The Shifting knight

Name : Kieran Crawford
Age : 1000+
Species: son of Lucifer and cursed shifter
Occupation: knight
Weapons : dagger
Relationship: single and gay
Abilities: shift into a tabby cat and a wolf

Bio : Kieran was born in hell but ran away at a young age joking a band of knights who served queen Amythyst an her husband and were expecting a child who would adopt a girl his age her name Alice she was beautiful beyond words and soon they became best friends an he fell for her but was hiding the fact he desired men he was gay and was scared to admit it so he hid it through Alice by acting on his love for her now trapped in the basement of the castle a grown man after running to heal from the seige he is unaware of Alice's return to tijni or her marriage

Playby: tba
( original character don't steal )
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3 | Jan 26th 2017 00:45