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southerndream's Blog

( Derek Marigold )

General Information:

Full Name: Derek M. Marigold
Nickname(s): Psycho, Dead Eye, or Bubba (mainly just cause he’s obsessed with Leatherface)
Age: 26
Gender: Male (he/they)
Place of Birth: New York
Date of Birth: October 17th
Species: Human
Occupation: Works at Spencers and typically has small gigs at open mic nights


Height: 7 foot 9 (dude is taller than both his mom and dad)
Skin Color: Kinda tan
Hair Color: Dark brown/grayish
Hair Style: Pretty shaggy, somewhat of a wolf cut, usually just spikes it a little
Eye Color: Right eye is bright green, his left eye is all red
Clothing: Very casual, lots of horror hoodies/tank tops and sweatpants
Accessories: Usually has in his piercings (on ears and elsewhere)


Weapons: Loves knives
Skills: Unsure, he doesn’t think about it much
Abilities: None
Last Resort: Goes for the throat or points to paralyze the other
Strengths/Feats: Moves quick and has a good eye when it comes to stabbing
Weaknesses: His vision is a little messed up in his left eye


Family: Parents live in Connecticut but he keeps in touch with them
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: Some people at school, at work, and some online horror buddies
Enemies: His ex-boyfriend and his uncle

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: He’s..very obsessive about horror stuff and will ramble for HOURS if he trusts you. He’s a huge dork despite his appearance and his..kind of scary voice. He’ll be the type to do drunk karaoke at a bar and not care who’s watching. He’s also a hopeless romantic so, expect him to make you a song about how much he loves you

Likes: Jack Black movies, Halloween, fall, Chainsaw Massacre, anything horror related, and cats
Dislikes: Winter, Christmas (will be revealed in story), and passionfruit, it grosses him out
Hobbies: Singing, guitar, and usually paints a bit while he puts a movie on
Goals: Wants to be in a horror movie
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0 | 1 Comment | Jun 5th 2023 04:06

( Juliet Stars )

General Information:

Full Name: Juliet W. Stars
Nickname(s): Lil dancer (by her father), Sunflower
Age: 25
Gender: Female (she/her)
Place of Birth: New York
Date of Birth: November 2nd
Species: Human
Occupation: Works at a bookstore in the mall and aerial dances on the side


Height: 5 foot (she’s short leave her be)
Skin Color: Slightly tan but mainly pale
Hair Color: Soft brown/dirty blonde
Hair Style: Reaches her mid back. Either has it up in a bun (mainly for aerial dancing) or in a ponytail
Eye Color: Right eye is brown, left eye is green
Clothing: Usually pretty bright clothing, lots of skirts and sweaters. For aerial dancing, she usually has leotards on
Accessories: Has the golden locket her mom gave her, and has a choker on usually 24/7 to hide the scar along her throat


Weapons: She hates fighting but has a thing of pepper spray her dad gave her
Skills: Just quick to move
Abilities: None
Last Resort: Pepper spray
Strengths/Feats: Moves quick, that’s about it
Weaknesses: Her height and size makes it hard for her to fight, which she hates fighting anyways


Family: Her dad, Matthew Stars (might make him into a character), lives an hour away from her
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: Some people at school, at work, and at aerial dancing
Enemies: Her ex boyfriend

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: She’s a very sweet and innocent person. She doesn’t speak her mind too much so she just sort of..does what people tell her to do or what they want. She can be stubborn at times but she’ll quickly apologize if she thinks she went too far

Likes: Dancing, pop music, cotton candy (only the pink kind), and anything frog related
Dislikes: Loud noises, certain textures/fabrics, hates onions, and doesn’t like flashing lights
Hobbies: Dancing, usually sings a little but only alone, and gardening with her dad
Goals: Wants to be a famous dancer one day
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 4th 2023 17:46

( Adam Baldemer )

General Information:

Full Name: Adam N. Baldemer
Nickname(s): Father (just for work)
Age: 45
Gender: Male (he/him)
Place of Birth: Ireland
Date of Birth: December 7th
Species: Human
Occupation: Works as a priest (has for 7 years)


Height: 6 foot 11
Skin Color: Slightly tan but mainly pale
Hair Color: Pure white, it’s a genetic thing
Hair Style: Reaches his hips, usually has it in a bun or a braid to keep it out of the way when he works
Eye Color: Very very silver, almost white. He’s blind but can see faint shadows of things around him
Clothing: Very formal but usually seen in his priest outfit
Accessories: Cross necklace at all times and has his sunglasses on (couldn’t change it in picrew but the sunglasses are usually red and not black)


Weapons: The cane he uses can be popped open and turned into a sword (he’s insane, I love him)
Skills: Despite his sight and his bad knee, he moves quick at times
Abilities: None
Last Resort: The cane/sword
Strengths/Feats: Moves quick at times and he’s stronger than he looks
Weaknesses: His sight and his knee


Family: Mother and Father live in Ireland and he has a son named Bryan who is 3
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: A few nuns and priests/church goers
Enemies: His ex-wife Diane

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: He’s a very out-going but soft spoken man. He typically gets a bit nervous when faced with too many decisions but he tries to remain calm. He isn’t one to get angry at others

Likes: His job, reading, music (mainly jazz and classical), and spending time with his son
Dislikes: People raising their tone at him and country music. It reminds him of his ex-wife
Hobbies: Playing the piano or going to the amusement park with his son
Goals: Wants to have a wife/husband/partner and raise a family together
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1 | 0 Comments | Jun 4th 2023 17:16

( Damon Bloodsworth )

General Information:

Full Name: Damon C. Bloodsworth
Nickname(s): N/a
Age: In vampire years, 214. In human years if he had to guess, about 34
Gender: Male (he/him)
Place of Birth: Pennsylvania (cheesy, I know)
Date of Birth: September 5th
Species: Vampire
Occupation: If he gets introduced to the modern world, probably a library


Height: 6 foot 5
Skin Color: Pale. Like basically white
Hair Color: Black with faint gray hairs
Hair Style: Reaches his mid back, usually has it as a side part or just down the middle. He takes care of his hair
Eye Color: Very very silver, almost white. Will turn red when using any sort of power which is rare. He is somewhat blind, mainly sensitive to light but that can always change in the roleplay
Clothing: Very victorian (obviously) but will dress modernly if introduced to the modern world. Still fancy though
Accessories: Usually has in earrings and the necklace his mother gave him


Weapons: Usually his nails or fangs but will prefer knives
Skills: I mean..he’s a vampire, he moves rather quickly
Abilities: Can transform a human into a vampire, hypnosis (only lasts a certain amount of time) and can manipulate shadows. However, he can control when he turns someone into a vampire so he can still bite without consequences
Last Resort: Hypnosis if needed
Strengths/Feats: He moves fairly quickly so it keeps him mostly out of trouble
Weaknesses: If he uses his hypnosis for too long, he will grow tired and will need a small break


Family: Most of them were killed by vampire hunters
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: Depends on roleplay
Enemies: Any vampire hunter

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: He’s a quiet man but he is typically the sweetest man you could meet. He controls his temper fairly well and if he loves you, you best believe he is willing to kill for you

Likes: Classic music, reading, and if introduced to the modern world, he really likes Boba because chewing on it feels good on his fangs
Dislikes: Bright lights, churches (though he likes to look at them just not being inside), and the taste of Vodka
Hobbies: Reading and occasionally, if in the modern world, watching ghost hunting shows because they’re funny to him
Goals: Wants to have a wife/husband/partner who can live with him for eternity
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 4th 2023 15:57

( Tyler Quartz )

General Information:

Full Name: Tyler D. Quartz
Nickname(s): Ty, Stitches, and Blood eyes
Age: 25
Gender: Male (he/they/it)
Place of Birth: Colorado
Date of Birth: November 7th
Species: Human
Occupation: Works at Hot Topic and a local cafe


Height: 6 foot 3
Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color: Dyes it a dark blue but it’s naturally blonde
Hair Style: Usually a shaggy wolf cut
Eye Color: Blood red, the doctor’s think it’s a birth defect since there’s hints of blue in them
Clothing: Usually baggy band shirts and sweatpants
Accessories: His tongue piercing, nose piercing, the piercing between his collarbones, and the piercing under his right eye


Weapons: Has pepper spray, brass knuckles, and keeps knives in his dorm room
Skills: Took self defense classes growing up
Abilities: N/a
Last Resort: Goes for the throat
Strengths/Feats: Good at fighting just because of the defense classes
Weaknesses: His anger will overcome him depending on the situation and he tends to lash out easily


Family: Only knows his siter, Skylar Quartz
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: A few coworkers and band kids
Enemies: A few jocks since they picked on his sister

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: Kind of gross in a sensual way, typically just likes to make people grossed out so they leave him alone. He has a hyperfixation on the dead and will rant for hours about his favorite graveyard and where it is. He can be sweet to some people though

Likes: Graveyards, bones, guitars, and heavy metal
Dislikes: Anything bright and frilly but he puts up with his sister
Hobbies: Smoking and going to abandoned places
Goals: Wants to be a ghost hunter
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0 | 0 Comments | May 22nd 2023 20:59