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After returning from the usual two weeks in Erebor, she decodes to dedicate herself to some shopping for a little while and to gather a few thoughts.

Despite family life has forced her to change her life style quite badly, she still manages to do everything she feels like to do and her husbands make it even easier to her to achieve that compared to before. She definitely doesn't miss single life at all.

Right now she is walking in the open air market of Thylum, wearing a very bright red long dress with a tight corset and a long cloak-like black cardigan as a coat. Her hair is still blue of course.
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2 | 18 Comments | by Crow | Feb 9th 2017 13:03


↳ .。

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Full name☆
Twiggy Peanut Butter Ramirez

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Zodiac sign☆
Gemini (oh sh*t fam lmao dw he's chill 24/7)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆3 fears☆
Humanity, feelings and hair combs

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆3 things I love☆
my many chihuahuas, music and makeup

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆4 turn ons☆
(Literally anything, it could be a slice of bread and Twiggy would be like
"oooh f*** ME UP")

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆4 turn offs☆
(Once you have him going you cannot turn it off)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ☆My best friend?☆
marilyn and myself
i talk to myself on webcam a lot

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Sexual orientation?☆
(Bi, usually described as the "gay Mexican bassist")

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆My best first date?☆
(Not sure, let's just say he explained a very boring one)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆How tall am I?☆
5'9" (I RP Twiggy when he was still f***ing sh*t up with Marilyn so
I took off 2 inches)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆What do I miss?☆
my dog
(Some exes, having a clean and fresh mentality)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆What time was I born?☆
(He,, he doesn't know
nor does he care)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite colour?☆
Green or pink

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Do I have a crush?☆
On everyone ;)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite quote?☆

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite place?☆
The bar

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite food?☆
Cake atm

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Do I use sarcasm?☆
no of course not what a silly question

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆First thing I notice in a new person?☆
their nose (twiggy what)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Shoe size?☆
idk (they look small)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Eye colour?☆

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Hair colour?☆

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite style of clothing?☆
anything that's a dress or feminine as sh*t
or weird

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Ever done a prank call?☆
yes. manson knows a lot of girls phone numbers.
thanks for those, random fans.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆What colour underwear am I wearing?☆

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Meaning behind my URL?☆
someone asked me a question and i asked if she said "spaceghost"
but she said "scapegoat" apparently but like i wasn't listening

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite movie?☆
the exorcist is really up there

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite song?☆
too many. way too many,,

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite band?☆
not sure

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Someone I love.☆
what's his face

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Favourite holiday?☆
valentines day because it's so insignificant

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Piercings I have.☆
i actually have ear piercings
anything else is censored

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Last book I read?☆
Columbine i think

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?☆
holy f***

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☆Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?☆
so loud that vampires would get a hard on from your ears afterwards at the crazy amount of blood that's gushing from them
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2 | 0 Comments | by additional-seatt | Feb 8th 2017 23:59

Sogni rivelatori

Takeshi crede in ideali ben precisi tra cui la sincerità, gli sta succedendo sempre più spesso di non ricordare ciò che ha fatto la notte prima e questo gli piace sempre meno... Negli ultimi tempi ha smesso quasi di mangiare e cerca di rimanere a casa il più possibile, Talya è preoccupata per questo motivo ma non potendo fare altro rimane al suo fianco.
In questo tempo in cui è costretto a stare a casa comincia ad avere visioni, dopo una settimana in cui è a casa da solo si immagina/sogna una conversazione simile a quella avuta nelle Halls tempo prima con la sua cara nonnina. Solo che questa è diversa, vede I suoi due padri nella stanza con lui, non c`è da dire che vederli per lui sia davvero terribile, non credeva che potesse trovarsi tanto male in una sola stanza.
Durante questo sogno ha una conversazione immaginaria con loro, da una parte riaffiorano brutti ricordi, il suo vero padre gli dice che lui è in suo possesso e che non potrà mai liberarsi di lui. L`altro che gli dice che non conta niente, che lui è il frutto di qualcosa di sbagliato e che quindi non poteva che uscire diversamente, ad un certo punto I due uomini si guardano l`uno con l`altro e trovandosi in un incubo ritorna a quando era bambino, indifeso ed impaurito. Per un secondo si è sentito come se potesse rivivere tutto il suo passato in un solo istante, ad un certo punto del sogno appare Jade avvolta da una luce brillante, I suoi due padri a quel punto si coprono gli occhi ma lui la guarda e torna ad essere se stesso.
Questo lo fece svegliare durante la notte, era troppo chiaro cosa tutto volesse dire, non aveva mai dimenticato nulla prima di conoscere Jade, l`incubo parlava chiaro, Jade è il suo futuro e qualsiasi cosa gli sia successo deve essere sincero con lei oppure la perderà per colpa dello sconforto che cresce sempre di più dentro di lui.
Gli hanno insegnato ad interpretare I sogni ma pensa se sia davvero la cosa giusta da fare, non sa come reagirebbe Jade, lei è pura e non ha mai visto cattiverie. È così spaventato di perderla dicendole la verità che non ha neanche riflettuto su cosa succederebbe se lei lo compatisse e non lo allontanasse solo per quello di cui è capace e di ciò che ha subito. La sinceritá è alla base di una buona relazione ma gli è capitato di confidarsi con qualcuno che dopo averlo saputo lo ha allontanato, non vuole a tal punto che succeda che forse negherebbe anche l`evidenza. Però sa in cuor suo che prima o poi lo verrebbe a sapere in qualche modo, cosa le risponderebbe alla domanda, Perchè non puoi baciarmi? Perchè tremi ogni volta che ti abbraccio? Perchè mi tieni tanto a distanza, di che cosa hai paura?
Forse teme queste domande anche più del fatto stesso, ha bisogno di consiglio, si trova nel solito parco a pensard, chiunque lo conosca abbastanza sa che lui va spessissimo lì, forse ha proprio bisogno di qualcuno che lo conosce abbastanza...
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1 | 6 Comments | by Karm | Feb 8th 2017 17:22

Philip Farren

{“Love…I haven’t loved anyone in a long time.”}


Full Name: Philip Joshua Farren
Nicknames: Philly {Not preferred}, Little Prince {By mother before she passed}
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Race: Caucasian
Birthday: March 13
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual {Heavy male lean}
Spirit Animal: Swan
Accent: American

Drinks: Occasionally
Smokes: When stressed out


Body Type: Tall and a bit lanky but more muscular and defined, pale skin dotted with freckles
Height: 5'10
Hair: Medium length dark curls
Eyes: Bright blue
Skin: Pale, light freckles on face but darker over the rest of the body
Scars: A long old cut going down the left side of his torso, feet and hands extremely callused from ballet
Tattoos: Minimalist birds on left shoulder
Piercings: None
Scent: Lavender and the forest after it rains
Face Claim: Darren Criss


General Personality: +strong, +diligent, +athletic, +logical, -cold, -quiet, -isolated, -selfish

Bio: Philip’s childhood had been the perfect fairytale; his mother was the sweetest queen, perfect and poised and gentle, and his brother was his best friend, strong and playful. The three of them had so much fun together, always playing out in the woods as a family, playing games of imagination. Their father worked too much but did his best to still be involved, acting more as the strict owner of the house than as a loving parent. When Philip’s mother grew sick, it was too late before he could even realize it. His parents had known about it for a while but kept it secret from their two sons until it became unavoidable. Her hair started falling out, her energy decreased significantly, they had to hire a nurse to work at the house and aid her. But it was terminally and she died far too young. The death affected the whole family; Philip’s father threw himself into his work, growing harsher on the boys and becoming stricter, putting a lot of his anger onto them. Philip’s older brother Ralph took up the parental spot for Philip, helping him with homework and teaching him how to shave, but also started to take after their father when it came to being a workaholic. Both of the boys were incredibly athletic, excelling in sports and being a bit more mediocre in school. Philip, however, found his interest in dance, ballet to be specific. He still loved boxing, mostly for his father more than anything else, but once Ralph got his drivers license, Philip began asking him to drive him to dance classes. At first, Ralph was a bit hesitant but after seeing how much Philip wanted it, Ralph did everything he could to help his brother; he helped pay for classes, took him to practice, lied to their father for him. And it was all working. That was until Ralph had to move out of the house for college which left Philip with another 3 years alone with their father.
Eventually Philip’s father found out and he had, in the mildest terms, a fit. He yelled and shouted and threw things at Philip, throwing him out of the house. The ballet was one thing but being gay? His father wouldn’t stand for it. Having no where else to go, Philip contacted his brother, going to live with him for a couple months but he started to feel like a burden. Though he knew Ralph loved him and was willing to take care of the both of them, Philip felt guilty. He barely passed high school and now couldn’t even get a job with his dancing. They weren’t exactly in the right location for the jobs Philip was seeking out so, taking some money from Ralph and leaving the other nothing but a note, Philip left one night.
He travelled to the big city, looking for jobs and for a couple months he was homeless, barely finding a place to sleep every night and doing what he could to stay afloat, but soon he got a successful audition. And then another one. And another. And he started to make a name for himself as a dancer.

Habits: Licking lips when nervous
Phobias: His brother finding him, not being successful
Likes: Ballet, sweets, dark colors, boxing
Dislikes: His father, being underestimated, cake
Turn ons: Bondage, hair pulling, whispers, arrogance/confidence
Turn offs: None established
Position: Switch/bottom lean, versatile/submissive lean


Father: Joshua Farren – cold, homophobic, ashamed of Philip and refuses to call him his son or pay for his education
Mother: Sandra Farren – sweet, creative, supportive, passed away when Philip was a child
Brother: Ralph Farren – older, tough love, doesn’t understand Philip but accepts him for who he is {}

Song: So Alright, Cool, Whatever - The Happy Fits
King For A Day - Pierce The Veil

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5 | 0 Comments | by ToBeOrNot | Feb 7th 2017 20:56

Arthur Cane

{“I liked it better when you didn’t talk.”}


Full Name: Arthur Nicholas Cane
Nicknames: Nicholas {only as an adult}
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Race: Caucasian
Birthday: December 7
POB: Wokingham, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Spirit Animal: Fox
Accent: English

Drinks: Often
Smokes: Often


Body Type: Tall, lean and defined, not overly muscular but certainly built
Height: 6’3
Hair: Short, brown hair, longer on top then sides or completely shaven
Eyes: Deep blue
Skin: Fair, some freckles on torso and shoulders but very light
Scars: A few cuts all over body from fights
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Scent: Whiskey and fire

Face Claim: Nicholas Hoult


General Personality: +intelligent, +quick witted, +organized, -cold, -narcissistic, -stubborn, -short tempered

Bio: Arthur had an amazing childhood; he had two parents that loved him and had all the money in the world. Growing up, Arthur was incredibly humble. He went to public school and kept to himself and did his work with his head ducked low. He was very shy and sweet and would help anyone that asked but that quickly led to him being used very often. Arthur’s first experience with bullying was in middle school; he could clearly remember how his body hit those lockers for the first time and the pain it brought him. It was always just verbal abuse before this but finally being physically assaulted was the next page in the chapter of his life. He would hide it as best as he could from his parents, parting his brown shaggy hair in a different way to cover a bruised eye or wearing long sleeved clothing during all seasons, but eventually they found out; they were very observant. They always offered to send him to a private school where is intellect would be praised and he would be with people more like him, more sheltered and quiet and bookish, but Arthur always refused. Even though he had no friends and no one he could really trust in the school besides his teachers, Arthur enjoyed it. It was different than how he knew the rest of his life was going to be, all polished and perfect, so he was going to enjoy this discomfort for as long as it would last. What he didn’t know was that it was going to last forever.
It was Arthur’s second year of high school when he got called down to the principal’s office where he would find his school counselor along with their family friend Peter. In a few minutes, Arthur’s world was crushed; his parents had died in a car crash. They were together at least but…they had left Arthur behind. There were no stopping the tears that made their way down his face, the sadness that rushed through him in that moment. He was excused for the day and went to his locker to get his belongings when he was confronted by his usual bullies. But Arthur couldn’t handle it today, he couldn’t handle it anymore. His sadness quickly turned into anger and that was the first day Arthur ever threw a punch in his life. The gangly bad postured bespectacled boy was now forced into manhood with an aggressive wake up call. By Arthur’s request, he was transferred to a boarding school.
Here Arthur’s previous soft demeanor took a quick change. At first, his quietness now simply turned cold, but it didn’t take long for that to turn on its head as Arthur struggled to control his anger. He became aggressive, angry, and surprisingly charming. Arthur had tried flirting before but now he was confident, now he could defend himself and he started finding a bit of popularity. No one dared to get on his bad side after all.
Skipping university, Arthur went straight on to take over his father’s business, even starting to go by his middle name as a memory of his father. Overall, Arthur became an excellent actor, using this coldness and calculating nature to hide his pain, his past. He became an amazing CEO but lost his innocence.

Habits: Smoking, tapping a pen
Phobias: None
Likes: Fencing, reading, sex, cats, cocaine
Dislikes: Idiots, liars, jocks
Turn ons: Masochist/sadist, but can enjoy it sweet and slow
Turn offs: None established
Position: Switch, versatile {more submissive in his youth, more dominant in his adulthood}


Father: Nicholas Cane – tough loving father, always working, died in a car crash when Arthur was a child
Mother: Andria Cane – sweet, caring, pushed Arthur’s education, died in a car crash when Arthur was a child
Guardian: Peter Hutchinson – family friend, good father, takes care of Arthur's inheritance till he is of age, has a wife and two kids that become family to Arthur
No siblings

Song: Static – Jukebox the Ghost
Boys Wanna Be Her - Peaches

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6 | 0 Comments | by ToBeOrNot | Feb 7th 2017 20:50

final test

I am literally dying for a Harry Potter roleplay save me from my misery :')

> They r all yaoi m&m and u r warned <


canon related

-//golden trio time// Sirus Black just got out of Azkaban and was chased by many dementors. Then there's Lupin to help him and... yah... interactions. I lack imagination for this but I ship the two so much um if you have an idea im all ears.

-//marauders time// James Potter and Severus Snape are all going after the same girl Lily Evans. But was it really the girl that they want? ;)

-//after the battle of Hogwarts// Being the Auror that he is Harry Potter is to hunt down the remaining death eaters, one of them being Draco Malfoy.

-//after the battle of Hogwarts// Being the Aurors that they are Harry and Draco are to hunt down the remaining death eaters. Meanwhile, Harry also have the responsibility to defend Draco from his coworkers.

-//golden trio// When Harry was sorted into Slytherin, he befriended Draco Malfoy, almost a bit reluctantly. Would the golden boy become someone as powerful as the next dark lord, or would he bring Draco to the light side and fight against the evil? Your choice ;)

-//new gen// Of course, Scorpius and Albus um :')

oc related

-//golden trio// cheese and cliche af u r now warned // The dark lord has a child, related or adopted. He was sent to Hogwarts to corrupt the school from the inside. Then there's this guy, generally the protagonist who befriended him. Whether they will both destroy this place or save the school, your choice. ;)

-//golden trio// When Harry Potter was killed at the battle of Hogwarts, England was ruled by the dark lord and death eaters. Being both the sons of death eaters, should they fight for the people or fight for themselves? your choice too ;)
some of those are very similar to each other yes you've noticed good job have a cookie :') i lack imagination too bad

I have more to come
Heart this
2 | 0 Comments | by Demo1 | Feb 6th 2017 11:42


I am literally dying for a Harry Potter roleplay save me from my misery :')

>>>They r all yaoi m&m and u r warned
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by Demo1 | Feb 6th 2017 11:40

OOC: Rules!

I don't have many rules, so I hope you all read them before we start rp'ing!

1. No one liners, please!

2. Don't send me a starter before we get to discuss story lines.

3. Don't start talking to me calling me "sexy", "baby", or any other name... I'm Thea, #thankyouverymuch and I don't like strangers calling me names, it makes me uncomfortable.

4. If I don't answer right away, restrain yourself from spamming me with messages, I read all of them and I answer as soon as I can, but I'm just busy sometimes, sorry.

5. No anime characters, I wanna see real faces, sorry guys :/

6. No godmodding, metagaming or auto-hits.

7. I don't have many limits when it comes to writing, I am into m*tu*e themes, violence, anything that would be on the show (SPN) is a go. But please, for the love of God, no creepy disgusting things like "tabu" incest, father-daughter, etc. I feel disgusted by even writing this here, but I've received one too many disgusting requests. It's a NO, and I will report you if you even try it.

8. No OOC drama. I can handle all kinds of drama when it's IC and part of the story, but I'm not here for out of character bullsh*t okay? Other than that I'm pretty friendly, so feel free to message me anytime!

That's pretty much all, I'm always open to new roleplays, welcome to the fun! ;)
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27 | 2 Comments | by TheaBelleRogers | Feb 6th 2017 05:38

Indie horror role play idea

You wake up and find yourself lost confused and trapped in what appears to be a strange sewer and as you further explore your surroundings you come face to face with an abnormal creature of unknown origins and it looks like that it found its next meal. You and all you can remember pass your fear is cloth and a mask

Peering over your shoulder was an eight foot figure. No eyes pulsing skin adorned in all black tattered cloth. It's mouth was all fangs sharp teeth and mandible. Black slime dripping from its mouth. Though it's mouth was at the top rather than the bottom so it basically had it's head upside down. It had four tendrils and long elongated black claws it's tall form twisted and haunched over.

Who am I?
A survival base roleplay
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0 | 1 Comment | by Shadey | Feb 5th 2017 02:44

Brynn Angel Polan

Title and Nicknames


Given to her by her mother


Given to her by her best friend Dylan


Brynn Angel Polan



Physical Age


Mental Age













Knows English and conversational French


Baja California




Overall Personality

shy, introverted, looks like a bitch

Mental Disability

Axiety//Social Anxiety


Physical Traits

Blue eyes, long purple hair, sort of pale skin, piercings in her nose and ears all the way up,




Working on getting tattoos, goes for more of a street-style look with her clothes, and wears too much black.


Brynn didn't really start taking life seriously till her parents died when she was 16. Being really close to them made it difficult for her to process her grief. She hid from the world for a year in her house, living on what little money her parents had left to her in their will. She then decided to get a freelancing gig for a friend's wedding and fell in love with photography the moment she picked up the camera and got the photos back. Ever since then she had been working towards her goal of becoming a photographer after high school and thats what she did. She now lives in Los Angeles California making her dreams come true in the art field.


➵ Loves petrichor,soft chocolate chip cookies, and prosecco

➵ Music is her religion

➵ Will make you food if you're sick
Heart this
3 | 1 Comment | by Lukeelele | Feb 4th 2017 21:54

Kara Kent

Name: Kara Kent (Zor-El)
Age: 20-23
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue

Clark Kent "Superman" (Cousin)
Conner Kent "Superboy" (Cousin)
Lois Lane (Cousin-in-law)
Zor-El (Father, deceased0
Alura In-Ze (Mother, deceased)
Jor-El (Uncle, deceased)
Lara Lor-Van (Aunt, deceased)

Personality: She is kind, friendly, and will do her best to help those who need it. Kara cares deeply for her friends and family and is willing to go to any limit to protect them. She lacks confidence and is often very impulsive in battle. Kara had minor PTSD from surviving the destruction of both Krypton and Argo City and losing her entire family.


Kara Kent/Kara Zor-El is Superman's partner in crime and cousin. Kara was sent on a spaceship to Earth when Krypton exploded, only she arrived as a teenager due to the fact that her ship got caught in suspended animation during the journey and her arrival was delayed several decades until Clark was much older than her.

Upon her arrival, the Kent's welcomed her into their home. They taught her to use her power to fight crime as the superheroine Supergirl. Having all of Superman's powers. Once she was able to control her powers and blend in with the population, she began an internship at the Daily Planet alongside her cousin, Clark Kent.

Kara is learning to control her powers while lacking her cousin’s self-restraint. According to much of the League, may even be more powerful than the Man of Steel. Disconnected from a world she’s still struggling to comprehend, she’ll find non-stop action and violence from her first minute on this planet.

Kryptonian Physiology
Solar Energy Absorption
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Speed
Super Breath
Heat Vision
Enhanced Vision
Telescopic Vision
X-Ray Vision
Microscopic Vision
Infrared Vision


Master Combatant: She has been trained by Batman in advanced martial arts and trained with the Amazons,on Themyscira, in combat and sword fighting. She has trained with Wonder Woman and Artemis extensively and knows Klukor (Kryptonian Martial Arts)

Multi-lingual: Supergirl speaks a multitude of languages fluently. She learned all of Earth's languages in less than a month. She also speaks interlac. She is also fluent in Kryptonese. Plus, through precise muscle control, she can mimic other people's voices.

Genius-Level Intellect: Supergirl has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; her mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to humans. Her analytical powers are impressive.She is able to use her senses to read information directly from machines (and, with careful usage of her heat vision, she can even reprogram machines) Supergirl excels in engineering and has been shown at a young age to be able to reprogram advanced Kryptonian technology, like a robot, with little effort. She is even a member of the Kryptonian Science Council the ruling body of Krypton.

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35 | 0 Comments | by KaraKent | Feb 4th 2017 21:01


Basic Statistics

Full Name: Vio Larson
How'd they get it?:——
Age: 20-24
Date of Birth: August 3rd
Zodiac: Leo
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (male lean)
When did they realize this?: Start of college


Parents (describe relationship): Both died in a car accident
Siblings (describe relationship): only child
What does their family love most about them?: Upbeat personality
Hate?: Focuses too much on exterior things
What would their family be described like by another person?: Happy
Have they ever had any pets?: A golden retriever named Lucky
What happened to them?: still have him


Have they ever cheated on a partner?: No
Has a partner ever cheated on them?: Yes
How did they react?: Calmly


Favorite foods: Sushi
Least favorite food: Burgers
Favorite colors: Purple, blue
Least favorite color: Orange, brown
Music: Pop
Literature: Romance
Smell: Lavender
Season: Fall
Pets: Dogs
Place: Anywhere he can be seen
Possession this character values most: Lucky
Why is it so important to them?: last thing from parents

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6’3”
Weight: 177 lbs
Body build: Lean
Eye Color: Gray
Glasses or contact lenses?: colored contacts
Hair Color: Dyed purple naturally blonde
What are their Nervous Tics: Quiet cussing
Usual Body Posture: Proper
Do they have any disabilities?: No

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Did they go to school?: Yes
Did they complete the curriculum?:Yes
What were their grades like?: average
Native language: English
Do they know any other languages?: no
How smart are they?: average
What is their strengths?: Appearance
Weaknesses?: Can’t see past appearances a lot
Any Mental Illnesses?: No(?)
Character's short-term goals in life: Become more famous as a model
Character's long-term goals in life:Retire
How does your Character see themselves?: The ideal male
How does your Character believe they are perceived by others?: Some hot guy
How self-confident is your character?: Very confident
What makes their self-confidence waver?: Insults
What would embarrass your character the most?: Being told off about how he doesn’t look past looks
How does your character feel about love: Unnecessary but appreciated
People of a different sexuality?: Why does it matter who they love?
Different nationality/race?: As long as they’re hot it doesn’t matter
How does your character show affection/love?: Compliments and physical attention
How does your character handle grief? Lots of crying and hiding
What are they like when they cry?: A pitiful mess
What can make them cry?: Loss
How does your character handle physical pain?: Pretty well
Emotional pain?: Not very good
Is your character typically a leader or a follower?: Leader
Are they 'big picture' or 'little details'?: big picture
What kind of energy level does your character typically display?: High

Emotional Characteristics

How does the character deal with anger?:Punching bag
With sadness?: crying and cuddles
With conflict?: Cussing and avoiding
With change?: Confusion
What does your character want out of life?: Success
What would your character like to change in his/her life?: Relationship status
What motivates your character?: Fame
What frightens your character?: Loss
Are they afraid of the Dark?: no
Death?: no
What makes your character happy?: Lucky, good food, being recognized
Is your character judgmental of others?: Yes
Is your character generous or stingy?: depends
Is your character generally polite or rude?: depends
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: optimistic
Introvert or Extrovert?: extrovert
Daredevil or Cautious?: daredevil except for when it comes to cars
Logical or Emotional?: emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: neat
Would they rather be working or relaxing?: working
How do they feel about animals?: Depends on animal, hates most of them
They are most at ease when: At home w/ Lucky

Additional Notes on This Character:
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7 | 0 Comments | by LoLightwithin | Feb 4th 2017 11:45


For most of my life music has become a part of me. I can remember a time when me and my older sister were little and we would turn up the music in the car and sing along. Those were really simple times. I never thought it would bring me here today where I turn to music to feel happy. Clinging to pillows and sobbing into them while blasting LANY or 5sos has become so familiar to me. I'm glad bands can make you feel something and help you get out your emotions. I wouldn't be here without them. I met my online bestfriend through music and I wouldn't trade that for the world.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Lukeelele | Feb 4th 2017 11:29

Nottata esposiva

Avere una nottataccia è una cosa ma quello che è successo a Takeshi non si può descrivere tale, aveva appena scoperto quale royal guard gli dà la caccia e scoprendo di chi si tratta aveva deciso di non fare niente, lasciar perdere. Una sera era andato in un pub aperto tutta la notte, lì aveva incontrato Raphael, anche se non è a conoscenza della sua identitá, vedendolo ha deciso di fingersi un semplice ubriacone al pub. Forse ha bevuto un pò troppo o forse il barista gli ha messo qualcosa di strano nei bicchieri, fatto sta che si ritrova il giorno dopo zuppo di sangue in mezzo ad un parco lì vicino. È mattina presto e lui è allungato su una panchina quasi privo di sensi, l`ultima cosa che ricorda è quel pub.
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1 | 33 Comments | by Karm | Feb 4th 2017 08:03

Lucas ♛Uke♛

• Name: Lucas

• Age: 17-21

• Birth date: August 18th 1995-1999

• Occupation: The boy works for his father's writing company as an editor at this young age due to his father forcing him to take literature and writing classes even though he would much rather be playing the piano and singing.

• Height: 5'2

• Weight: 94lbs

• Eye colour: Dark blue eyes.

• Hair colour: A dark shade of black.

• Health issues: Physical illness: Stress. (Cause of all the work he'd much rather not do))

• Tattoos/Scars: none. (Cause he's not allowed to)

• Usual attire: Lucas is uasually seen in his work attire where the boy is forced to wear dark colored pants and a button up. In school (or college), the boy's seen wearing more comfortable baggy clothing such as loose long sleeved sweaters and sweat pants.

• Persona: He's one basically dreading the positions he is in. Due to this, his attitude towards people he's forced to interact with can be quite bitter and disrespectful. He doesn't seem to notice it since he's too busy dreading his and not truly knowing who he is nor who he wants to be.

• Quotes:
~"I'm supposed to be in college father.. not here doing your dirty work for you."~

~"And even if I haven't been in situations like that, I'm pretty sure a (age) year old like me would be able to handle it just fine."~

~"Y-you're an idiot.."~

~"I'm not sorry but I can't imagine anyone falling for you. It sounds too damn wrong."~

~"Oh great, you're not only a psychopath, but a stalker too? What a great f***ing combination!"~
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9 | 0 Comments | by H2O | Feb 3rd 2017 15:36