In una delle ultime pagine del diario ci sono informazioni su Alaric. Il suo nome prima era Sam e la sua famiglia contrariamente ad altre era stata buona con lui, aveva due fratelli e dei genitori che gli volevano molto bene, quando iniziò a trasformarsi come tutti gli altri mutaforma i genitori ne rimasero straniti. Ma la presero come una malattia, magari poteva essere curato quindi lo portarono da un dottore, che dal canto suo non aveva mai visto una cosa simile ma non gli sembrava una malattia anche perchè il bambino stava bene sotto ogni punto di vista.
Ritornarono a casa e impararono a convivere con questo suo essere diverso dagli altri bambini, quando compì 11 anni Jeremi andò a prenderlo, non lo trattarono molto bene quando gli disse che Sam sarebbe andato con lui però Jeremi non aveva tempo da perdere con i suoi familiari quindi gli disse semplicemente che lui era il vero padre e che se ne sarebbero fatti una ragione prima o poi, lui non poteva stare con loro, doveva stare con i suoi fratelli mutaforma. Prese il bambino e se ne andò.
Sam non era troppo contento della nuova situazione infatti gli mancavano i suoi genitori e i suoi fratelli e Jeremi non gli piaceva passava tutto il tempo a a piangere, in quel periodo Jeremi non aveva tanto cuore da far si che si abituasse gradualmente alla sua nuova vita, doveva imparare in fretta e non doveva più pensare alla sua famiglia per lui era come se fossero tutti morti ora, non li avrebbe più rivisti. Per aiutarlo nel dimenticare il passato lui ebbe l'idea di cambiargli nome, ora si chiamava Alaric Castle e doveva pensare solamente al suo futuro.
Cominciò l'addestramento e tutto sommato andava bene, Alaric aveva cominciato a collaborare e stava diventando piuttosto bravo in quello che gli insegnava Jeremi, lui cominciava persino ad essere fiero di lui, e più fiero di se stesso il suo metodo era infallibile, sii veloce se non vuoi farti male.
Erano passati 2 anni ormai e le abilità di Alaric crescevano a vista d'occhio, ma un giorno successe una cosa Jeremi per sbaglio aveva lasciato la porta della sua stanza aperta e il bambino senza nemmeno pensarci due volte era entrato a curiosare. Sulla scrivania era aperto il suo diario e lui aveva cominciato a sfogliarlo e a leggere cosa c'era scritto, anche a lui sembrava un altro ma malauguratamente per lui Jeremi si accorse della sua dimenticanza abbastanza velocemente da coglierlo sul fatto.
Jeremi era affezionato alle cose nella sua stanza, perchè molte gli ricordavano Lucyl quando lo vide seduto alla scrivania a leggere il diario non ci vide più dalla rabbia si avvicinò a lui e gli sbattè la testa contro il tavolo rompendogli il naso e quindi sporcando la pagina di sangue, in seguito lo trascinò fuori dalla stanza per i capelli chiudendo a chiave la porta dopo di lui. Era così arrabbiato che avesse letto che gli riversò contro tutta la sua rabbia picchiandolo a sangue e poi dopo aver ripreso un po' di lucidità lo chiuse nello scantinato del castello a pensare a quello che aveva fatto.
(Quando addestra uno dei figli non volendo che nessuno si intrometta lo porta in castello dove sono solo loro due, infatti quando è successo erano da soli al castello, Carlie e Bartemius non erano lì ma da un'altra parte.)
Jeremi pur essendo cattivo si pentì di quello che gli aveva fatto e quindi mandò Bartemius a rincuorarlo un po' pensando che essendo anche lui giovane e avendo anche lui affrontato l'addestramento poteva capirlo più di Crow ed essendo suo fratello maggiore comunque aiutarlo.
Da quella volta in poi Alaric non prese mai più neanche il corridoio che portava alla camera di Jeremi e comunque dopo che si è rimesso ha continuato il suo addestramento, ma comunque sempre avendo paura di quello che il padre gli aveva fatto.
Alaric appena finito l'addestramento e quindi dopo essere stato lasciato andare per la sua strada si allontanò il più possibile da Jeremi, quando fu imprigionato per lui fu come una liberazione. (Jeremi è diventato meno cattivo dopo il suo soggiorno nella cella e ripensando a tutte le cose che aveva fatto di sicuro quella era di Alaric era una delle cose di cui si pentiva di più, assieme al fatto di essersi comportato così con Crow. Non poteva dire di poterli amare perchè ormai gli risultava difficile ma comunque non avrebbe mai fatto errori del genere di nuovo.) Alla fine imparò qualcosa da quel soggiorno infatti appena uscito radunò i suoi figli e decise che per i nuovi arrivati, per quanto rude dovesse essere l'addestramento come lo era stato per gli altri non sarebbero stati da soli ma avrebbero comunque abitato insieme ai loro fratelli più grandi.
Alaric dopo 1000 anni ha imparato a farsi forza attraverso quell'esperienza ma di certo non la dimenticherà mai e nè smetterà di avere paura del padre.
(Se vuoi puoi aggiungere che cosa ha fatto Bartemius)
Ritornarono a casa e impararono a convivere con questo suo essere diverso dagli altri bambini, quando compì 11 anni Jeremi andò a prenderlo, non lo trattarono molto bene quando gli disse che Sam sarebbe andato con lui però Jeremi non aveva tempo da perdere con i suoi familiari quindi gli disse semplicemente che lui era il vero padre e che se ne sarebbero fatti una ragione prima o poi, lui non poteva stare con loro, doveva stare con i suoi fratelli mutaforma. Prese il bambino e se ne andò.
Sam non era troppo contento della nuova situazione infatti gli mancavano i suoi genitori e i suoi fratelli e Jeremi non gli piaceva passava tutto il tempo a a piangere, in quel periodo Jeremi non aveva tanto cuore da far si che si abituasse gradualmente alla sua nuova vita, doveva imparare in fretta e non doveva più pensare alla sua famiglia per lui era come se fossero tutti morti ora, non li avrebbe più rivisti. Per aiutarlo nel dimenticare il passato lui ebbe l'idea di cambiargli nome, ora si chiamava Alaric Castle e doveva pensare solamente al suo futuro.
Cominciò l'addestramento e tutto sommato andava bene, Alaric aveva cominciato a collaborare e stava diventando piuttosto bravo in quello che gli insegnava Jeremi, lui cominciava persino ad essere fiero di lui, e più fiero di se stesso il suo metodo era infallibile, sii veloce se non vuoi farti male.
Erano passati 2 anni ormai e le abilità di Alaric crescevano a vista d'occhio, ma un giorno successe una cosa Jeremi per sbaglio aveva lasciato la porta della sua stanza aperta e il bambino senza nemmeno pensarci due volte era entrato a curiosare. Sulla scrivania era aperto il suo diario e lui aveva cominciato a sfogliarlo e a leggere cosa c'era scritto, anche a lui sembrava un altro ma malauguratamente per lui Jeremi si accorse della sua dimenticanza abbastanza velocemente da coglierlo sul fatto.
Jeremi era affezionato alle cose nella sua stanza, perchè molte gli ricordavano Lucyl quando lo vide seduto alla scrivania a leggere il diario non ci vide più dalla rabbia si avvicinò a lui e gli sbattè la testa contro il tavolo rompendogli il naso e quindi sporcando la pagina di sangue, in seguito lo trascinò fuori dalla stanza per i capelli chiudendo a chiave la porta dopo di lui. Era così arrabbiato che avesse letto che gli riversò contro tutta la sua rabbia picchiandolo a sangue e poi dopo aver ripreso un po' di lucidità lo chiuse nello scantinato del castello a pensare a quello che aveva fatto.
(Quando addestra uno dei figli non volendo che nessuno si intrometta lo porta in castello dove sono solo loro due, infatti quando è successo erano da soli al castello, Carlie e Bartemius non erano lì ma da un'altra parte.)
Jeremi pur essendo cattivo si pentì di quello che gli aveva fatto e quindi mandò Bartemius a rincuorarlo un po' pensando che essendo anche lui giovane e avendo anche lui affrontato l'addestramento poteva capirlo più di Crow ed essendo suo fratello maggiore comunque aiutarlo.
Da quella volta in poi Alaric non prese mai più neanche il corridoio che portava alla camera di Jeremi e comunque dopo che si è rimesso ha continuato il suo addestramento, ma comunque sempre avendo paura di quello che il padre gli aveva fatto.
Alaric appena finito l'addestramento e quindi dopo essere stato lasciato andare per la sua strada si allontanò il più possibile da Jeremi, quando fu imprigionato per lui fu come una liberazione. (Jeremi è diventato meno cattivo dopo il suo soggiorno nella cella e ripensando a tutte le cose che aveva fatto di sicuro quella era di Alaric era una delle cose di cui si pentiva di più, assieme al fatto di essersi comportato così con Crow. Non poteva dire di poterli amare perchè ormai gli risultava difficile ma comunque non avrebbe mai fatto errori del genere di nuovo.) Alla fine imparò qualcosa da quel soggiorno infatti appena uscito radunò i suoi figli e decise che per i nuovi arrivati, per quanto rude dovesse essere l'addestramento come lo era stato per gli altri non sarebbero stati da soli ma avrebbero comunque abitato insieme ai loro fratelli più grandi.
Alaric dopo 1000 anni ha imparato a farsi forza attraverso quell'esperienza ma di certo non la dimenticherà mai e nè smetterà di avere paura del padre.
(Se vuoi puoi aggiungere che cosa ha fatto Bartemius)
The zendols
Appearance: feline creatures with large pointed ears. Zendols have various patterns and colors such as Brown, white, grey, black, Orange, and tan. They have long tails that split into two at the end and more often then not Zendols have very broad paws and sharp claws. Though they dont have claws on their hind feet. But not all Zendols are like this. Some have small paws with short pin-prick claws. Zendols also have slit eyes that are very sensitive to sunlight. They also have long whiskers that are esential for balance.
Lifespan: Zendols dont usually live for more then ten years. By the age of three years they are considered fully grown.
Culture: they live in clan-like groups in burrows scattered just about anywhere. they follow the lead of the dominate zendol. These creatures go on raw instinct, hunt, kill, sleep, breed, protect. Though Zendols mostly keep to themselves they are extremely loyal to their kin. They also strongly believe in the 'febud' which in the common language translates to 'challenge'. It is a birth right of any zendol to challenge the leader of the clan for the title or to challenge any other zendol to settle a disagreement. A febud is a right to the death between two zendols. It is a taboo to interfere and anybody who does is killed as punishment.
Diet: zendols eat mostly raw meat such as that of feild hoppers (a creature very similar to a rabbit)
History: Zendols were once told about to human children as fairy tales. Though the stories were true. They told of the beasts evolving from normal house cats who had arrayed onto the cursed lands of the fey's kingdom. Zendol was the name of first feline to find it's paws on the lands of the fey folk. The fey's queen spoke a spell that turnned the small cat into a large preditor. Ever since the rest of the kind have been called Zendols
Strengths: Zendols are very swift and agile and have an advanced sense of smell. They also have very good night vision.
Weaknesses: though they have good night vision they are blind in bright lights and they aren't very good at moving around unfamiliar territory. And are very easily distracted by loud noises and fowl scents.
Fears: Zendols are normally brave but they are not fearless. They are afraid of eel or snake-like creatures that slither and hiss.
Lifespan: Zendols dont usually live for more then ten years. By the age of three years they are considered fully grown.
Culture: they live in clan-like groups in burrows scattered just about anywhere. they follow the lead of the dominate zendol. These creatures go on raw instinct, hunt, kill, sleep, breed, protect. Though Zendols mostly keep to themselves they are extremely loyal to their kin. They also strongly believe in the 'febud' which in the common language translates to 'challenge'. It is a birth right of any zendol to challenge the leader of the clan for the title or to challenge any other zendol to settle a disagreement. A febud is a right to the death between two zendols. It is a taboo to interfere and anybody who does is killed as punishment.
Diet: zendols eat mostly raw meat such as that of feild hoppers (a creature very similar to a rabbit)
History: Zendols were once told about to human children as fairy tales. Though the stories were true. They told of the beasts evolving from normal house cats who had arrayed onto the cursed lands of the fey's kingdom. Zendol was the name of first feline to find it's paws on the lands of the fey folk. The fey's queen spoke a spell that turnned the small cat into a large preditor. Ever since the rest of the kind have been called Zendols
Strengths: Zendols are very swift and agile and have an advanced sense of smell. They also have very good night vision.
Weaknesses: though they have good night vision they are blind in bright lights and they aren't very good at moving around unfamiliar territory. And are very easily distracted by loud noises and fowl scents.
Fears: Zendols are normally brave but they are not fearless. They are afraid of eel or snake-like creatures that slither and hiss.
Sad remembers...
Quando era un giovane auriold lui usava tenere un diario, perchè lui sapendo della sua vita eterna pensò che sarebbe stato carino tenere i ricordi preziosi sempre vividi nella sua memoria e i brutti ricordi per non ripeterli più.
Con l'avanzare dell'età e l'aumento dell'odio nel suo cuore perse interesse nello scrivere e quei diari (7) che ormai erano memoria di tempi troppo dolorosi da ricordare vennero perduti, li bruciò tutti.
Bhè tutti tranne uno, uno che lui non avrebbe mai potuto sopportare di perdere, quando scrisse questo diario aveva all'incirca vent'anni e in quel diario è narrato come lui e Lucyl si incontrarono. Cosa provò la prima volta che la vide e nelle volte a seguire, come infine conquistò il suo cuore, e arriva fino al punto in cui l'odio lo avvolse, il diario termina con le parole: "Ora che il mio cuore è spezzato non amerò mai più come una volta e credo che sia meglio per mio figlio Crow se io sono il meno presente possibile nella sua vita..."
Questo diario contiene anche foto di lui e Lucyl, e decrive abbastanza accuratamente i fatti accaduti in quel passato così lontano, lui lo porta sempre con sè e mai lo farebbe leggere a qualcuno, lui non vuole essere compatito da nessuno.
Da quando Jeremi è arrivato a Mirkwood Celduin ha sempre provato un senso di tristezza e curiosità verso di lui, pur non conoscendolo... Ed è proprio la sua curiosità che lo spinge ad andare in camera di Jeremi e di prendergli il diario dalla giacca mentre dorme.
Dopo averlo preso si siede un attimo per terra e guarda e fotografie all'interno, non sapendo leggere va da Carlie e dandole il diario in mano le dice, °Mi leggi questo libro perfavore? Ho visto le immagini ma non ci ho capito molto.°
Con l'avanzare dell'età e l'aumento dell'odio nel suo cuore perse interesse nello scrivere e quei diari (7) che ormai erano memoria di tempi troppo dolorosi da ricordare vennero perduti, li bruciò tutti.
Bhè tutti tranne uno, uno che lui non avrebbe mai potuto sopportare di perdere, quando scrisse questo diario aveva all'incirca vent'anni e in quel diario è narrato come lui e Lucyl si incontrarono. Cosa provò la prima volta che la vide e nelle volte a seguire, come infine conquistò il suo cuore, e arriva fino al punto in cui l'odio lo avvolse, il diario termina con le parole: "Ora che il mio cuore è spezzato non amerò mai più come una volta e credo che sia meglio per mio figlio Crow se io sono il meno presente possibile nella sua vita..."
Questo diario contiene anche foto di lui e Lucyl, e decrive abbastanza accuratamente i fatti accaduti in quel passato così lontano, lui lo porta sempre con sè e mai lo farebbe leggere a qualcuno, lui non vuole essere compatito da nessuno.
Da quando Jeremi è arrivato a Mirkwood Celduin ha sempre provato un senso di tristezza e curiosità verso di lui, pur non conoscendolo... Ed è proprio la sua curiosità che lo spinge ad andare in camera di Jeremi e di prendergli il diario dalla giacca mentre dorme.
Dopo averlo preso si siede un attimo per terra e guarda e fotografie all'interno, non sapendo leggere va da Carlie e dandole il diario in mano le dice, °Mi leggi questo libro perfavore? Ho visto le immagini ma non ci ho capito molto.°
La maledizione dell`argento.
La Collana "Rebecca" che simboleggia l`unione di due anime gemelle, al centro ci sono le iniziali di J&L (Jeremi e Lucyl).
È stata forgiata in argento dallo stesso Jeremi la ha donata a Lucyl il giorno del loro matrimonio, appunto come segno del legame eterno del loro amore. A quel tempo loro erano giovani, ingenui e innamorati, si sono sposati molto prima che lui diventasse l`Alfa degli shifter, prima era un uomo buono e con un`anima generosa.
E a quei tempi rappresentava il loro amore puro e la felicità che li univa, Lucyl portava il magnifico ciondolo con orgoglio e quell`argento diventò per lei l`oggetto più importante della sua vita, lo indossava con orgoglio.
Però dopo del tempo tutto questo cambiò, o meglio qualcosa si ruppe in lui, con la morte della madre e del fratellino per via dei vecchi creditori del defunto padre (Perché non essendo abbastanza ricchi per pagarli gli avevano dato un po` di soldi alla volta, ma questo ad un certo punto non gli bastò più e allora si vendicarono su di loro).
La parte del suo cuore che era riservata all`amore per i suoi familiari si trasformò in odio, odio per coloro che glieli avevano portati via. Decise che sarebbe dovuto uscire da quella situazione, che non avrebbe rischiato la vita di sua moglie.
Andò in un tempio di Kesst e raccontò la sua triste storia, non tralasciando le parti riguardanti la sua vendetta e l`odio che aveva nel cuore, chiese di essere forte, più di ogni altro, e di essere immune a qualsiasi cosa.
Kesst acconsentì alla sua richiesta e lo trasformò in qualcosa che non c`era mai stato, uno shifter, che come aveva chiesto era immune ad ogni forma di malattia e ad ogni tipo di morte. Sul suo corpo comparvero degli strani simboli e così lui capì che qualcosa era cambiato in lui ora poteva vendicarsi e proteggere sua moglie.
Raggiunse i creditori e riversò su di loro
tutto l`odio che aveva nel cuore, li massacró senza pietà e poi tornò alla sua vita di tutti i giorni. Lucyl rimase incinta e sembrava che il passato fosse solo un brutto ricordo. A quei tempi non era neanche malato di ricchezza perché il suo cuore era ricolmo d`amore per Lucyl e quel che avevano gli bastava, non pensava di usare le sue abilità per derubare la gente. Credeva che quello che aveva fatto sarebbe rimasto nel passato.
Ma è proprio quando meno te lo aspetti che il passato torna a bussare alla tua porta, e non è sempre una cosa piacevole.
A sconvolgere la loro felicità fu proprio il figlio di uno dei suoi vecchi creditori, lì osservò per mesi e controlló con accuratezza il periodo perfetto per intrufolarsi in casa e compiere il suo piano.
Jeremi era andato a lavorare i campi come ogni giorno, di solito Lucyl andava con lui e piantavano le piante insieme ma negli ultimi tempi dato che la gravidanza di lei andava avanti lui pensava che fosse meglio che lei riposasse. Questo faceva si che avesse il doppio del lavoro da fare, ma non gli pesava affatto farlo per la sua famiglia.
Comunque, Lucyl stava dormendo e mentre lei dormiva l`uomo per vendicarsi la avvelenó, ma quel particolare veleno non la avrebbe uccisa. Sarebbe stato troppo facile se lei fosse morta e basta, il veleno le portò un`enorme sofferenza durante la gravidanza e quando Carlie nacque il veleno fece in modo che Lucyl dormisse per l'eternità.
E se il cuore di Jeremi non era ancora guarito dalla morte di suo fratello e di sua madre, sapere che Lucyl non sarebbe tornata da lui, fece sì che cominciasse ad odiare se stesso per tutte le scelte che aveva fatto. Perché aveva il tormento che ogni singola scelta che avesse fatto la avesse portata a questo, a dormire per sempre.
Negli anni a seguire il suo cuore diventò nero d`odio e con uno scatto di ira distrusse tutto il villaggio in cui abitavano lui Lucyl, e ora Carlie e il fatto di aver dovuto seppellire uno dei suoi figli non lo aiutò. Diede fuoco al villaggio e nella sua sofferenza si buttò anch'esso nel fuoco, solo che lui non bruciò, il fuoco non poteva ucciderlo, niente poteva prese la figlia che il fuoco non aveva toccato e andò via dal villaggio.
Negli anni dell'infanzia di Carlie lui diventò sempre più ricco costruendo perfino un castello dove tenere Lucyl nel suo lungo sonno e dove poteva andare per stare da solo e odiarsi al solo guardarla per quello che le aveva fatto.
In seguito si venne a sapere che la sorella di Lucyl era sopravvissuta alle fiamme che lui aveva appiccato al villaggio e come vendetta la ragazza, che era una strega maledisse la collana che ormai Jeremi indossava per ricordare sempre quello che era successo. La collana che da prima era simbolo del loro amore ora era il simbolo del suo odio verso il mondo, lei maledisse lui e tutti i suoi figli facendo si che la nuova specie perfetta di Nortrig avesse una debolezza.
Da quel giorno in poi il ciondolo cominciò a bruciargli un dolore che non avvertiva sul corpo da anni ormai, del dolore fisico, la sorella convinta che potesse ucciderlo lo affrontò in un duello ma anche se si era forgiata una spada d'argento questa non provocò nessun effetto su Jeremi e lui la uccise. Solo i suoi figli periscono all'argento, l'unica cosa che lo fa star male è il ciondolo che prima apparteneva a Lucyl perchè rappresentava qualcosa di puro per lui che ora era svampato.
Quando Carlie aveva all'incirca 10 anni loro erano già ricchi e vivevano in un maestoso castello, lui non fu molto buono come padre con lei perchè con la sofferenza che già doveva portare Jeremi non poteva permettersi di amare di nuovo così profondamente qualcuno.
Cominciò a diffondere la propria stirpe insegnando ai suoi figli tutto sui loro poteri e stabilendo delle regole prendendoli a vivere con sè e con il tempo Jeremi costrui sempre più castelli per accogliere la sua progenie, castelli sparsi in tutto il mondo.
Ma pur essendo ricco e pur essendo circondato da suoi figli lui ripensando al suo grande amore ancora soffre e rammenta la sua sofferenza con il ciondolo che gli rode il cuore. E non disse mai alla figlia di Lucyl cosa era davvero successo mantenne per sè quel segreto.
In seguito scoprì che marchiando i suoi figli con quell'argento maledetto che portava al collo li rendeva più resistenti all'argento ma li marchiava solo dopo una certa età perchè altrimenti poteva essere pericoloso.
È stata forgiata in argento dallo stesso Jeremi la ha donata a Lucyl il giorno del loro matrimonio, appunto come segno del legame eterno del loro amore. A quel tempo loro erano giovani, ingenui e innamorati, si sono sposati molto prima che lui diventasse l`Alfa degli shifter, prima era un uomo buono e con un`anima generosa.
E a quei tempi rappresentava il loro amore puro e la felicità che li univa, Lucyl portava il magnifico ciondolo con orgoglio e quell`argento diventò per lei l`oggetto più importante della sua vita, lo indossava con orgoglio.
Però dopo del tempo tutto questo cambiò, o meglio qualcosa si ruppe in lui, con la morte della madre e del fratellino per via dei vecchi creditori del defunto padre (Perché non essendo abbastanza ricchi per pagarli gli avevano dato un po` di soldi alla volta, ma questo ad un certo punto non gli bastò più e allora si vendicarono su di loro).
La parte del suo cuore che era riservata all`amore per i suoi familiari si trasformò in odio, odio per coloro che glieli avevano portati via. Decise che sarebbe dovuto uscire da quella situazione, che non avrebbe rischiato la vita di sua moglie.
Andò in un tempio di Kesst e raccontò la sua triste storia, non tralasciando le parti riguardanti la sua vendetta e l`odio che aveva nel cuore, chiese di essere forte, più di ogni altro, e di essere immune a qualsiasi cosa.
Kesst acconsentì alla sua richiesta e lo trasformò in qualcosa che non c`era mai stato, uno shifter, che come aveva chiesto era immune ad ogni forma di malattia e ad ogni tipo di morte. Sul suo corpo comparvero degli strani simboli e così lui capì che qualcosa era cambiato in lui ora poteva vendicarsi e proteggere sua moglie.
Raggiunse i creditori e riversò su di loro
tutto l`odio che aveva nel cuore, li massacró senza pietà e poi tornò alla sua vita di tutti i giorni. Lucyl rimase incinta e sembrava che il passato fosse solo un brutto ricordo. A quei tempi non era neanche malato di ricchezza perché il suo cuore era ricolmo d`amore per Lucyl e quel che avevano gli bastava, non pensava di usare le sue abilità per derubare la gente. Credeva che quello che aveva fatto sarebbe rimasto nel passato.
Ma è proprio quando meno te lo aspetti che il passato torna a bussare alla tua porta, e non è sempre una cosa piacevole.
A sconvolgere la loro felicità fu proprio il figlio di uno dei suoi vecchi creditori, lì osservò per mesi e controlló con accuratezza il periodo perfetto per intrufolarsi in casa e compiere il suo piano.
Jeremi era andato a lavorare i campi come ogni giorno, di solito Lucyl andava con lui e piantavano le piante insieme ma negli ultimi tempi dato che la gravidanza di lei andava avanti lui pensava che fosse meglio che lei riposasse. Questo faceva si che avesse il doppio del lavoro da fare, ma non gli pesava affatto farlo per la sua famiglia.
Comunque, Lucyl stava dormendo e mentre lei dormiva l`uomo per vendicarsi la avvelenó, ma quel particolare veleno non la avrebbe uccisa. Sarebbe stato troppo facile se lei fosse morta e basta, il veleno le portò un`enorme sofferenza durante la gravidanza e quando Carlie nacque il veleno fece in modo che Lucyl dormisse per l'eternità.
E se il cuore di Jeremi non era ancora guarito dalla morte di suo fratello e di sua madre, sapere che Lucyl non sarebbe tornata da lui, fece sì che cominciasse ad odiare se stesso per tutte le scelte che aveva fatto. Perché aveva il tormento che ogni singola scelta che avesse fatto la avesse portata a questo, a dormire per sempre.
Negli anni a seguire il suo cuore diventò nero d`odio e con uno scatto di ira distrusse tutto il villaggio in cui abitavano lui Lucyl, e ora Carlie e il fatto di aver dovuto seppellire uno dei suoi figli non lo aiutò. Diede fuoco al villaggio e nella sua sofferenza si buttò anch'esso nel fuoco, solo che lui non bruciò, il fuoco non poteva ucciderlo, niente poteva prese la figlia che il fuoco non aveva toccato e andò via dal villaggio.
Negli anni dell'infanzia di Carlie lui diventò sempre più ricco costruendo perfino un castello dove tenere Lucyl nel suo lungo sonno e dove poteva andare per stare da solo e odiarsi al solo guardarla per quello che le aveva fatto.
In seguito si venne a sapere che la sorella di Lucyl era sopravvissuta alle fiamme che lui aveva appiccato al villaggio e come vendetta la ragazza, che era una strega maledisse la collana che ormai Jeremi indossava per ricordare sempre quello che era successo. La collana che da prima era simbolo del loro amore ora era il simbolo del suo odio verso il mondo, lei maledisse lui e tutti i suoi figli facendo si che la nuova specie perfetta di Nortrig avesse una debolezza.
Da quel giorno in poi il ciondolo cominciò a bruciargli un dolore che non avvertiva sul corpo da anni ormai, del dolore fisico, la sorella convinta che potesse ucciderlo lo affrontò in un duello ma anche se si era forgiata una spada d'argento questa non provocò nessun effetto su Jeremi e lui la uccise. Solo i suoi figli periscono all'argento, l'unica cosa che lo fa star male è il ciondolo che prima apparteneva a Lucyl perchè rappresentava qualcosa di puro per lui che ora era svampato.
Quando Carlie aveva all'incirca 10 anni loro erano già ricchi e vivevano in un maestoso castello, lui non fu molto buono come padre con lei perchè con la sofferenza che già doveva portare Jeremi non poteva permettersi di amare di nuovo così profondamente qualcuno.
Cominciò a diffondere la propria stirpe insegnando ai suoi figli tutto sui loro poteri e stabilendo delle regole prendendoli a vivere con sè e con il tempo Jeremi costrui sempre più castelli per accogliere la sua progenie, castelli sparsi in tutto il mondo.
Ma pur essendo ricco e pur essendo circondato da suoi figli lui ripensando al suo grande amore ancora soffre e rammenta la sua sofferenza con il ciondolo che gli rode il cuore. E non disse mai alla figlia di Lucyl cosa era davvero successo mantenne per sè quel segreto.
In seguito scoprì che marchiando i suoi figli con quell'argento maledetto che portava al collo li rendeva più resistenti all'argento ma li marchiava solo dopo una certa età perchè altrimenti poteva essere pericoloso.
☆ Beware my power ☆
"And When You Bleed, You Bleed Green."
Name: Harold “Hal” Jordan
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Date & Place of Birth: February 20, 1974 Coast City, California
Alias: Green Lantern, Highball, formerly the Spectre, formerly Parallax
Occupation: Green Lantern of Sector 2814, Test Pilot, various others
Affiliations: Green Lantern Corps., JLA (founding member)
Base of Operations: Coast City
Location: Coast City (Earth), Oa, Mogo, etc.
⋆ Jordan Family ⋆
Father: Martin Jordan -- Deceased
Mother: Jessica Jordan -- Deaceased
Brothers: Jack and Jim Jordan
✧ Relationship Status ✧
Taken By: Barry Allen @Flash ♥
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
✷ Personality ✷
✈ Hal has a flawed sense of self preservation. Despite him being a flirt, Hal struggles with relationships. Often times the person Hal is with ends up leaving him due to who he is. Making him think he's not worth it. Arrogant and headstrong, Hal has often done life threatening things in the past to save others. Even if it means giving up his own life, Hal will put his mission before himself to protect the galaxy. Not just his Sector or the people he cares about most. Lastly, Hal is a very smart and experienced person despite the clumsy moments he has. This is due to his intelligence hiding behind playful arrogance. Despite this, Hal does show leadership qualities among his team members. In which he will lead them into battle at times.
✴ Appearance ✴
✈ Hal Jordan is 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 186 pounds with brown hair and eyes. Though his eyes change from their natural brown color to either a white or green when fully powered. Or depending on the ring he is wearing at the time. When he is not wearing his pilot outfit Hal’s usual choice in clothing consist of a T-shirt, jacket, blue jeans, and boots. Which changes day to day. The Green Lantern suit Hal wears is not made from any cloth material but a construct. Though the suit differs between the wearer the Green Lantern Corps. insignia must be openly shown somewhere on the body.
≛ Abilities ≛
✈ Skilled in aviation, Hal Jordan is a fairly accomplished fighter for a human with exceptional willpower. As a Green Lantern, he is capable of projecting hard-light constructions limited by his imagination and willpower. Through his power ring Hal is capable of flight and can utilize various other abilities with it. As well be semi-invulnerable while wearing the ring.
FC: Armie Hammer
Name: Harold “Hal” Jordan
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Date & Place of Birth: February 20, 1974 Coast City, California
Alias: Green Lantern, Highball, formerly the Spectre, formerly Parallax
Occupation: Green Lantern of Sector 2814, Test Pilot, various others
Affiliations: Green Lantern Corps., JLA (founding member)
Base of Operations: Coast City
Location: Coast City (Earth), Oa, Mogo, etc.
⋆ Jordan Family ⋆
Father: Martin Jordan -- Deceased
Mother: Jessica Jordan -- Deaceased
Brothers: Jack and Jim Jordan
✧ Relationship Status ✧
Taken By: Barry Allen @Flash ♥
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
✷ Personality ✷
✈ Hal has a flawed sense of self preservation. Despite him being a flirt, Hal struggles with relationships. Often times the person Hal is with ends up leaving him due to who he is. Making him think he's not worth it. Arrogant and headstrong, Hal has often done life threatening things in the past to save others. Even if it means giving up his own life, Hal will put his mission before himself to protect the galaxy. Not just his Sector or the people he cares about most. Lastly, Hal is a very smart and experienced person despite the clumsy moments he has. This is due to his intelligence hiding behind playful arrogance. Despite this, Hal does show leadership qualities among his team members. In which he will lead them into battle at times.
✴ Appearance ✴
✈ Hal Jordan is 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 186 pounds with brown hair and eyes. Though his eyes change from their natural brown color to either a white or green when fully powered. Or depending on the ring he is wearing at the time. When he is not wearing his pilot outfit Hal’s usual choice in clothing consist of a T-shirt, jacket, blue jeans, and boots. Which changes day to day. The Green Lantern suit Hal wears is not made from any cloth material but a construct. Though the suit differs between the wearer the Green Lantern Corps. insignia must be openly shown somewhere on the body.
≛ Abilities ≛
✈ Skilled in aviation, Hal Jordan is a fairly accomplished fighter for a human with exceptional willpower. As a Green Lantern, he is capable of projecting hard-light constructions limited by his imagination and willpower. Through his power ring Hal is capable of flight and can utilize various other abilities with it. As well be semi-invulnerable while wearing the ring.
FC: Armie Hammer
Star Dream
Name- Star Dream
Age- ??? (Maybe 18-20)
Species- Unknown
Gender- Female
Family- Girlfriend of Galactic Nova
Personality- A full on Madame, nice to others.
Appearance- Three quarters of a human, and a quarter of a machine, fake cat ears, normal human skin, silver hair, light blue eyes, black cape with light blue symbols, silver dress, silver shorts, long silver stockings and boots, and a staff that can grant her wishes.
Backstory- Was once the watched of space, she didn't have no heart to stay alive. She was able to grant wishes, but only a little. When she makes a wish, things appear from a heart aura when it's teleport to her. She felt alone and empty inside. As she continued on, she stumble upon a half heart. The heart floated to her and was in her. The half heart gave her the ability to live more and grant more wishes. She thought to herself and realized that the heart belongs to the owner who can grant many wishes then her. She searched every planet, star and galaxy to find the owner of the heart.
Age- ??? (Maybe 18-20)
Species- Unknown
Gender- Female
Family- Girlfriend of Galactic Nova
Personality- A full on Madame, nice to others.
Appearance- Three quarters of a human, and a quarter of a machine, fake cat ears, normal human skin, silver hair, light blue eyes, black cape with light blue symbols, silver dress, silver shorts, long silver stockings and boots, and a staff that can grant her wishes.
Backstory- Was once the watched of space, she didn't have no heart to stay alive. She was able to grant wishes, but only a little. When she makes a wish, things appear from a heart aura when it's teleport to her. She felt alone and empty inside. As she continued on, she stumble upon a half heart. The heart floated to her and was in her. The half heart gave her the ability to live more and grant more wishes. She thought to herself and realized that the heart belongs to the owner who can grant many wishes then her. She searched every planet, star and galaxy to find the owner of the heart.
Plans, plots, ideas.
So, since the final battle is approaching, I think it would be wise to share our ideas for the non-canon things we want to happen in it, no need for details, just to make sure we don't screw each others' plans in any way!
If an idea collides with one of the other, we see to change things in order to satisfy both! :3
Here are my ideas for my chars:
• To start with (even though this previously from the battle), Carlie won't leave Mirkwood with the dwarves but Cody will. She will remain there till Jackil's arrival and give birth there. Then, as she will claim to continue helping her friends, Jackil will bring Tomiel and the babies to Amelis and return hours after, due to the different timing between the two worlds.
She will join the dwarves in Erebor with Fili, Kili, Bofur and Bifur as they will go there after the attack of Smaug to Laketown.
• I was thinking we could do like in the book and avoid the fight between Elves and Dwarves in the beginning. Was thinking Carlie, Bilbo (and whomever else would join) to stand between the two armies, refusing to move, in hope it will prevent them from killing each others.
• Before Bilbo will go to deliver the Arkenstone to Bard and Thranduil, that same night Carlie too will go to Dale, to try to convince them to leave Thorin alone.
• Laerneth will desert, refusing to take part into such an unfair battle (happening the night in which the elves are camped in Dale) and run to the Dwarves, remaning with Fili till the next morning. When the Orcs will arrive she will fight and also save Fili's life from Azog in that part.
• Carlie will join the fights, being a bit badass for once.
• Legolas will be there but I won't RP him, so his deeds can be taken by a RPed character of course.
• Thranduil will fight much more fiercely and do things he doesn't do in the original story, mainly moved by the worry for Nolywen.
• I would love if Thranduil saved the life of someone dear to Thorin during the battle, as a foundation for a future friendship between the two Kings. And that'd be Kili.
• When Jackil will return, he will be followed by Edward, Sao and Benjamin. They will help Bard to defend the people of Dale.
• The marriage as we spoke of!
Should be all! Will add more if I forgot anything! :O
If an idea collides with one of the other, we see to change things in order to satisfy both! :3
Here are my ideas for my chars:
• To start with (even though this previously from the battle), Carlie won't leave Mirkwood with the dwarves but Cody will. She will remain there till Jackil's arrival and give birth there. Then, as she will claim to continue helping her friends, Jackil will bring Tomiel and the babies to Amelis and return hours after, due to the different timing between the two worlds.
She will join the dwarves in Erebor with Fili, Kili, Bofur and Bifur as they will go there after the attack of Smaug to Laketown.
• I was thinking we could do like in the book and avoid the fight between Elves and Dwarves in the beginning. Was thinking Carlie, Bilbo (and whomever else would join) to stand between the two armies, refusing to move, in hope it will prevent them from killing each others.
• Before Bilbo will go to deliver the Arkenstone to Bard and Thranduil, that same night Carlie too will go to Dale, to try to convince them to leave Thorin alone.
• Laerneth will desert, refusing to take part into such an unfair battle (happening the night in which the elves are camped in Dale) and run to the Dwarves, remaning with Fili till the next morning. When the Orcs will arrive she will fight and also save Fili's life from Azog in that part.
• Carlie will join the fights, being a bit badass for once.
• Legolas will be there but I won't RP him, so his deeds can be taken by a RPed character of course.
• Thranduil will fight much more fiercely and do things he doesn't do in the original story, mainly moved by the worry for Nolywen.
• I would love if Thranduil saved the life of someone dear to Thorin during the battle, as a foundation for a future friendship between the two Kings. And that'd be Kili.
• When Jackil will return, he will be followed by Edward, Sao and Benjamin. They will help Bard to defend the people of Dale.
• The marriage as we spoke of!
Should be all! Will add more if I forgot anything! :O
The Desolation of Smaug.
After being rescued by the Eagles and being left to rest in their nests, the Company had to restart their journey, the time was not on their side, considering the Day of Durin was getting closer and closer and they could not afford missing it.
Despite the good moods coming from the victory with the Goblin, having escaped the Orcs and the news of Thorin's heirs, the good luck was still not on their side. The orcs were even too fast to be on their trails again and they were forced to run and hide in order to avoid to be assaulted by Azog and its pack.
Regarding Carlie; her belly grows bigger every day, by now it has become big enough to be clearly visible even from a distance, and to be rather troubling. She is hiding it well still, but she is feeling strange, extremely weak. Nothing to do with what happened at the beginning of the other pregnancy, but she is feeling very drained. The reason is due to bearing two pregnancies in a row without giving her body the proper time to recover fully and regain strength. Though, she has no clue and takes everything as a normal part of the pregnancy together with a very stressful and dangrous journey.
Anyhow, she sticks close to Thorin all the time, he makes her feel much safer, despite she knows that the other dwarves too protect her. And in fact, she considers them all as dear friends by now, including Gandalf and Bilbo.
Bofur was a little sad at first for having his precious flute destroyed, but of course it lasted little and as soon as he found a proper branch, he started to carve it into a new flute, like a boss. :)
With the new friendship with Thorin and the Ring by his side, Bilbo started to feel much more confident about himself, especially in his "stealth" skills as now he can really get invisible and go as unseen as he pleases, in any circumstances.
For this, he started to scout ahead when needed, to make sure Azog and his orcs are not on sight. And right while scouting ahead, he saw something weird. For half second he thought it could be Thormund, but glancing back towards Carlie, he realized it couldn't be him. Was it even possible that another huge bear was roaming in their world, knowing that Carlie's one comes from Nortrig?
It left him troubled for some time, but eventually he ran back to the others, approaching Gandalf but looking at Thorin, panting from the run. «There is something out there, something huge and possibly deadly and hostile...»
Despite the good moods coming from the victory with the Goblin, having escaped the Orcs and the news of Thorin's heirs, the good luck was still not on their side. The orcs were even too fast to be on their trails again and they were forced to run and hide in order to avoid to be assaulted by Azog and its pack.
Regarding Carlie; her belly grows bigger every day, by now it has become big enough to be clearly visible even from a distance, and to be rather troubling. She is hiding it well still, but she is feeling strange, extremely weak. Nothing to do with what happened at the beginning of the other pregnancy, but she is feeling very drained. The reason is due to bearing two pregnancies in a row without giving her body the proper time to recover fully and regain strength. Though, she has no clue and takes everything as a normal part of the pregnancy together with a very stressful and dangrous journey.
Anyhow, she sticks close to Thorin all the time, he makes her feel much safer, despite she knows that the other dwarves too protect her. And in fact, she considers them all as dear friends by now, including Gandalf and Bilbo.
Bofur was a little sad at first for having his precious flute destroyed, but of course it lasted little and as soon as he found a proper branch, he started to carve it into a new flute, like a boss. :)
With the new friendship with Thorin and the Ring by his side, Bilbo started to feel much more confident about himself, especially in his "stealth" skills as now he can really get invisible and go as unseen as he pleases, in any circumstances.
For this, he started to scout ahead when needed, to make sure Azog and his orcs are not on sight. And right while scouting ahead, he saw something weird. For half second he thought it could be Thormund, but glancing back towards Carlie, he realized it couldn't be him. Was it even possible that another huge bear was roaming in their world, knowing that Carlie's one comes from Nortrig?
It left him troubled for some time, but eventually he ran back to the others, approaching Gandalf but looking at Thorin, panting from the run. «There is something out there, something huge and possibly deadly and hostile...»
The evening with the Uncle.
Fili è stato mandato a fare provviste, Thorin lo ha mandato a cacciare la cena.
Perciò suo malgrado lascia Celduin in compagnia di Kili mentre va a caccia, però pensa, "Che cosa potrebbe succedere? In fondo staró via al massimo 2-3 ore... Staranno bene." E con questa convinzione positiva lascia Celduin in compagnia di Kili e poi va a caccia.
Perciò suo malgrado lascia Celduin in compagnia di Kili mentre va a caccia, però pensa, "Che cosa potrebbe succedere? In fondo staró via al massimo 2-3 ore... Staranno bene." E con questa convinzione positiva lascia Celduin in compagnia di Kili e poi va a caccia.
Caratteristiche Arda & Nortrig.
Vita immortale,
Parlare nel pensiero,
Statura da nano, (1,50 m)
Capelli biondi
Più magro rispetto agli altri nani, gli uomini di Nortrig non possono essere grassi come dei nani.
Barba folta (Quando sarà grande.)
Non può teletrasportarsi.
È buono come il padre e in più è un po` ingenuo, è pur sempre un bambino di 4 anni.
Roleplay Rules
Hi everyone! I am very excited that you viewed my page and are considering roleplaying with me. Before we jump into anything I would love for you to read my rules. Follow them and we should get along just fine.
~ I am very into romance, I really can't imagine a story without it. Please just be aware that if you message me there is a 90% chance I will want a love story.
~I am not the kind of person to stick to one mood. I have swings which mean's that one day I may be in the mood for something and the next something else. So in short, you really don't know what your gonna get until I assign roles.
~For my safety, I do not give out photos of myself or any personal information like addresses, phone numbers, social media accounts, or anything like that. But feel free to get to know me on this lovely website.
~I am into long term roleplay. No more explanation needed.
~I will roleplay with pretty much anyone. I do have a slight lean towards guys but girls, if you give me good quality writing and can really draw me in then I am all yours.
~I am also into one on one roleplay, which I do through private message on this account. Please don't ask me to join a forum, thank you very much.
~I am not a huge grammar freak but please try to make some effort. That means using capitals correctly and your writing must actually make sense. A typo now and then is alright but a paragraph of them isn't. If English is not your first language then please let me know so I can excuse your errors.
~Do not just abandon me in the middle of a roleplay! That is my number one pet peeve. If you are not enjoying it then please let me know and we may talk about it. I will do the same. But absolutely do not just leave without any explanation.
~So I have something called a life, and a very complicated one for that matter. I am on here most of the time and try my best to respond quickly but please don't get upset if I go offline for a while.
~I am not a huge fan of people who take a long, long, long time to respond. I will usually look to make sure your offline before I ask you to respond quicker but if you haven't responded in hours and I see you have been online for a while, I am going to get upset. So please save us that trouble and just respond.
~ I am fine with a little sexual stuff here and there but it should not be the entire roleplay.
~Feel free to friend request me, I don't turn people down.
~If you request me then please message me for a roleplay as I will do the same to people I request.
~If you have an idea for a roleplay then feel free to ask me.
~The lengths of my responses will vary. If I am really into the scene and have lots of ideas I could write a lot. On the other hand, if we are in a weird spot and I am unsure of what to say, you will probably get a one liner back.
~I love good quality handwriting so please make an effort. And long, meaningful responses are always loved.
~For those of you who have characters, I will try to find a way to work with them but please don't take them too literal and be flexible.
~Have fun!! That is what this is all about! Be creative and let your imagination run with these roleplays.
~ I am very into romance, I really can't imagine a story without it. Please just be aware that if you message me there is a 90% chance I will want a love story.
~I am not the kind of person to stick to one mood. I have swings which mean's that one day I may be in the mood for something and the next something else. So in short, you really don't know what your gonna get until I assign roles.
~For my safety, I do not give out photos of myself or any personal information like addresses, phone numbers, social media accounts, or anything like that. But feel free to get to know me on this lovely website.
~I am into long term roleplay. No more explanation needed.
~I will roleplay with pretty much anyone. I do have a slight lean towards guys but girls, if you give me good quality writing and can really draw me in then I am all yours.
~I am also into one on one roleplay, which I do through private message on this account. Please don't ask me to join a forum, thank you very much.
~I am not a huge grammar freak but please try to make some effort. That means using capitals correctly and your writing must actually make sense. A typo now and then is alright but a paragraph of them isn't. If English is not your first language then please let me know so I can excuse your errors.
~Do not just abandon me in the middle of a roleplay! That is my number one pet peeve. If you are not enjoying it then please let me know and we may talk about it. I will do the same. But absolutely do not just leave without any explanation.
~So I have something called a life, and a very complicated one for that matter. I am on here most of the time and try my best to respond quickly but please don't get upset if I go offline for a while.
~I am not a huge fan of people who take a long, long, long time to respond. I will usually look to make sure your offline before I ask you to respond quicker but if you haven't responded in hours and I see you have been online for a while, I am going to get upset. So please save us that trouble and just respond.
~ I am fine with a little sexual stuff here and there but it should not be the entire roleplay.
~Feel free to friend request me, I don't turn people down.
~If you request me then please message me for a roleplay as I will do the same to people I request.
~If you have an idea for a roleplay then feel free to ask me.
~The lengths of my responses will vary. If I am really into the scene and have lots of ideas I could write a lot. On the other hand, if we are in a weird spot and I am unsure of what to say, you will probably get a one liner back.
~I love good quality handwriting so please make an effort. And long, meaningful responses are always loved.
~For those of you who have characters, I will try to find a way to work with them but please don't take them too literal and be flexible.
~Have fun!! That is what this is all about! Be creative and let your imagination run with these roleplays.
It's a trap! Addressing Addiction
There are many of you out there that are suffering from this whether it being substance addiction or even lust etc. Before you continue reading; If this doesn't affect you or you just don't care, then this isn't for you either, move along. There is freedom from this kind of life style, addiction isn't a remedy, it's a trap. Some of you may be in your early stages of this and some of you have been in this same trap for years. If you don't think things can change, then just stay put and watch how quickly life goes by. I have struggled with this myself, so I am telling you this right now. It's no surprise that the majority of this website is struggling from this. You need to be open about this, addiction isn't something you should just be ashamed of. If you would like to be free from a life of addiction, then I would encourage you to get in the word (There you will learn the character of God) and find a bible believing church. Most churches have prayer teams that can pray for you. Satan would like you to believe that you're to far gone, that you can overcome this without reaching out for help and I'm pleading with you that this is not possible! Addiction is the biggest tool Satan uses to distract us and if he can keep us where we are then nothing will ever change. Ever wonder why we're so comfortable with it? Then you get the point. 5 of the biggest things addiction destroys and Satan hates: You, Friendships, Marriage/Relationships and Family unity. Some how this verse in James 1:13-18 came to mind. "13 When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death. 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow. 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we would be a kind of first fruits of His creation."
Key points
- Addiction is a trap, not a remedy, but there's a way out
- You need to be open with people
- Addiction isn't something to be ashamed of
- Ask for deliverance
- Addiction is destructive
- Satan hates you, but God is for you
Key points
- Addiction is a trap, not a remedy, but there's a way out
- You need to be open with people
- Addiction isn't something to be ashamed of
- Ask for deliverance
- Addiction is destructive
- Satan hates you, but God is for you
Raziel Scales [ Dragon ]
Raziel Scales was born sometime during the time men entered their most brutal era where kings ruled the land, and peasants were nothing to a noble or even a soldier. He had been born in the mountains near a village known as Rivershire due to its location near a river. The mountains were a few miles away, but a close distance to a dragon nevertheless. He had been in the time of where dragons were rightfully feared as they pillaged anything they wanted, killing whoever they pleased, and enjoying their lives at their lairs. His father and mother were proud to have a son of their own, attempting to share every moment they could with him. They believed that one day their child would do one of the most grandest things a dragon will have ever done, and dragons will continued to be feared for what they are.
Raziel's black scales had made him quite a predator in the dark, but oddly enough he was afraid of the dark. He believed that the things in the dark would be his demise, and he was peculiar than other dragons. He didn't care about the humans, but actually saw them as a species that deserves to live in this world. His father wanted to show him just how dangerous and pathetic the humans were to the world, and once Raziel was old enough he did so. He brought him close to Rivershire, letting his son gaze upon the humans and watch them. However, this was the worst idea his father could've ever had. Raziel found the humans even more astonishing as they worked together to get food, to expand their territory, and to even do things he wished he could. Once they returned to the cave in the mountains, he swore that the humans were petty, but he was lying. He didn't need to be watched like a child, since during this time he was much older but not an official adult dragon. He would return to that spot day after day, claiming he was on the hunt for treasure to please his parents and the other dragons that lived there, but he was just watching the humans even more. He believed they were incredible - even more surprising than a dragon.
One day, Raziel went to his usual spot and gazed upon the humans with interest, until a crack was heard near him. A stick had been stepped on by a creature, and Raziel prepared for battle until he saw a small boy staring at him with the astonishment that he had when he spied on the humans. Raziel smiled, and embraced the presence of the boy by speaking with him. Most dragons knew English if they had made contact with humans, watching them or just speaking with them, which Raziel had done one of those things. He revealed the name of the boy through conversation, which was David, and even gave him some treasure he had taken from his parents. The boy was so glad to have a friend, but of course he kept their visits a secret from his parents, and so did Raziel. Raziel became David's best friend, enjoying their talks and he would even let the boy touch his black scales. Oddly enough, the boy also was afraid of the dark, and it was ironic when Raziel discovered that David had been spying on him for days as well. They were creatures who were intrigued by each other, and this allowed them to be the best of friends. Raziel would sneak out with more coins for the boy, hoping to have his life as well as David's parents to be prosperous. Everything was great for Raziel as the rest of the year he grew older into an adult dragon.
One day, Raziel's father noticed that their treasure was somehow vanishing. He noticed it, because the pile had gotten smaller and smaller. He didn't want to believe his son had anything to do with it, but the other dragons who lived there insisted he spied upon his son to investigate what he really did everyday in the world. Raziel didn't suspect a thing. His father had followed him, and was shocked by what he saw. A human boy speaking with his son? Raziel's father roared at his son, demanding that he killed that boy for the pathetic creature he is. Though, he chose not to and told his father that humans matter. His father attempted to kill David, but Raziel held his ground and fought his father. It was until the fight reached Rivershire that the humans grabbed their weapons and tried to defeat the dragons. Raziel's father ripped through men with ease, while his son attempted to beat him at combat. The battle lasted only a few minutes, but in those minutes everything changed. Raziel's father destroyed the village, despite his son's effort to not allow him to do so, though he did strike down his father to a bloody mess. His last words to his son were: "Everything has a consequence, Raziel. You're going to find that out." With the village destroyed, Raziel searched for the boy, only to find David sliced across the stomach during the battle. He was still breathing, but surely dying. Raziel, tears flowing down his face, laid beside the boy and let David rest his hand on his scales one last time before passed on to the afterlife. In grief, Raziel cried out, until he was suddenly attacked by soldiers. Somebody had ran off and told the military about the attack, and the humans believed that Raziel was the evil doer in this massacre. Raziel fled back home, not realizing that the humans were following.
Once he arrived back home, his mother would see the blood on his face, teeth, and claws to know what happened. Everybody saw Raziel as a monster, choosing a human over family like it was a difficult decision. Before he could explain, the human soldiers charged in the cave prepared to battle. The next battle occurred, but didn't last as long. The humans, equipped with the lastest protection and blades, easily slaughtered every dragon they saw. Raziel had hid in the darkness thanks to his scales, closing his eyes and shaking as he heard the shrieks of the dragons and humans. When it was all silent, he opened them up to see the corpses of his mother and the rest of the dragons. The humans took heavy loses, but they were victorious and had taken the rest of the treasure in the name of their king. Raziel crawled out to his mother's corpse, crying over it and begging that she forgave him. However, her cold dead eyes is all he saw staring back at him. It was there that he realized what his father meant before he died, and when he first saw Rivershire. Humans were beautiful, and vile. He swore revenge, until he heard news of war. Dragons and humans clashed for one last time across the land, and Raziel led them into battle many times. It was until a human hero, wearing legendary armor and with a new sword that could slice through the scales of dragons that the dragons began to fall. One by one until their surrender. The dragons were sent to a large cavern under the ground, where it was closed off with boulders until they were sealed inside for years. During that time, Raziel learned that the darkness was no longer his enemey. It was nothing he should fear, but embrace as the darkness had saved him numerous times with his scales.
Before the last spark of hope in Raziel could fade, something happened that gave him all the hope he needed in getting revenge. Raziel discovered after five years that the humans were victorious yet again that a boulder had been slowly crumbling. After crushing it with his might, the sunlight shined in on his red eyes. He crawled out, leaving the others to rot for the time being. It was like he was reborn, given a second chance to make things right. This time Raziel swore that the humans would pay with their blood. Every. Last. Drop.
Raziel is a male dragon, capable of extreme strength and skilled at flying. He is able to fight off armies of humans if he must, since the war had hardened him. His scales allow him to hide in the darkness, and now he has been able to adapt during any scenario. He is known to be bisexual, but quite submissive if he ever did mate with another creature - though his goal is not love, but death to anything that stood against the dragons who are now barely known throughout the land. He is considered to a myth, but he is all too real as several villages have suddenly been turned to ashes and burnt bodies when a merchant or traveler discovers the place. He is a real threat against the humans, even though he is alone. He is a force not meant to be treated lightly, and nobody even knows he still is alive. If only they could see the death he was going to bring upon them, then they would shake in their skin. Raziel is awake, and his breath hasn't gotten any colder.
Raziel's black scales had made him quite a predator in the dark, but oddly enough he was afraid of the dark. He believed that the things in the dark would be his demise, and he was peculiar than other dragons. He didn't care about the humans, but actually saw them as a species that deserves to live in this world. His father wanted to show him just how dangerous and pathetic the humans were to the world, and once Raziel was old enough he did so. He brought him close to Rivershire, letting his son gaze upon the humans and watch them. However, this was the worst idea his father could've ever had. Raziel found the humans even more astonishing as they worked together to get food, to expand their territory, and to even do things he wished he could. Once they returned to the cave in the mountains, he swore that the humans were petty, but he was lying. He didn't need to be watched like a child, since during this time he was much older but not an official adult dragon. He would return to that spot day after day, claiming he was on the hunt for treasure to please his parents and the other dragons that lived there, but he was just watching the humans even more. He believed they were incredible - even more surprising than a dragon.
One day, Raziel went to his usual spot and gazed upon the humans with interest, until a crack was heard near him. A stick had been stepped on by a creature, and Raziel prepared for battle until he saw a small boy staring at him with the astonishment that he had when he spied on the humans. Raziel smiled, and embraced the presence of the boy by speaking with him. Most dragons knew English if they had made contact with humans, watching them or just speaking with them, which Raziel had done one of those things. He revealed the name of the boy through conversation, which was David, and even gave him some treasure he had taken from his parents. The boy was so glad to have a friend, but of course he kept their visits a secret from his parents, and so did Raziel. Raziel became David's best friend, enjoying their talks and he would even let the boy touch his black scales. Oddly enough, the boy also was afraid of the dark, and it was ironic when Raziel discovered that David had been spying on him for days as well. They were creatures who were intrigued by each other, and this allowed them to be the best of friends. Raziel would sneak out with more coins for the boy, hoping to have his life as well as David's parents to be prosperous. Everything was great for Raziel as the rest of the year he grew older into an adult dragon.
One day, Raziel's father noticed that their treasure was somehow vanishing. He noticed it, because the pile had gotten smaller and smaller. He didn't want to believe his son had anything to do with it, but the other dragons who lived there insisted he spied upon his son to investigate what he really did everyday in the world. Raziel didn't suspect a thing. His father had followed him, and was shocked by what he saw. A human boy speaking with his son? Raziel's father roared at his son, demanding that he killed that boy for the pathetic creature he is. Though, he chose not to and told his father that humans matter. His father attempted to kill David, but Raziel held his ground and fought his father. It was until the fight reached Rivershire that the humans grabbed their weapons and tried to defeat the dragons. Raziel's father ripped through men with ease, while his son attempted to beat him at combat. The battle lasted only a few minutes, but in those minutes everything changed. Raziel's father destroyed the village, despite his son's effort to not allow him to do so, though he did strike down his father to a bloody mess. His last words to his son were: "Everything has a consequence, Raziel. You're going to find that out." With the village destroyed, Raziel searched for the boy, only to find David sliced across the stomach during the battle. He was still breathing, but surely dying. Raziel, tears flowing down his face, laid beside the boy and let David rest his hand on his scales one last time before passed on to the afterlife. In grief, Raziel cried out, until he was suddenly attacked by soldiers. Somebody had ran off and told the military about the attack, and the humans believed that Raziel was the evil doer in this massacre. Raziel fled back home, not realizing that the humans were following.
Once he arrived back home, his mother would see the blood on his face, teeth, and claws to know what happened. Everybody saw Raziel as a monster, choosing a human over family like it was a difficult decision. Before he could explain, the human soldiers charged in the cave prepared to battle. The next battle occurred, but didn't last as long. The humans, equipped with the lastest protection and blades, easily slaughtered every dragon they saw. Raziel had hid in the darkness thanks to his scales, closing his eyes and shaking as he heard the shrieks of the dragons and humans. When it was all silent, he opened them up to see the corpses of his mother and the rest of the dragons. The humans took heavy loses, but they were victorious and had taken the rest of the treasure in the name of their king. Raziel crawled out to his mother's corpse, crying over it and begging that she forgave him. However, her cold dead eyes is all he saw staring back at him. It was there that he realized what his father meant before he died, and when he first saw Rivershire. Humans were beautiful, and vile. He swore revenge, until he heard news of war. Dragons and humans clashed for one last time across the land, and Raziel led them into battle many times. It was until a human hero, wearing legendary armor and with a new sword that could slice through the scales of dragons that the dragons began to fall. One by one until their surrender. The dragons were sent to a large cavern under the ground, where it was closed off with boulders until they were sealed inside for years. During that time, Raziel learned that the darkness was no longer his enemey. It was nothing he should fear, but embrace as the darkness had saved him numerous times with his scales.
Before the last spark of hope in Raziel could fade, something happened that gave him all the hope he needed in getting revenge. Raziel discovered after five years that the humans were victorious yet again that a boulder had been slowly crumbling. After crushing it with his might, the sunlight shined in on his red eyes. He crawled out, leaving the others to rot for the time being. It was like he was reborn, given a second chance to make things right. This time Raziel swore that the humans would pay with their blood. Every. Last. Drop.
Raziel is a male dragon, capable of extreme strength and skilled at flying. He is able to fight off armies of humans if he must, since the war had hardened him. His scales allow him to hide in the darkness, and now he has been able to adapt during any scenario. He is known to be bisexual, but quite submissive if he ever did mate with another creature - though his goal is not love, but death to anything that stood against the dragons who are now barely known throughout the land. He is considered to a myth, but he is all too real as several villages have suddenly been turned to ashes and burnt bodies when a merchant or traveler discovers the place. He is a real threat against the humans, even though he is alone. He is a force not meant to be treated lightly, and nobody even knows he still is alive. If only they could see the death he was going to bring upon them, then they would shake in their skin. Raziel is awake, and his breath hasn't gotten any colder.
He is the son of Fili and Walda (A woman that Fili knows in Nortrig, she is a warrior and she didn't want a baby, Indeed she decides that the baby will live with his father and not with her. She thinks that the baby will live with her for at least a year or two...)
The name of the child is Celduin, his mother called him so because Celduin is the name of the river that rise in the Lonely Mountain. The other reason is that Fili didn't speak much of this world and this name is the only name that she didn't forget of his story.
When the child is 3 years Walda and Celduin go to find the wizard that makes the portal to Fili, find the wizard she paid him to makes a portal to the same place. They finish arrive in the Middle earth, and for their fortune they are close to the Blue Mountains, Walda and Celduin go there.
They ask, Where is Fili? Do you know Fili? And in the last time they met Dis, she said that Fili is her son and where is now. Walda tell to Dis who is the baby and then she returns in Nortrig leaving Celduin with Dis.
Dis writes immediately a letter to Fili, gives the letter to the baby and after send Celduin with an adult dwarf for find Fili and gives to him his baby and the angry letter of his mother.
The dwarf and the baby join to the company when they are near of the Misty Mountains.
Celduin when they arrive to the company goes to know all of them and to ask "Who is my father? :-)". When he find Fili he embrace him and whispers in Fili ear "Dad? Who is this? Is bad?" He looks at Dwalin, Fili laughs a bit when knows who did he talks. Indeed Celduin didn`t go to greet Dwalin, (XD) After the first moment of fear Celduin goes to Dwalin.
While the child meets the company Fili goes to the dwarf that bring Celduin here and the dwarf give to him the letter from Dis. When Fili looks at the letter he remains paralyzed, probably the letter is not happy.
He takes the letter, moves aside to the other dwarves and reads the letter, in the letter is wrote only one phrase, °When you come home I will have a lot to tell you.°.
The name of the child is Celduin, his mother called him so because Celduin is the name of the river that rise in the Lonely Mountain. The other reason is that Fili didn't speak much of this world and this name is the only name that she didn't forget of his story.
When the child is 3 years Walda and Celduin go to find the wizard that makes the portal to Fili, find the wizard she paid him to makes a portal to the same place. They finish arrive in the Middle earth, and for their fortune they are close to the Blue Mountains, Walda and Celduin go there.
They ask, Where is Fili? Do you know Fili? And in the last time they met Dis, she said that Fili is her son and where is now. Walda tell to Dis who is the baby and then she returns in Nortrig leaving Celduin with Dis.
Dis writes immediately a letter to Fili, gives the letter to the baby and after send Celduin with an adult dwarf for find Fili and gives to him his baby and the angry letter of his mother.
The dwarf and the baby join to the company when they are near of the Misty Mountains.
Celduin when they arrive to the company goes to know all of them and to ask "Who is my father? :-)". When he find Fili he embrace him and whispers in Fili ear "Dad? Who is this? Is bad?" He looks at Dwalin, Fili laughs a bit when knows who did he talks. Indeed Celduin didn`t go to greet Dwalin, (XD) After the first moment of fear Celduin goes to Dwalin.
While the child meets the company Fili goes to the dwarf that bring Celduin here and the dwarf give to him the letter from Dis. When Fili looks at the letter he remains paralyzed, probably the letter is not happy.
He takes the letter, moves aside to the other dwarves and reads the letter, in the letter is wrote only one phrase, °When you come home I will have a lot to tell you.°.