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Started by FluffyNeko , Aug 5th 2017 01:19

Spartan203 - Jul 14th 2018 04:07

Nitro ignores the loud sound and looks around the house in search of a guitar, after all he hasn't played one in 31 years. He walks room to room until he goes into the basement to find a teenagers old room that had a poster of him and his old band on the wall. He soon finds a guitar very much like his. Nitro picks it up gently incase it is broken and wipes away the dust and examines it and then takes it up into the living room and finds an guitar amp and hooks it in. He begins to shred away on the guitar just giving it a little test run.

Edited Jul 14th 2018 04:08

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FluffyNeko - Jul 14th 2018 04:21

Hara finishes making dinner and makes plates and sets the table and walks out the door looking for everyone so they can eat.

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Cirice - Aug 4th 2018 00:22

Malum stands confidently beside of the beast. The other two brother had decided to leave a while ago. He and Kate knew each other. They where... Companions. But nor romantic companions.
Malum was just outside of the building Hara had entered. He watches as she walks outside and as Kate asks her something.

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FluffyNeko - Aug 6th 2018 04:23

Hara sticks her nose in the air and sniffs looking for everyone. She smells one scent really close and looks over at Malum and Kate. "You two can go in and eat if you want."

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Spartan203 - Aug 6th 2018 05:09

Nitro stands up and puts everything back where he had originally found them then walks towards the front door and out it making sure to close the door behind him. He stands on the front porch for a moment it didn't seem like 31 years had passed so fast or was it just because he was 'Dead'? Nitro has a seat on the steps of the front porch of the 2 floor white house.

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FluffyNeko - Aug 6th 2018 05:29

"Oh sorry I'm just assuming you have a human form" Hara apologizes. Hara walks inside and grabs a plate for Kate "Here you are" She says as she walks away sniffing the air again.

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Cirice - Aug 8th 2018 02:29

Malum was silent watching them interact. How did she know this beast was a shapeshifter? He was puzzled.
Malum watches as she brings out a plate and randomly sniffs the air.

Ghost re-appeared out of some random smoke. He had missed what happened and wasn't where the others where. He sees the one guy that came out of the grave that looks like a time traveler from the 80s.

Edited Aug 8th 2018 02:33

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FluffyNeko - Aug 12th 2018 23:13

Hara walks to a two story house that is white and knocks on the front door she is at the house because she followed someone's scent there. "Hello? Um I've made dinner for everyone. Go to the two story light blue house to get it." Hara says with a smile and waits to see if anyone answers.

(P.S. her ears and tail and wings are hidden)

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FluffyNeko - Aug 12th 2018 23:26

Hara looks away from the door and see's him. "Oh I didn't 'sea' you there." she says with a soft chuckle.

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Spartan203 - Aug 13th 2018 20:25

Nitro had his eyes closed enjoying the hot breeze that he hasn't felt in years but then it is ruined by that weird woman walking up the steps, knocking on the door and then screaming into the house about something. Nitro doesn't look back there at all while this was happening then she starts talking about something else and he turns around just enough to see her. "Huh, what were you saying?" He asked the woman that he didn't hear.

Edited Aug 13th 2018 20:26

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