( Adam Baldemer )

General Information:

Full Name: Adam N. Baldemer
Nickname(s): Father (just for work)
Age: 45
Gender: Male (he/him)
Place of Birth: Ireland
Date of Birth: December 7th
Species: Human
Occupation: Works as a priest (has for 7 years)


Height: 6 foot 11
Skin Color: Slightly tan but mainly pale
Hair Color: Pure white, it’s a genetic thing
Hair Style: Reaches his hips, usually has it in a bun or a braid to keep it out of the way when he works
Eye Color: Very very silver, almost white. He’s blind but can see faint shadows of things around him
Clothing: Very formal but usually seen in his priest outfit
Accessories: Cross necklace at all times and has his sunglasses on (couldn’t change it in picrew but the sunglasses are usually red and not black)


Weapons: The cane he uses can be popped open and turned into a sword (he’s insane, I love him)
Skills: Despite his sight and his bad knee, he moves quick at times
Abilities: None
Last Resort: The cane/sword
Strengths/Feats: Moves quick at times and he’s stronger than he looks
Weaknesses: His sight and his knee


Family: Mother and Father live in Ireland and he has a son named Bryan who is 3
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: A few nuns and priests/church goers
Enemies: His ex-wife Diane

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: He’s a very out-going but soft spoken man. He typically gets a bit nervous when faced with too many decisions but he tries to remain calm. He isn’t one to get angry at others

Likes: His job, reading, music (mainly jazz and classical), and spending time with his son
Dislikes: People raising their tone at him and country music. It reminds him of his ex-wife
Hobbies: Playing the piano or going to the amusement park with his son
Goals: Wants to have a wife/husband/partner and raise a family together
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1 | Jun 4th 2023 17:16