he avoided Fëanor out of fear, mainly. He is aware of his own actions, giving the crown to Fingolfin, fail so miserably in almost everything and killing himself in the end, causing the loss of one Silmaril forever. Even now he fears Fëanor, but doesn't expect his return.
In the Halls, he had many ages to consider his actions and all the horrible deeds he committed, but truth is, he can't recognize himself, he doesn't understand how could he be capable of such things. In the past it was the same, when on his own he always used to be calmer and less fiery than he was in the presence of his father and brothers, who somehow always manage to trigger that violent part of him with the right words.

He awakened in Middle-Earth, he is still far from welcome in Valinor, in the middle of the Forest of Fangorn, As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized that despite he spent so many centuries riding across this land, everything changed and by now, there is probably little to nothing of the world he used to know. People died, realms fell. He was alone, lost and with nothing more than his clothes.
He knew that the only option he had at that moment, even before thinking of his future, was to find someone willing to give him some information, but he also knew he had to be careful. Despite the majority of people of his times died, his name probably still echoes in the hearts of the heirs of those who fell because of his family.
He thought he had little chance to stay unnoticed anyway, at his times it was much more rare to find copper haired Elves than it is in the present, so he thought that his hair alone would give him away. Not to mention the fact he literally knew nothing and nobody. What would he say? He lost his memory?

He traveled the forest and it took him a few days to reach the end of it. Luckily, his skills might be rusty but still present so he didn't have much problems to navigate an unknown and dangerous forest.
His first plan was to head to the very first inhabited place in order to seek some information and maybe some supplies for free and considering he reached that end of the forest bordering with Rohan, he headed towards off towards Aldburg in the Eastfold, clueless on what he would find.
Though, he had a strange dose of luck on his way as he came across Gandalf, who was riding towards Isengard. Both recognized each other and the Istar stopped his horse to which the two exchanged a long and deep look. Clearly, not even him was aware of Maedhros' release and neither he trusted his possible intentions. Nothing to blame on him on that.

The first to break that stare was Maedhros, who, as a sign of his change and good will, humbly knelt in front of Gandalf, showing a dose of humbleness that he certainly lacked in his previous life.
As he hoped, his gesture was taken positively by the old Istar, who finally accepted to speak with him. He didn't have much to ask that he didn't guess as soon as he saw him. Clearly he was lost and confused and troubled. If he wasn't unarmed, he would give for granted he was going to attack a village of the Mark, but clearly it was not the case.
Anyway, Maedhros was the one to speak first, he knows nobody owes him anything in this world and due to his deed, he is pretty much in debt with half of the Elves who still live. -Still knelt- «You owe me nothing, not even this time you are wasting in my presence, Mithrandir. I've awakened in this world again but with no claimings. All I beg you to grant me, is some information to be able to survive in the new world...»
«What is it that you need to know? I will answer, where my knowledge allows me to.» Gandalf could clearly notice that broken tone in his voice and it brought him hope that he could really manage to redeem himself in this age.
«Where could I go to begin a new life, away from my past and my old self?» Truth is, he fears even now that in the specific circumstances, all his good purposes and hopes could fall into pieces, so he wanted to avoid any possible bad influence that could bring him to cause harm again.
«Beyond the Misty Mountains, what you knew as Ered Hithui, north from the gates of Khazad-dum lies Rivendell, the home of Elrond. You can still find friends among your kind, if your intention are as noble as you claim.» Gandalf knew that Elrond wouldn't deny help to Maedhros, in any case.
The Elf remained thoughtful for some time. He didn't think Elrond was still alive and it surprised him positively. He held him dear, both he and his brother Elros, which brought him to a spontaneous question. «Elros too is...?»
«No, Elros chose a different path from him brother. Where Elrond chose immortality, he chose a mortal life.» Without further questions, after some moments of silence from Maedhros, the two left each other and Maedhros started his journey towards Rivendell.

Having nothing, his travel proceeded rather slow and uncomfortable at first, until he had the luck to come across some wild horses.. He managed to capture and tame one, which sped up his journey greatly.
He went through many dangers and complications on the way, but nothing could stop him. He is still a Noldor of the Ancient type, a Fëanorian, not many like them are still left to Middle-Earth. So he of course reached Rivendell.
He didn't know what to say to Elrond nor he expected him to be happy of his return, but he was desperate and had no other choice.
Reached the palace of Elrond, he was stopped and he asked to meet with the Elven King. The guard was clearly recluctant, Maedhros refused to give any further information about him beside a fake name: Luinthamo.
At the mention of a mysterious red haired Elf, something snapped in Elrond immediately and gave him mixed feelings, fear, worry and also happiness though. He ordered to let the Elf in, and as soon as he saw him, he realized that what he first felt was true, Maedhros was back for real. And his entrance was followed by a shocked expression from Elrond and some long and heavy moments of silence. Maedhros doesn't blame Elrond for his mixed feelings about him, after all, he is the one who threatened the life of his real parents, forced them to abandon their children, exterminated all the people he and his brother knew and then raised them with Maglor.Mix of hate and love.
Again, it was Maedhros to speak first, wanting to make clear that he was claiming nothing from him. But he had nothing, no one and nowhere to go. And he said to him he was sorry. Just like that, without specify what exactly for, but by the tone he had and the expression he made, it was clear that he meant for everything. Everything he caused to him and every other Elf. Then he apologized again for what he was about to do and actually hugged him. Which was definitely a great surprise.

Afterwards, Elrond offered his total help to him and his ospitality in his palace and according to Maedhros' wish and plans, he helped him to invent a fake story for himself that could be convincing and work on anybody who could question him about his identity.
Luinthamo, nomad Sindarin half Elf who lately decided to move to Rivendell to offer his skills to his own kind. They decided to pretend he learnt his crafting skills from the Dwarves of the Ered Luin, even though it will be clear that those designes are nothing of Dwarven origin.
Elrond spoke to him about the important events of the last times, he adivsed him to pretend to be young, since it would take him whole years to study everything that happened in those long ages, to justify his ignorance towards many facts. He showed him a few maps so that he could learn the new shape of the world, the new Realms and dominions and advised him to keep all the possible distance from Mirkwood and the actual Sindar elves.

Maedhros thus moved to Rivendell and made it his home, living in Elrond's palace with him and his family while offering his skills as blacksmith to all the people of Rivendell. He is not really great at crafting jewels but he still can create good looking and shiny gems that can satisfy many common elves and humans, but what he is the best is the crafting of swords and daggers. His designs are so appreciated that many Elves come to him even just to use his creations as decorations and despite he preferred to keep a very low profile to avoid problems, his name started to spread among the Elves and many keep coming to him.
Despite the majority blindly believes he is just a skillful Sindarin, anybody with some deeper knowledge and good eye will immediately recognize that the techniques used in the process of crafting and the design are nothing a mere Sindarin could ever even copy, let alone learn from Dwarves. Clearly those are Noldor creations and nothing modern Blacksmiths could achieve nowadays.

There are currently only 3 people aware of Maedhros' return and they all swore to not share the news with anybody: Gandalf, Elrond and Arwen.
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2 | 5 Comments | by Tighnari | Jun 30th 2016 11:59