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Forum > Venom548

Spider-Verse RP

Venom548 replied to Albert_Parker_'s topic

"Scar ain't corrupt Carnage is and so is Venom you want to hassle someone than hassle them. And for your information I only killed one of my baddies and Demo was a necessary casualty because if we didn't do something permanent he would have killed all of us." Keith said standing in place as he looked at him as he crossed his arms as he refused to antagonize him or entertain him by giving into what he wanted him to actually do which was push back.

Sep 5th 2017 21:50

Spider-Verse RP

Venom548 replied to Albert_Parker_'s topic

"No spider sense none of had any Hobgoblin made a toxin of sorts that neutralized it we had no idea till the last moment when my Dad pushed Peter out of the way and the glider hit him square in the back." He said with a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair as he before he looked up with a glare at Albert. "And Spidey Jr I don't know what your deal is but if you're trying to piss me off it ain't gonna work I'm in more control than you think." He said before he sat back down and closed his eyes leaning his head back with a sigh.

Sep 5th 2017 21:40

Spider-Verse RP

Venom548 replied to Albert_Parker_'s topic

"Besides what would do if you saw your father die right in front of you with no way to stop it and then find out not only they lied but hid the fact that your mother died the same day?" He asked anger still evident in his voice but kept his head lowered as he talked.

Sep 5th 2017 21:31

Spider-Verse RP

Venom548 replied to Albert_Parker_'s topic

Keith glared at Albert as he stood up. "The only lesson I learned was that I was weak I get that but great power comes great responsibility I lived by that till my fathers death and still do. And besides you don't what happened so how the hell can you say that failed?" He snapped before he crossed his arms and lowered his head slightly so his hair covered his face as he leaned his back against the wall.

Sep 5th 2017 21:25

Spider-Verse RP

Venom548 replied to Albert_Parker_'s topic

"I ain't like Peter or my Dad who were the joking types I'm on the more serious side since my parents deaths." He said looking at him and sigh as he rubbed his face.

Sep 5th 2017 21:16