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LaNii's Blog

Explanatory Letter.

I have decided to describe my project and ideas through a letter because the written form better suits me, allowing to focus without distractions and to schematize my thoughts for a better understanding.

I intend to create an organisation of doctors and healers, centered on offering medical support to those who are unable to afford hiring the so-called 'physicians' of Xhuanghen.
It will be a *semi-military* organisation for the following reasons:
- Hostilities are expected;
- Dangers will occur;
- Doctors will have to be trained to fight.

The organisation won't merely focus on curing people in need, it will also deal with anything else related to the preservation of life and health. It will offer a safe shelter to abused people, regardless of the rank or patrimony of the abuser, ignoring whatever right the abusers will believe to own over the life of the abused.
It will include children in the hands of families deemed unfit.

The organisation will be no-profit oriented and the doctors, nor the lawyer or defenders joining it will be allow to charge any price on the patients.
It will rely on willing donations and other potential sources of income, which will be used to primarily acquire needed elements to perform the job, to pay the workers and, in specific situation, to be handed to the patients.

I realise that my ideas won't be taken with the due seriousness due to my age. I am also aware that I won't be able to personally represent this organisation until I'll reach adult age, but I won't let these trivialities stand in the way of my project.

My organisation might not yet exist in the eyes of the Law, but it is as good as here.
While in search for someone to co-found the organisation and to join me in my projects, whether with resources or work, I'll leave for an undetermined amount of time.
To be able to bring my project to life, I need to learn and see with my own eyes.
When I'll come back, if I will (my survival is not given for granted), I'll be definitely ready to start.
Should anyone be interested in my project, there will be plenty of time to make up your mind.

The date of my departure will be on the 30th of June, Seoul time, at 5:OO pm.
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2 | 33 Comments | Jun 28th 2020 10:27


After winning the phone, he indeed makes a YouTube channel for himself. He calls it 'LaNiToo' and records s first, introductory video to upload on it.

"Annyeonghasimnikka." Bows. He is holding the phone in his hand, not being recorded by others. "I'm Chae Lan-i, the... person who appeared in the Storror love stream of one month ago. This... is my own channel that I just made." He is quite clumsy and shy in it, but that makes him look so cute at the same time.
"If you'd like... you can subscribe and watch my videos. If there is... something in particular you'd like to see in this channel, you let me know...! I'll do my best." He bows again.
"Gamsahamnida, see you!"

What he didn't expect is that the video becomes almost instantly viral, because of all the people who has been searching about him ever since he appeared in that live.
The video gets shared in all social networks and the channel gets the record subscriptions of 1M in less than 24 hours.
Due to this, Dispatch and other entertainment sourced all write news about him and his instantly successful YouTube channel, turning him into quite a celebrity among young people.

It's nothing LaNi had calculated nor that he would have ever expected.

Without him to notice anything except the number of subscribers and views to raise exponentially, he wakes up the next morning and there is about him even in the news of some channels in the tv.
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0 | 77 Comments | Jun 11th 2020 07:07


Totally unaware of the mess that has just started and the fact he is in some way connected to it, due to his mother and her crew being part of it, one good evening, after recovering a little from everything, he heads to Ri's home with something.

He doesn't really plan to remain there for long, just to leave what he brought and go away.
He is wearing an oversized sweater with hood pulled on his head.
Reached the door, he knocks and waits.
He is quite gloomy even for his standards, since he is still dealing with everything inside his mind.
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1 | 80 Comments | Jun 4th 2020 08:10


After spending some time with Song and TiHao, he returns to Kori's home and heads to his bedroom, to take a nap. He counted to sleep a couple of hours and wake up with a less painful headache, so that he would be able to take care of ShiHao's matter that same evening. He even told to TiHao that he'd do it that in some hours, since he was very positive that he'd get better after resting.

The nap, though, lasts much longer than he had calculated. He sleeps the whole rest of the afternoon and all night, waking up only the next morning.
All of his memories are back and they mix up with all the new ones he made while living with amnesia. Now he really is back to his usual self and he remembers everything that happened while he wasn't in his right mind too.

What he feels, beyond anything else, is a sense to absolute terror. It's so intense it triggers a very strong panic attack, the worst he has had in his whole life, despite he always suffered from panic disorder.

He phones YiXing, since he is the first person coming to his mind. He thinks Kori might be busy with work and wouldn't be able to answer it. "Dowajuseyo, dowajuseyo, jebal!!"

(...) When YiXing shuts the call, he feels even more scared and starts to send the same vocal message to all the WhatsApp groups he is into.
"Dowajuseyo, dowajuseyo, jebal!!" he sobs loudly while crying desperately, even in the message.
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1 | 41 Comments | Jun 1st 2020 06:37


The more time passes, the more he realises that there is something off.
When he thinks about it, many things don't seem to match, first of all, how did he end up on Earth? Christoph said she found him there, but there is no way his eomeoni would send him to another world. He is totally sure of it.
Another factor that makes him realise things don't match is that he can eat so well. It's simply impossible his stomach wouldn't react negatively to food, when being used for the first time in his life. He obviously had to eat before and for a while, to manage to stand food like this.
In addition to that, the weird behaviour of YiXing and Kori, the fact lots of people he never saw appear to know him so well, just seem to confirm that he must have suffered from a memory loss.

There is also that bag that he is sure not to be his, but that Christoph said she found with him. At first he was just so convinced it couldn't be his that it even felt wrong to touch it, but after coming to such considerations, now he simply must take a look at it.
He opens QinShi's back, clueless about everything and also particularly vulnerable; the awareness he might be suffering from amnesia causes him a huge stress.
The first things that catch his attention are the notebooks inside. What's more useful that written stuff?

He opens the first notebook and it's just a bunch of names he never heard. Although that notebook is actually less useless than it could seem, since it is a coded script, he can't pay attention to it in such moment and just puts it back.
The second notebook is full of medical notes and prescriptions, all signed by... Christophei Riddle. He doesn't need a crystal ball to guess what the owner of that book was suffering from: severe clinical depression. And considering the increasing dosage of antidepressants, the condition was getting worse rather than better, overyears.
When he reaches the third notebook, though, that's where he gets mad. QinShi's memories are all written in first person, for his side, so there is nowhere his own name in the whole thing. Only the names of other people, thus... it's quite easy for LaNi to get tricked, in that pretty weak mental state.

Of course, what he reads in that notebook leaves him totally baffled and also infuriated. How did himself reach that state to allow people to treat him like that? And how did those people dare to treat him like that in such difficulty moments?
As if he needed any more proof that the notebook was his, he finally realises that he has been wearing a wedding ring the whole time. He looks at it in his finger and feels his blood to boil.
He even finds the wedding portrait inside the backpack and that's the final strike.
He leaves everything there and stands up. "LianBi, JinGoo, SongYu. These bastards must think they can take profit of me... I'm going to show them!"

His first idea is to search on the internet, since many events described in the notebook happened there on Earth. He searches for LianBi, but it only leads to some Chinese ancient college. Then searches JinGoo and the only result is an abandoned Instagram account with just one selfie: Now he knows one of their faces.
Finding SongYu requires him to ask the people around and all he needs to hear is that he is the identical twin of Lay.
Tracking down LianBi, though, seems impossible. In the notebook, he addresses him as hyung-nim and later on as Jeonha. The only known LianBi is the first Emperor, but he is also known to be dead since many centuries. Could it be that person who forced him to marry SongYu?

He can't get that question answered, but at least he knows the faces of Song and Jin. Regarding the first one, he also knows where to find him.
In the late evening, he leaves Kori's home alone, making sure SeRan doesn't see him, and heads to Ri's house.
He starts to circle around it, studying the best way to sneak inside. He doesn't know that all he'd have to do is knock, to get welcomed inside warmly by pretty much anyone. XD
He goes behind the house and jumps over the fences, approaching the windows, starting to search if he can find SongYu anywhere there.
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1 | 91 Comments | May 19th 2020 05:03