
After returning from the usual two weeks in Erebor, she decodes to dedicate herself to some shopping for a little while and to gather a few thoughts.

Despite family life has forced her to change her life style quite badly, she still manages to do everything she feels like to do and her husbands make it even easier to her to achieve that compared to before. She definitely doesn't miss single life at all.

Right now she is walking in the open air market of Thylum, wearing a very bright red long dress with a tight corset and a long cloak-like black cardigan as a coat. Her hair is still blue of course.
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2 | Feb 9th 2017 13:03
Crow She is keeping her eyes on the stands, certainly not looking down at the ground, thus she almost steps on Ethan actually.
•What is that little wolf over there made of? Amethyst?•

"yes, m'lady, of the finest quality."

•A nice Amber pendant somewhere in your stocks, by any chance?•
Crow As something hits her legs, she looks down indeed and doesn't even need to wonder who that is, as it is not like normal foxes go around in the middle of the crowd. •Ethan! What the heck are you trying to do, spying under my dress?!•