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LaNii's Blog


After receiving WonPil's audio message stating that he would quit his training, and being unable to contact him ever since, Lani got quite worried and decides to go to look for him in Guyun. He doesn't find it wise at all for him to stop his training and monitoring already, given how unstable his element is.

He tries to look for WonPil in the places the brat mentioned, other than where he lives, but he didn't find him anywhere.
While walking in the main street of Guyun, he starts to mess up with his own phone to try to track down WonPil's and find out his position.
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1 | 54 Comments | Apr 28th 2024 15:25


He literally forces WonPil to leave his job and to come with him every day, for some trainings the same way as what he made XinLan do, when he was a child. At least he knows for sure that that works to prevent the formation and accumulation of negative energy inside of him, which is what leads to catastrophic events.
In WonPil's case, that energy accumulated wildly during the time in jail and his completely dissatisfying job is not a good way to unleash his energy.

Lani takes WonPil to train in his house, so that they have plenty of space outside, don't risk to harm others and they can use the gravity room,.if needed.
Doing those things with WonPil unavoidably makes Lani kind of fond of him, since he connects WonPil with XinLan.
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1 | 27 Comments | Mar 15th 2024 16:06


As promised, as soon as he comes across LiHao again, he convinces him to meet him at the stand the next day to see some new products in preview, but actually warns ZhongLi so that he can go to meet him.
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1 | 12 Comments | Oct 5th 2023 15:22


Convinced by She'er's optimism, he decides to try to meet the King for real and hear what he has to say. After all, if he won't like the response, he can simply disappear. That's the positive side to live in a totally isolated and remote house.

He closes his stand and follows She'er to the palace when he goes, so that he won't have to book an appointment and possibly have to wait for his turn, he prefers to be abuse of people's hospitality and kindness!!

He waits outside the throne room while She'er speaks to the king himself, just waiting for his turn.
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1 | 60 Comments | Sep 10th 2023 14:45


After returning home, he can determine that Cyno's conditions are stable enough for him to return to the others. Lani doesn't really fancy to have people around himself and his son, even if Cyno is from another world and would have no way to mess up with XinLan, thus he is very eager to send the patient off.

Lani teleports Cyno back to TiHao's fortress and just leaves right away. He has given the General the medicines he still needs to take and some instructions on how to ensure to recover quickly.
Unlike ever seen before, Cyno is wearing some properly covering, thick clothes and boots, that Lani had to provide to avoid the patient to fall back sick two hours after dismissing him.
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1 | 58 Comments | Mar 2nd 2023 10:20