( Juliet Stars )

General Information:

Full Name: Juliet W. Stars
Nickname(s): Lil dancer (by her father), Sunflower
Age: 25
Gender: Female (she/her)
Place of Birth: New York
Date of Birth: November 2nd
Species: Human
Occupation: Works at a bookstore in the mall and aerial dances on the side


Height: 5 foot (she’s short leave her be)
Skin Color: Slightly tan but mainly pale
Hair Color: Soft brown/dirty blonde
Hair Style: Reaches her mid back. Either has it up in a bun (mainly for aerial dancing) or in a ponytail
Eye Color: Right eye is brown, left eye is green
Clothing: Usually pretty bright clothing, lots of skirts and sweaters. For aerial dancing, she usually has leotards on
Accessories: Has the golden locket her mom gave her, and has a choker on usually 24/7 to hide the scar along her throat


Weapons: She hates fighting but has a thing of pepper spray her dad gave her
Skills: Just quick to move
Abilities: None
Last Resort: Pepper spray
Strengths/Feats: Moves quick, that’s about it
Weaknesses: Her height and size makes it hard for her to fight, which she hates fighting anyways


Family: Her dad, Matthew Stars (might make him into a character), lives an hour away from her
Love Interest/Crush: Depends on roleplay
Friends/Allies: Some people at school, at work, and at aerial dancing
Enemies: Her ex boyfriend

History: Revealed in roleplay

Personality: She’s a very sweet and innocent person. She doesn’t speak her mind too much so she just sort of..does what people tell her to do or what they want. She can be stubborn at times but she’ll quickly apologize if she thinks she went too far

Likes: Dancing, pop music, cotton candy (only the pink kind), and anything frog related
Dislikes: Loud noises, certain textures/fabrics, hates onions, and doesn’t like flashing lights
Hobbies: Dancing, usually sings a little but only alone, and gardening with her dad
Goals: Wants to be a famous dancer one day
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