( Tyler Quartz )

General Information:

Full Name: Tyler D. Quartz
Nickname(s): Ty, Stitches, and Blood eyes
Age: 25
Gender: Male (he/they/it)
Place of Birth: Colorado
Date of Birth: November 7th
Species: Human
Occupation: Works at Hot Topic and a local cafe


Height: 6 foot 3
Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color: Dyes it a dark blue but it’s naturally blonde
Hair Style: Usually a shaggy wolf cut
Eye Color: Blood red, the doctor’s think it’s a birth defect since there’s hints of blue in them
Clothing: Usually baggy band shirts and sweatpants
Accessories: His tongue piercing, nose piercing, the piercing between his collarbones, and the piercing under his right eye


Weapons: Has pepper spray, brass knuckles, and keeps knives in his dorm room
Skills: Took self defense classes growing up
Abilities: N/a
Last Resort: Goes for the throat
Strengths/Feats: Good at fighting just because of the defense classes
Weaknesses: His anger will overcome him depending on the situation and he tends to lash out easily


Family: Only knows his siter, Skylar Quartz
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: A few coworkers and band kids
Enemies: A few jocks since they picked on his sister

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: Kind of gross in a sensual way, typically just likes to make people grossed out so they leave him alone. He has a hyperfixation on the dead and will rant for hours about his favorite graveyard and where it is. He can be sweet to some people though

Likes: Graveyards, bones, guitars, and heavy metal
Dislikes: Anything bright and frilly but he puts up with his sister
Hobbies: Smoking and going to abandoned places
Goals: Wants to be a ghost hunter
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