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Started by Legendary_Spook , Oct 28th 2017 09:25

Lizziejo - Jan 3rd 2018 09:24

"Oh," was all Amu replied with. She could tell that there was a lot he was leaving out given he reacted so much to it. Dispite this, Amu wasn't going to let something as small as a scar stop her from going back to where she left off. It was bigger than she expected as she followed the scar up to his shoulder. Something told her that it was a painful reminder of someone or something. Amu gently brought her hand up to the back of his neck, pulling his head down close to hers. She pressed her lips against his, not suggesting anything expect that she was here, soft and brief.

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Legendary_Spook - Jan 3rd 2018 09:30

Returning the sweet gesture, Ivan couldn’t help but acknowledge the fact that his heart was beginning to race. It had been so long since he’s had someone care for him as much as he cared for them. Once their lips parted, he moved his own to her forehead, smiling against her skin. No words seemed to need to be exchanged now and it was nice.

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Lizziejo - Jan 3rd 2018 09:38

Amu wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep, all she could remember was being warm and safe. That and she had the worst headache, groaning Amu sat up and rubbed her temples. She blinked the sleep from her eyes before realizing that she wasn't in her room. Looking around she noticed Ivan first which connected some dots as to where she was. However the events that led up to this point were hazy. Amu knew this was a pattern for her when she got drunk, she'd remember more once her head stopped pounding in her skull.

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Legendary_Spook - Jan 3rd 2018 10:41

Ivan was still fast asleep beside her, having fallen asleep so much later than her due to insomnia. His arm was still loosely wrapped around her but had now fallen onto her lap as she sat up. When he was awake, he was always clearly up to something, smirking, has a mischievous look in his eyes and so on, so when he was asleep, all of that was gone, leaving behind a normal, young man who was trying to find himself in life. When he did wake up, he let out a tired groan and nuzzled his face into his pillow before opening his eyes. Upon seeing her beside him, and not remembering straight away that it was her, he freaked out and fell off the bed, onto the wood floor.

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Lizziejo - Jan 3rd 2018 11:05

"Oh god are you okay?" Amu crawled over, peering over the side of the bed to see him crumpled on the floor. She'd been busy staring at his sleeping face which was very different from the man she was used to seeing. She was glad that she'd been the one to wake up first, not knowing how'd she'd react if it was the other way around. Trying to be casual Amu ran a hand through her hair, "Am I that scary looking in the morning?"

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Legendary_Spook - Jan 3rd 2018 11:17

Ivan stared up at her blankly for a moment before letting out a laugh, resting his head against the hard floor until he settled. “No, no of course not. Just forgot you were next to me for a second,” he claimed with a tired grin, sitting up and messily untangling his legs from whatever covers had fallen with him. Once he was on his feet, he stretched his arms above his head before leaning down and kissing the top of her head. “Sleep well?” He asked, running a hand through his, currently, gravity defying hair.

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Lizziejo - Jan 3rd 2018 11:27

She nodded but the momentum caused a spike of pain in her head, "Ow.." Amu muttered something under her breath which was pretty much how much she 'loved' hangovers. "Hey," she abruptly turned to him a little bit of worry in her expression. "Uh we didn't- I mean we just...slept?" Amu could only recall the sensation of his mouth on hers and on other places, not really much else about what happened at the party or how she wound up here.

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Legendary_Spook - Jan 3rd 2018 11:35

Nodding his head, he let out a chuckle. “Yeah we only slept, don’t worry. I wouldn’t take advantage of a drunk girl,” he claimed. “I’d rather you be aware of it all instead,” he added teasingly before glancing around the room. “Want me to go find something for the hangover?” He asked, having noticed the ‘ow’ the muttered.

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Legendary_Spook - Jan 3rd 2018 11:35


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Lizziejo - Jan 3rd 2018 11:55

Amu shoved him away playfully, "Very funny." Though she wouldn't tell him that she'd rather be aware as well if or when they ever got around to that. However she was more concerned about her head. "Yeah, my head is killing me." She noticed she was dressed in his clothes, looking over though she saw her jacket and costume. "But if we just slept then why-" Amu frowned at him, "Nevermind." She figured he would either exaggerate what happened at the party or say the truth which could be even worse.

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