( Damon Bloodsworth )

General Information:

Full Name: Damon C. Bloodsworth
Nickname(s): N/a
Age: In vampire years, 214. In human years if he had to guess, about 34
Gender: Male (he/him)
Place of Birth: Pennsylvania (cheesy, I know)
Date of Birth: September 5th
Species: Vampire
Occupation: If he gets introduced to the modern world, probably a library


Height: 6 foot 5
Skin Color: Pale. Like basically white
Hair Color: Black with faint gray hairs
Hair Style: Reaches his mid back, usually has it as a side part or just down the middle. He takes care of his hair
Eye Color: Very very silver, almost white. Will turn red when using any sort of power which is rare. He is somewhat blind, mainly sensitive to light but that can always change in the roleplay
Clothing: Very victorian (obviously) but will dress modernly if introduced to the modern world. Still fancy though
Accessories: Usually has in earrings and the necklace his mother gave him


Weapons: Usually his nails or fangs but will prefer knives
Skills: I mean..he’s a vampire, he moves rather quickly
Abilities: Can transform a human into a vampire, hypnosis (only lasts a certain amount of time) and can manipulate shadows. However, he can control when he turns someone into a vampire so he can still bite without consequences
Last Resort: Hypnosis if needed
Strengths/Feats: He moves fairly quickly so it keeps him mostly out of trouble
Weaknesses: If he uses his hypnosis for too long, he will grow tired and will need a small break


Family: Most of them were killed by vampire hunters
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: Depends on roleplay
Enemies: Any vampire hunter

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: He’s a quiet man but he is typically the sweetest man you could meet. He controls his temper fairly well and if he loves you, you best believe he is willing to kill for you

Likes: Classic music, reading, and if introduced to the modern world, he really likes Boba because chewing on it feels good on his fangs
Dislikes: Bright lights, churches (though he likes to look at them just not being inside), and the taste of Vodka
Hobbies: Reading and occasionally, if in the modern world, watching ghost hunting shows because they’re funny to him
Goals: Wants to have a wife/husband/partner who can live with him for eternity
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