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"I came here to bring true love back from the

"I came here to bring true love back from the dead."
Lui è nato a Londra nel 1850, la sua infanzia è stata abbastanza normale, considerando che è uno stregone, sua madre lavorava quasi tutto il giorno in fabbrica.
La madre si chiamava Kaila e prima della sua nascita era una prostituta, essere incinta infatti non fu la cosa più scioccante del mondo anche se non era sposata. Quando è rimasta incinta aveva 19 anni e diciamo che un figlio all'inizio non le sembrava la migliore delle cose, fino alla nascita del bambino e per i primi mesi delle sue amiche la aiutarono a mantenersi. Furono le stesse che le dissero che doveva cambiare vita per il bene del bambino, decise quindi di andare a lavorare in fabbrica. Malcolm era un bambino molto allegro e avventuroso e dato che la madre lavorava quasi tutto il giorno imparó ben presto a prendersi cura di se stesso.
Sua madre si era naturalmente accorta del fatto che aveva i capelli mooolto biondi quasi bianchi e gli occhi viola ma gli voleva bene comunque. Credeva che fosse un pochino bizzarro ma era il suo bambino e di certo gli era grata, grazie a lui aveva smesso di procurarsi da vivere con affari illeciti o comunque molto sgradevoli.

Malcolm era curioso e per questa ragione si chiedeva perché era diverso dagli altri bambini, omologati a occhi marroni e capelli castani per la maggior parte, lo chiese a sua madre e lei seppe rispondergli solo, °Tu sei diverso dagli altri perchè sei un bambino speciale...° Lui non rimase molto convinto della risposta ma gli andava bene così.
Sua madre tornava sempre a casa alle 20 spaccate per preparare la cena ma quella sera erano le 20:40 e non era ancora tornata, Malcolm era affacciato alla finestra che dava sulla strada a guardare ogni singolo movimento di qualsiasi cosa. La madre non aveva mai fatto così tardi, alla fine decise di incamminarsi sulla strada per la fabbrica per incontrarla sulla strada di ritorno. Purtroppo si perse e finí per girare l'angolo sbagliato, vide l'esatto momento in cui lo shadowhunter trafisse il demone con la spada angelica. Fece un balzo indietro per la sorpresa quando il demone scomparve, rimase immobile a fissare lo shadowhunter, questo si avvicinó scrutandolo bene, °Stregone...° quella parola era nuova a Malcolm, non la aveva mai sentita, °Io non mi chiamo cosí.°. Era un po' intimidito dalla figura alta e con la spada ancora in mano ma rimase immobile, poi sentì una voce diversa, femminile, non si era accorto ci fosse anche una ragazza. Lei si mosse velocemente per avvicinarsi a lui, aveva all'incirca la sua etá (9 anni) ma era un pochino più alta, aveva dei lunghi capelli scuri e stava ridendo, °Infatti, e' solo io nome della tua razza... Oppure qualcuno ti ha fatto un incantesimo?°

Frank. °Annabel non perdiamo tempo con questo Nascosto.°
°Dai fratellone, sembra cosí carino!°
°Ann, non pensarci neanche, e' un nascosto.° La prese per un braccio e la trascinò via. Malcolm rimase confuso da quella conversazione, uno stregone? Che voleva dire? È questa poi? Un nascosto? Lui mica si nascondeva.
Comunque riprese la strada per la fabbrica incontrando sua madre, °Scusa tesoro, ho dimenticato di avvertirti che avrei fatto tardi.°

Malcolm la abbracció, °Mamma tu sai che cos'è uno stregone?°

La madre rimane perplessa da quella domanda, °Si tratta di qualcuno che fa le magie.°
°E io ne sono uno?°

°Cosa?° la conversazione si chiuse dopo qualche altra parola che confusero maggiormente Malcolm.

Qualche giorno dopo rincontró di nuovo quella ragazza, Annabel, lei gli fece segno di seguirla e lui lo fece. °Che cos'ê uno stregone?° Le disse senza pensare.

°Mi aspettavo almeno un ciao... Comunque gli stregoni sono i figli di demoni e mondani, siete magici.°

°Fi...figli dei demoni? Mio padre non è un demone! O meglio io non lo ho mai conosciuto... °

°Allora come fai a saperlo? Comunque ne sono sicura, che sei uno stregone intendo, chi ha gli occhi viola? E i capelli bianchi?° Naturalmente non parla per offenderlo ma con l'ingenuitá di una bambina di 9 anni. °Non hai mai provato a fare qualche incantesimo?°

°No, certo che no, che genere di incantesimi posso fare?°

°Non saprei, puoi fare i portali, attraversarli ti porta in qualunque posto tu voglia andare se lo vuoi abbastanza.°

°Wow mi piacerebbe viaggiare usando questi, portali? Come si fanno?°

°Cosa posso saperne? E' roba da stregone... Comunque non puoi andare in posti in cui non sei giá stato con un portale°

°Che fregatura!°

Potrebbe sembrare assurdo ma Annabel ha aiutato Malcolm a capire che era uno stregone e anche a capire come usare i suoi poteri portandogli un libro per stregoni che era all'Istituto. Nessuno si è accorto che mancava, chi legge un libro con incantesimi da stregone?
Comunque lei ha creduto nelle sue capacità e lo ha portato ad accrescere così come lui ha fatto lo stesso con lei.
Gli rimase accanto anche quando alla fine Malcolm disse alla madre cosa era, tralasciando la storia figlio di un demone, gli disse di aver scoperto di essere davvero speciale.
La madre gli disse che lo aveva sempre saputo e che gli avrebbe sempre voluto bene.

(Negli anni della sua adolescenza conobbe anche Tessa, Catarina e Magnus, anche loro lo aiutarono molto con la magia.)

Quando lui perse Annabel la madre gli rimase accanto cercando di consolarlo, finché lei fu insieme a lui l'idea che Annabel non ci fosse più quasi non lo affliggeva. Pochi anni dopo anche lei inevitabilmente lo lasciò, in quella situazione si chiuse in sé stesso, nascondendo tutti i suoi veri sentimenti.
Da lì in poi continuò a studiare libri di magia diventando sempre più forte fino a diventare il sommo stregone di Los Angeles. Guardando la sua vita dall'alto si poteva dire che fosse felice, è importante ha tanti amici, lavora nei film con effetti speciali eppure è bastato un incontro a fargli scattare l'idea che Annabel non poteva restare morta.

Un incontro con il re unseelie, (una diversa corte seelie) fu proprio questi a dirgli che per compenso al servizio che chiedeva gli avrebbe rivelato il rituale per riportare in vita Annabel. (Lo stronzo però ha tralasciato il fatto che bastava il suo sangue, birichino xD).
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1 | 1 Comment | by Karm | May 19th 2017 11:59


Allora, diciamo che alla fine della RP in inglese si ritrovano che Magnus è in casa di Malcolm dopo aver convinto Jace e Sebastian a non consegnarlo al Clave.
Non può farci nulla, nonostante tutto non odia Malcolm e gli fa una gran pena, sapendo quello che ha passato.
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1 | 57 Comments | by SulBang | May 18th 2017 16:01

Character sheet


Other names:

Theme song:


Hair color:
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Deadly sin:
Heavenly virtue:


Sexual orientation:
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Preferred partner(personality/gender):
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2 | 0 Comments | by UNDEAD | May 18th 2017 06:01

Coyle Cardozo

Name: Coyle Ronan Cardozo ("Coy" for short)
Age: 16
Sexuality: Gay
Godly Parent: Poseidon

Appearance: See the picture

Personality: Coyle's an energetic dude. He gets that from his mom (and probably his ADHD). He's pretty athletic in the sense that he loves outdoor recreation, but not in the sense that he plays sports. Sure, he loves to play soccer, surf, and swim...but leisurely. He loves the outdoors and will always be outside when he can. He thinks of himself as hilarious but few seem to get his humor. He's loyal to a fault, often getting himself into trouble for the sake of others. Coyle values all life, especially the animals around them, and he's opposed to any unnecessary violence. He'd much rather talk things out than fight about something, though when he does fight, his determined, swiftness, and brute strength are quite the surprise of his enemies.

Biography: His mom, Lydia Cardozo, is an animal trainer at an aquarium down in Florida. Her compassion for marine life and the sea is what attracted Poseidon to her. Eventually, they had Coyle. Coyle's never met his dad. In fact, he hasn't even found out he's a demigod. He just thinks that he's a guy who loves the ocean and is really good at free diving. Being so far south in Florida, Coyle is pretty secluded from most monsters, so thankfully no one has caught his scent yet, but his mother fears the day is quickly coming and has been trying to figure out the best way to tell Coyle about his heritage.

Abilities: Though he isn't aware of his abilities yet, he's pretty much got the whole "Poseidon demigod package". He can breath under water, dry himself off, draw strength from the water (allowing him to heal himself), control water, cause hurricanes, navigate at sea, control boats, talk to sea animals and equine animals, cause earthquakes, limited control over the cold/snow/ice, yada, yada, yada... (Rumor has it that his potential is greater than Percy's brute strength/ability-wise...but he's a bit of a pacifist so yeah)

Likes: Animals, the ocean, kayaking, surfing, burgers, hammocks
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, litter, being indoors

Other: Yeah, so he doesn't know of his heritage yet, and he doesn't have a weapon either (though eventually he will end up with either kopis that can be split into two separate blades or a trident).
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3 | 0 Comments | by PolarBear14 | May 17th 2017 22:38

From the past.

After Ragnor's death, he has not been thinking much about work or even the Book of the White. He wants that book, he wanted it for a long time and now that he knows that its last owner was Ragnor, he wants it even more, considering it as some sort of heirloom. But still, he is much more inclined to go for a good holiday, maybe somewhere in Europe.

Paris was his first thought, it had been so long since he last was be precise, 1790, right in the middle of the Revolution. Though, remembering why he actually had to leave, is enough of a good reason to scrap the idea immediately. How tragically things went back then...he did so much to try to save the King and especially the Queen, for nothing.
His second thought, sort of linked to the first, went to Stockholm. Who knows if Axel von Fersen has some legacy in there, or any sort of thing he left...he doesn't even know what it was of him in the end. Plus, he would appreciate some cold, now that Summer is approaching. Yes, Sweden sounded like a truly good idea. Plus, he is sure that Carlie will love it, if there is an area on Earth that can farly remember her homeland, that's Scandinavia.

With magic, he packed just a very few necessary things, as usual, intending to buy everything, clothes included, once in the place, and went to prepare himself. He spent the past few days without taking any care of his look, which is almost shocking to him.
Once done preparing himself, he also went to look for his phone that he didn't pay any attention to, for the past days either. And to his utter disappointment, not even a single message from Alec or any other of his friends, for what matters. Actually the only thing he received from Alec in the last days, was the message asking about Simon, formal and cold, as if he was just speaking with some work partner and not his actual lover.
So, he decides to warn no one about his departure. With Raphael's exception, that is. He will bring his phone anyway and allow fire messages to reach him during his holidays. Heck, if not given a good reason to come back, he could even consider to remain in Stockholm for years. That's his plan, depending on how much he will like the place that is.

Just as he was about to go get Carlie and make his portal, someone knocks on his door. He really can't tell who it could be, but guesses it is surely someone who needs something, maybe the Shadowhunters back from Idris and even though the idea of dealing with anybody doesn't excite him right now, he goes to open. Only to find himself in front of a very handsome, tall and elegant vampire, very familiar to the Warlock. •Marcel Saint Cloud...• It can't be expressed with words, what effect the sight of THAT vampire has on Magnus, in the emotional state he is currently under. A boiling ancient anger. The desperate need to empty himself of all the frustration of the recent happenings mixed with hate and a revenge that he decided to renounce to have.
Anyhow, the sight of that vampire there, causes something to snap in him. All the repressed anger of the past two centuries exploding at once, there and in that moment. With a single movement of his right hand, Magnus lifts the vampire in the air, holding him in a rather painful magic grip.
•With what courage you dare to come to MY city, to MY home.•
>•Magnus I-•
•After what YOU DID! You robbed my residence. You destroyed it. You sent that /pathetic/ subjugated to threaten. ME. In my home.•
>•You disrespected me in my home, humiliated me before my guests, my cl-• The vampire groans as Magnus tightens his magic grip on him. One has never seen him that way, so angry, so scary. People tend to underestimate him, due to his attitude, his personality and the fact he tends to avoid violence at all cost, but he is far from harmless and defenceless, he is one of the most powerful Warlocks ever been and he can be dangerous. If he only wants to.
Magnus slowly approaches the vampire with a crazed expression, he is clearly furious. •Claude and Marie. These were their names, did you know? Do you even remember them? You've killed them. Two defenceless elder mundanes. They were MINE not yours. You've killed them for no reason...• His voice sounds almost growling, his cat eyes almost glowing. •For a pathetic. tantrum.• The vampire keeps groaning, trying to break free, pointlessly, as he feels as if he was being crushed by Magnus like an insect. Which is not far from the truth. •And as if it wasn't enough, you seriously sent Henri. That pitiful c*ckroach, to threaten /me/. As if that thing could even lie a finger on me!• He shakes his head, how he managed to restrain himself from burning that pathetic "creature" that day is still a mystery. He has always been too good, and still is, even when being mean would be more than appropriate.
>•It was over 2 centuries ago, even I have changed!• Marcel tries with a rather desperate tone, even though it's not at all true that he changed. He has always been a cruel and evil vampire and always will be.
>•Valentine...attacked whole clan is gone...a few were captured, but most were massacred by his demons..•
Magnus keeps his eyes on him, so narrowed to look like two bright, yellow fissures. Idris, the guys got in big need of Magnus again, not just because they got the Book to awaken Jocelyn, but also for a more worrying reason regarding what his RPer has in mind for the other RP :3
Using one of Clary's portal runes, the guys (whomever will want to come in this RP) appear down at the ground floor of the palace.
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1 | 85 Comments | by SulBang | May 17th 2017 15:33

Red room information

₩Ⱨ₳₮ ł₴ ₳ ⱤɆĐ ⱤØØ₥?

A red room is an Urban Legend that is said to come from the deepest parts of the deep web. Red rooms are streams of live interactive torture and murder. A viewer is able to pay money, typically in bitcoin currency, and then tell the host what to do to the victim in as much detail as they like.

To put it in a simpler perspective, think of the movie “Hostel” but with a webcam in the room.


Keep note that everything I say here is from multiple sources who claim to know how they work. I’m not sure if this is true or not, and I’d much rather not find out for myself. Please, don’t follow these steps for your own safety.

Red room links are, of course, hidden to prevent being spotted by feds. To get a link to a red room, you must acquire the link from someone who has it, such as an already-existing member of the red room, or someone who simply just has the link but hadn’t signed up.

The next step is after visiting the red room link, you must be approved to sign up from a moderator or admin of the site. When they do this, they will ask personal questions, and basically run a background check on you to make sure you aren’t an undercover cop of some sort. Another thing they will request of you is to download a custom browser for the live streams themselves, which could possibly embed a tracking software into the viewer’s computer. This is incredibly dangerous, considering now the people who are torturing and murdering people in front of a camera now have your personal information and your location.

How the payment works, is that the viewer will state something such as "Rip their nails off, I paid .5 bitcoin." The admins/mods will confirm if they made the payment, and if so, they will give the OK to follow their instruction.


The answer to this is yes and no. It’s really an opinion-based question and everyone has their own. I personally believe they do exist. I have a few reasons for this. First, I’ll start off with the arguments on why people think they are NOT real. The reasons are listed below:

1) People who tell stories of supposedly viewing a red room aren’t trustworthy- the stories change depending on the person and if they were to be taken seriously, different red rooms would have to work drastically different from each other.

2) Websites have been put up, such as A.L.I.C.I.A. which were fake sites regarding red rooms. If nobody has seen them then how the hell can they exist? All of it seems like flunks for attention.

Now onto my reasoning as to why they are real. Now, I can’t be for certain that they are truly real, but if you think about it, how can you be for certain they are fake as well? There is very limited information about red rooms and for a good reason: they’re supposed to be secretive to prevent being shut down. They can’t just throw a link around and not expect the feds to leap into action. They had to be strategic about it- they have to get viewers but they have to be very careful on who their viewers are. More likely than not, any people who HAVE gotten into red rooms are loyal patrons who wouldn’t dare leak any information about the red room.

My other reasoning is that even if they didn’t exist before, it’s still an idea that’s been brought up, isn’t it? We already know there are sick and twisted individuals on the deep/dark web, so I wouldn’t doubt that when one of more of them caught drift of this urban legend, they had the idea to make it a reality. With the fakes that are made for attention purposes, there are also possibly ones that are true to their word which would ultimately rule out the fact that they’re fake.

But, as I said, it’s an opinion based question. What is said here is purely my opinion on whether or not they’re real, and anyone can think whatever else they’d like about it. Nobody can be for absolute certain of their existence until actual proof is provided to the public.


Now I know already that I put this on my profile bio, but I must stress that I do NOT CONDONE THE ACTUAL SEARCH OF A RED ROOM. Every bit of information I have is from other sources, not first hand experience. I have not touched the deep web once in my life and I plan on keeping it that way.

The deep web can be a dangerous place. It’s not a particularly common threat to be tracked down and killed, but it can still be a possibility! Also being at the wrong places at the wrong time can land you into a lot of trouble!

I just want to look out for you guys, and even if this stuff looks interesting, it should not be provoked. I only use red rooms for roleplay purposes and I do not enjoy nor agree with the acts inflicted in these supposed red rooms.
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2 | 0 Comments | by KalnaZatos | May 17th 2017 13:42

Charles Von Vestrin (Code Geass)

//Admin note: It's been like.. three years since I made Charles, he's definitely due for a makeover! His first name is the same, but I've changed the middle and last name.

Full Name: Charleston Von Vestrin
Alias: Charles Leshou (Pronounced: Leh - Show)
Birthday: May 21st
Age: 22-25
Height: 5'11"
Hair color: Emerald green
Eye color: Sharp yellow

Geass: On his right hand, it's a light purple that glows in the dark, it allows him to read thoughts of people with small hand gestures, it only activates when he makes direct eye contact with people. With enough applied exertion, he could possibly use telepathy.

Person who gave him the Geass: A male by the name of X.2., alias being Xandyr. An average height male with medium length black hair and rectangular glasses.

Attire: A white jacket with a red collar, golden seams on the collar forming a crown. The jacket flows down to his knees and the arms of the jacket cover his hands, but it's open on the side so his arm can move freely out of the sleeve. Underneath his open jacket is a black turtleneck, the sleeves wrapping around his palm and middle finger, secured by a single golden ring on each hand. This effectively covers his Geass. He wears black pleated pants that are tucked into dark brown boots. Overall, this gives him a graceful aura.

Attire when in disguise: A white hoodie that hangs open with a black form fitting shirt. Blue jeans and green sneakers.

Skills outside of Geass: Fencing and painting. He also enjoys a good game of chess and a game of tactics. He also finds himself cooking more often than not. No chefs to do that for you when you're on the field after all.

Sexuality: Bisexual - no lean

Affilitation: 5th prince and 3rd to the throne
Second: Leading commander of his battalion

Family: Father: King Cornelius Von Vestrin
Mother: Queen Zofia Von Vestrin
Older Brother: Prince Jacklin Si Vestrin
Younger sister: Princess Cordelia Von Vestrin
Younger/Middle sister: Princess Yuuki Vi Vestrin
Youngest sister: Princess Adelina Ci Vestrin
Younger brother: Prince Maxamillion Ci Vestrin

- As well as a few more that he hasn't had contact with.

Relationships: Most relationships he has are quite bumpy, but he manages.

Friends: He doesn't have many outside of the essentials; nobles for example. Britannians, and Lelouch as he despises the war.


Likes: Painting, drawing, any type of art style, sword fighting, tactics, nature walks, gardens with loads of flowers, kittens, playing chess, reading, writing, the sun, and Japanese songs and stories.
Dislikes: His father, people who disrespect the Japanese, regrets, big crowds, speaking in front of crowds, his inability to stay focused sometimes, and having hard times communicating. (He is quite shy sometimes.)

Biggest fear: Never being enough. Having unfulfilled potential. Irrational fears are being afraid of the dark and drowning.

Personality: Charles is a very stoic and cold male. He is always blunt and straight to the point, he doesn't lie often, but lying is a good skill he has. Honesty is something he regards highly. However around those he cares about he will act very energetic and caring, be easy to talk to (giving and receiving), not to mention protective. Charles will always stand in harms way when it comes to those he loves. Charles is the biggest role model in the family, unknown to him.

Past: Charles didn't have the best family growing up, his older sisters and brothers were always away, either at the American base or French base. he only had Jacklin to soothe his mental and physical pain. Charles had a verbally abusive father and a physically abusive mother. He would often run to his older brother for comfort.
To say he was happy when he turned 16 and his mother died was an understatement. He was also happy when Yuuki was born, she was the joy of his life, and he nicknamed her, Little Light.

"On my honor as a Prince I will not let you harm another innocent soul!"
"Just because my path differs from yours doesn't mean I am lost."
"Do not underestimate me, I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize."

Charles unfortunately is a very sickly individual, a disease with only one cure wreaks havoc in his body. The cure? It's in Japan, the herbs for the medicine are grown under the watchful eye of the Japanese, and getting his hands on the cure is near impossible without peace.

Face claim: Baizhu from Genshin Impact
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2 | 0 Comments | by DewPetal | May 17th 2017 01:49

Captain Red

Name: Adam "Red" Rodríguez (No one actually calls him Adam; it's Captain Red or just Red. Don't ask why, it just is)

Age: 24

Appearance: Adam has that "Clark Kent meets Prince Erik" look going on. He's got short hair that is halfway between dark, chocolate brown and black that looks either one of two ways: straight with a slight wave or messy with the "straight out of bed" look, not that you'd even be able to tell though because he's almost always wearing his captain's hat. His hair itself is extremely fine yet super soft and exceedingly thick. He has teal blue eyes that seem to melt anyone's heart just with a look, which seems to work to his advantage whenever he's in a jam or needs to distract a maiden in a bar. His nose is straight; it isn't too big or too small--it compliments his facial features perfectly. He has a strong, square jaw, and his teeth are white, straight and perfectly symmetrical with the rest of his face. In fact, the only things that seems unaligned on his face is his slightly lopsided grin and slightly crooked right eyebrow that gives him a bit a of dimwitted prankster look, but don't be fooled, Adam is far from dimwitted. Adam stands at a height of roughly 6"1' with broad shoulders and rippling muscles. His muscles are not like a bodybuilder's, but they're more defined than average and extremely sculpted due to his life at sea. Usually he has that five o'clock shadow look going on, but occasionally he has a full on beard when he's been gone to sea for extended periods of time. Patrick has wonderfully tan skin due to his life at sea (and let's face it, he's not shy about his body). Finally, despite all his good looks, he has a large scar that starts just below his left temple, crosses his eyelid and ends right above the right side of his lip. He doesn't like to talk about how he got it, but you can tell from how faded it is, that it's real old.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: This is usually where Adam gets himself into trouble. He's pleasing to look at, and if you're someone he's trying to pursue/get something from, he can come off as quite charming and personable. But other than that, unless you're a part of his crew, you'd probably find him obnoxious. He's got a bit of a reputation for being a womanizer, he's a heavy drinker at times, and he hardly ever seems to take things seriously (unless he's giving orders)...but don't let that fool you. In reality, he's extremely cunning and intelligent. He just acts dimwitted so that people let their guards down. He doesn't see women as much more than a body to keep him warm at night, and that's lead him into more than a few scuffles. He's stubborn as hell, so don't expect him to back down from a fight. He's got a huge ego and an even bigger mouth to match.

Biography: Adam knows everything about the sea, pirating, running a ship, and women from his father. His late father, Julian Rodríguez, was an infamous pirate worldwide. In pirate circles, that's a good thing, but to everyone else, not so much. Adam has no idea who his mother is. All his dad would tell him is that he had a fling while his ship was docked in Spain, and the next thing he knew, he had a kid and his mother had vanished. Adam always wanted to know more, and he'd heard rumors from his dad's crew that his mother had been some type of mermaid. Adam's skeptical though, because after all his time at sea, he's never seen a single mermaid in his life. Anyway, Adam's dad, along with his crew, eventually died at sea, after having a battle with some French officials. Adam hadn't been on that trip; his dad hadn't allowed him. But after a long journey, Adam ended up with his dad's ship and built a crew of his own. Nowadays he's searching the sea to find his purpose (while pirating when it's convenient).

Likes: Alcohol, food, woman, swords, treasure
Dislikes: Being told what to do, French people, people who are too serious

Other: Adam's speciality is in knot typing, escaping from traps, and swordsmanship. Give him a blade, and he can best almost anyone. He's not too fond of guns, but he has a few just in case. He'd rather just use throwing knives. It's fast and you don't have to reload them.
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4 | 0 Comments | by PolarBear14 | May 16th 2017 19:32

Ragnor/Guadalupe, Magnus/Raphael.

**All invented, nothing taken from books or series**

Ragnor's death was a truly hard blow, not just to Magnus, but also to Catarina and on a slightly less harsh impact, to Raphael as well.
Nothing can describe what the two Warlocks feel for the loss of their companion and it certainly brings them much more sorrow than to the vampire. The mark this loss is going to leave on Magnus though, is probably the heaviest. He can't describe what Ragnor was to him. It was much more than just a friend, he was like an anchor, a stability. That kind of person whose presence in the world, even if far away from you, makes it feel a less scary place, a person whose existance itself makes life less heavy. And now, he is no more.
The world always felt so extremely cold to Magnus, and now that Ragnor is gone, it feels even colder and emptier than it used to, before.

Despite warning all of the people close to Ragnor about the happening, Catarina and Magnus didn't want anybody else to be involved in his funerals, except from Raphael.
Of course, Warlocks don't belong to any actual religion, thus there is not exactly a rite for their funerals, they pretty much invent something according to the person. In other words, what Catarina and Magnus really do, is to give Ragnor a burial that will bring honor to him and to his life.
As location, they choose a small cave by the northern coasts of Northern Ireland, the place where Ragnor was born. After protecting the place with all the spells to disguise it and make it invisible to mundanes and basically everybody who doesn't know about it, they decorate the inner part of it. No flowers or other things that will die and rot, only some celtic engravings, gems, crystals and witchlights to keep the place bright and magical.
As for Ragnor's corpse, they don't really bury it but place it in the cave, on something like an altair, after encasing it with magic in crystal and made sure that it won't decompose nor change in time but stay exactly as it is, till the end of the world.

No priest or other type of person there, only the two Warlocks and the vampire, to give their last goodbye to Ragnor.
Catarina is the first one to leave the place after spending a few hours there with the other two. She too is clearly destroyed and it will take her a while to recover from this, but at least, she will keep herself busy by working even harder at the hospital. It won't be easy to get in touch with her though, unless going directly to the Beth Israeli Hospital of New York.

As for Magnus, he remains motionless there, knelt in front of the altair, keeping a totally devastated look on the body of his lost friend. It's as if a part of him died inside of him, with Ragnor. Warlock don't have parabatai, but between Ragnor and him, the bond was the closest thing to it that there could be found. He literally doesn't manage to pull himself up, he is like petrified there, tears dropping from his eyes, not saying a word, not moving a muscle and not even sobbing, just crying silently with a empty stare.
Raphael remains there too, behind Magnus at a little distance, not wanting to leave him alone there.
He too hold Ragnor dear, but he sure can't compare what he felt for him to what Magnus did. And in truth, he is much more upset for Magnus than for the loss itself, he knows how sensitive the Warlock is and that this kind of things are far from positive for him. He even fears Magnus could do something absolutely crazy, like taking his own life out of depression. That's why he doesn't intend to leave.

Raphael keeps his eyes on Magnus, thoughtfully thinking about the time when the situation was opposite. About 20 years before, when his totally beloved mother Guadalupe, passed away.
Raphael was still living in her home with her and his siblings when it happened, and it was totally natural, an old woman who died of old age, in peace and in the sleep, surrounded by the love of all of her children and with the awareness that she was leaving her younger children in the safest possible hands: the ones of her beloved firstborn, Raphael.
That was definitely the harshest strike in Raphael's life, his mother meant everything to him and still does, he basically worships her.
When she died, it was Raphael's little sister to warn Magnus and he came immediately, without hesitation, he left everything he was doing and came to Raphael. He was not like Magnus is now, though. He was out of himself, screaming and feeling like to explode, He was dangerous, out of control...but Magnus came to him anyway. He hit him, pushed him, insulted him, hurt him, broke his bones, but Magnus remained and kept trying to calm him down, to comfort him. With one hand he healed himself from the damages he was causing to him by punching him incontrollably, with the other, he kept Raphael close to him. Magnus had no reason to be there, he never owed Raphael anything, it was all the opposite, it was Raphael to be in debt. He could have killed Magnus, but he came and he stayed until he calmed down. Until he would no longer be a danger to himself or to his little brothers and sisters.
And it was Magnus to organize and finance Guadalupe's funeral. A grand funeral, with procession and all honour, in Mexican Catholic rite. A very rich funeral to which Raphael could not participate due to his nature. It was Magnus to take care of her grave, to bring fresh flowers to it and make sure it would never turn abandoned.

Now Raphael looks at Magnus in that state and can't help but feel a burning need to be to Magnus, what Magnus was to him 20 years before.
When he deems Magnus spent enough time there, he approaches the Warlock and kneels in front of him, placing his hands on his shoulders and looking in his eyes for some moments and to his own surprise, he kisses his forehead with a level of sweetness he didn't think to be still capable of. Afterwards, he takes Magnus's hand and pulls him to stand up, supporting him to walk. Despite Magnus not being in any way impaired, it's as if he lacks the strength to move and walk, feeling as if he could collapse any moment if Raphael stopped supporting him, which is not far from the reality.
Raphael walks out of the cave with Magnus, being extremely careful and gentle towards him, which is totally unlike him. •Let us go home...• He tells to Magnus in a soft and low tone, as to invite him to open a portal to his apartment, as they are on the other side of the world and he sure doesn't intend to walk all the way to Belfast to get on a plane.
To Raphael's words, Magnus raises a hand and opens a portal indeed, with much more effort and difficulties than ever before. Leading in front of the entrance of the Hotel Dumort. Raphael walks through it with Magnus and looks at the place, sighing. Typical of Magnus, think about Raphael even when Raphael meant him.
Though, the vampire doesn't scold him as he normally would, nor complain, he simply walks with Magnus towards his apartment, which luckily is not so far. He also picks him up and carries him up all the 10 floor to reach his door, placing him down there but still supporting him.
Magnus silently opens the door and walks inside with Raphael. There, they find Maia, whom Magnus is paying as babysitter for May Sun when he has to go for a while, like that day and the little child too rushes there to hug Magnus's leg when she hears he is back. She is extremely tied to him, he is her dad, after all.
After dismissing a paying Maia, Raphael picks May Sun up and accompanies Magnus to his room, where the three lie on bed together, falling asleep in each others' arms, except from Raphael, who remains awake and leaves the room after Magnus falls asleep.
He reaches the door intending to leave, but then, he thinks about it for some time and decides it's the best if he stays there with Magnus for some days, until he will be sure the Warlock will be all right. He takes his phone and sends a message to his clan, saying he will be missing for a few days, leaving the lead to his second in command. ! Behave, don't force me to show you what happens when you break my rules ! And threats aside, his clan would never disobey him, they are insanely tied to him and if there is one sure thing is that they would never even consider to overthrow him.
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2 | 2 Comments | by SulBang | May 16th 2017 11:27

Clay (Development, inventors)

Name: Clay
What they're the god/goddess of: Invetors, and development
Appearance: (what they look like): SUPER pale due to being outside very rarely, he is about 5'3 in height, and is an automaton.
Bio: Much like Shard and Storm (and to the extent Chi and Memory), he "Seperated" from Noah, while in reality Noah's cyborg form, in a sense, manfestid into a full on god. He is quite smart and rarely under estimates his oppenent unless he knows he'll win. However, since he rarely fights alone, he is not the best in combat. Not to say, he cant fight, but he's just not the best in the world..
Current age: (How old they really are and how old do they look like?): roughly looking at 16 years in age, but is actually...4000
Extra: (any extra information): he is automaton, like said above, and as such he is a master alchemist. He almost always carries a robot or two with him to help him fight
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0 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | May 15th 2017 21:14

Ora di partire?

Lui vorrebbe tornare a Londra, adora Magnus, le feste ma gli piacerebbe davvero tornare alla sua normalità poiché lui ama Michelangelo ma vuole continuare gli studi ed è quasi la data degli esami. L`unica cosa è che non sa come parlarne a Michy, poiché gli ha già detto che non vorrebbe lasciare Magnus da solo in quella situazione. In un certo senso per lui hanno entrambi ragione ma come gli ha detto sua sorella lui deve essere indipendente, se Michy vuole rimanere lui deve comunque andare.

Lui sta piegando i vestiti da mettere nella valigia, Michelangelo non è in casa.
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1 | 33 Comments | by Aventurine_ | May 15th 2017 16:02


Imogen's disappearance, was not at all a matter of duty. When she left, she never returned home and never even reached Alicante.
Her body was retrieved about 3 days after her disappearance, near the necropolis where she probably went to leave some homage to her dead relatives.

The cause of death is unclear, to the point that the Clave rather than giving any sort of investigation, just established that she was dead due to some sudden heart attack due to the effort and stress in old age.
The corpse doesn't show any apparent sign of violence or wound, so it really seems as if she just died natually rather than being killed. Whatever happened to Imogen, will stay a mystery.

The news reaches Herondale's mansion the next day and the one bringing the bad news to the young ones, is Octavian Blackthorn, the paternal grandfather of Sophie. A super strict man that gives them the news without any tact and surely doesn't go to comfort the granddaughter. Actually, scolds them for bursting in desperate tears, saying that Shadowhunters don't cry.

Though, since he guesses that the young ones wouldn't even know how to do it, it's Octavian Blackthorn to organize Imogen's funeral.
It takes place that same night, in Shadowhunters' traditional rite of course.
They all have to dress up in white elegant clothes and gather near the necropolis outside the walls of Alicante, where the Silent Brothers summoned for the event will celebrate the ritual.

Right now, Sophie is standing beside Jace, wearing a bright white long dress and keeping her hair tied in a very formal hairstyle, keeping her gaze down and looking just as destroyed as she actually is.
Her grandfather is not too far from them and glancing in their direction from time to time, but rather than to make sure she is all right, to make sure she behaves according to his standards.
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2 | 180 Comments | by Dobermann | May 15th 2017 14:17

Adora the Assassin

Adora is a long forgotten princess of a long forgotten empire, when she fled she went to the mountains and came close to freezing until she was saved by a bandits guild. In time she served them as a regular housemaid and eventually became self taught on how to use a sword. After 10 years passed she was a well known twin blade bounty hunter to the near by kingdoms and soon enough as a bandit she killed the leader and took over, many fled out of fear though many stayed and soon she plans on taking a country of her own and ruling it as it's first Sultana.
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20 | 3 Comments | by SultanaAdora | May 15th 2017 13:16

Character List

* = highest muse (likely not up to date tbh)

Kai Parker
Aleksandr Zamolodchikova* -
Belle Aitken -

Duncan Graham -
Luca Linetti -

Elijah Mikaelson
Archer Alexander -

William Anderson -
Oliver Anderson -
Michael Elliot* -

Bryn Dalton -
Eden Martel -
Annie Pierce* -
Nikolaj Grīva* - coming soon

Oscar McFadden* -
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0 | 0 Comments | by Plagued | May 15th 2017 11:04

Secondary Characters and Shadowhunters families.

-Maryse Lightwood (Nèe Trueblood)
>Race: Shadowhunter.
>Age: 44
>Status: married with Robert Lightwood.
Mother of Isabelle, Alec and Max, current co-leader of the New York Institute. Former member of the Circle, she fought in the battle at the Accords and surrendered in order to return to her 2 year old son, Alec, after seeing Valentine fleeing from the battlefield when it was clear they would lose.
Due to her past involvement with the Circle, she, along the whole Lightwood family, is looked at with suspects by the Clave and other Shadowhunters which is also what makes her so strict when it comes to obey and follow the rules.
She loves her husband despite his treasons and their children, even though she has a rather cold attitude most of the time.

-Rober Lightwood-
>Race: Shadowhunter.
>Age: 47
>Status: married with Maryse Trueblood.
Father of Alec, Isabelle and Max, current leader of the New York Institute. He too was a member of the Circle and says to have mainly been influenced by Maryse in his deicision to join it. This argument is at the base of their many problems as a couple which led him to cheat on his wife and be tempted to abandon her multiple times throughout their marriage. Even currently, he cheats on her.
A rather awful husband but a very understanding and loving father.

-Maxwell Lightwood.
>RacE: Shadowhunter.
>Age: 9.
Youngest child of Lightwood family, recently received his First Rune. He has a passion for Manga and comics despite not understanding them well. He is overall a rather sweet and curious child, but he too has his moments. Plus, tends to confuse nourishment rune with fire one!

>Race: Shadowhunter.
>Age: on his 20s.
A Shadowhunter from the NY Institute. He was present during the escort of Meliorn to the City of Bones. He has Indian descent.

-Lydia Branwell.
>Race: Shadowhunter.
>Age: on her late 20s.
>Status: widowed.
Lydia belongs to an important Shadowhunter family. Her father is the leader of the London Institute and she is a prominent member of the Clave despite her young age. Despite being a diplomat, she is an extremely skillful Shadowhunter.
Her former beloved one, John Monteverde, died during a demonic attack in Brasil due to a Warlock whom refused to cooperate with them. Ex fiancè of Alec from a combined marriage, despite the appearance of a very strict girl, she has a truly big heart.

-Aline Penhallow.
>Race: Shadowhunter.
>Age: 22.
>Status: single.
Aline is a young Shadowhunter spending her life between Alicante and the Beijing Institute of which her mother is leader. She is cousin of Sebastian and a rather good childhood friend of Alec, Jace and Isabelle. She has asian features as her mother is Chinese. She can be rather rude and with a bad temper, especially towards Downworlders.

-Amatis Herondale (Nèe Greymark.)
>Race: Shadowhunter.
>Age: 40.
>Status: widowed.
Amatis is Lucian Greymark's sister and the ex wife of Stephen Herondale (Jace's father). On Valentine's order, Stephen abandoned her to marry Celine, a woman Valentine found more fitting.
When Luke got infected with Lycantropy, she turned her back on him, abandoning him to his fate and not seeing him for many years. She still can't forgive herself for that.
She lives in Alicante.

-Maia Roberts.
>Race: Werewolf.
>Age: 22.
>Status: single.
Maia is a young Werewolf belonging to Luke's pack. She lived in New Jersey with her parents and her abusive brother Daniel, whom even tried to kill her, with her parents refusing to believe her words about his behaviour. Her life was a nightmare until her older brother died, hit by a car.
Shortly after, she met a very handsome guy at school with whom she started a relationship which turned out to be rather abusive too. When trying to break with him, he turned out to be a Werewolf and infected her with lycantropy.
She was found by Luke and helped to learn control. She is rather terrified towards Vampires after witnessing some of them, taking a Werewolf friend of her and tearing him apart before their eyes without any reason.
She currently works as waitress at the Hunter's Moon.

>Race: Werewolf.
>Age: 28.
>Status: single.
Gretel was the second-in-command of the previous Alpha of the New York Pack. When Luke killed the Alpha and took his place, she stayed loyal to the new leader.
She is a white Werewolf, despite her dark skin, she has white hair which make her rather unique among the other Werewolves.

--Camille Belcourt.
>Race: Vampire.
>Age: 350+.
>Status: "Immortals don't need to love".
Camille Belcourt is a powerful and ancient vampire.She is also known as Baroness Belcourt and was the former leader of the major vampire clan in NY, residing at the Hotel Dumort.
In 1800s she had an activity involving creating extravagant hats for Downworlders.
She used to live in London and France prior to moving to New York, but has residences all over the world. She is extremely rich and cold hearted. She doesn't believe in love and thinks very little about rules. She tends to use people as toys for her own amusement.
She was present during the various gatherings in the London Institute which preceeded the Accords and that's where Magnus met her. The two had a love story, but while the Warlock was truly in love with her, for Camille it was nothing more than an amusing experience. She broke his heart without second thoughts as soon as she got bored.
She has several dens of vampires where she can provide herself with illegal, fresh human blood.

-Alaric Rodriguez.
>Race: Werewolf.
>Age: on his 40s.
>Status: single.
Alaric is the second in command in Luke's Pack. He is very loyal to his Alpha despite not hesitating to express his displeasure when thinking Luke's decisions don't match with the will of the pack.

-Jocelyn Morgenstern (Nèe Fairchild.)
>Race: Shadowhunter.
>Age: 42.
>Status: married.
Jocelyn is Clary's mother and Valentine's wife, despite she abandoned him 17 years before. She was known as one of the most skillful Shadowhunters of her generation despite being a woman.
She was formerly a member of the Circle along with her husband but betrayed him when she realized how far Valentine's madness was going. She revealed Valentine's plans about attacking the Clave the day of the signing of the Accords, to Luke, whom warned all the Downwolders who came to fight against the Circle. She stole the Mortal Cup and hid among the Mundanes for 17 years together with her daughter Clary and with the help of Magnus Bane, Luke, Tessa Grey and Dot's mother.
As a plan B in case Valentine would find her, she asked Ragnor Fell to create a potion for her, she would drink in case she'd be found. A potion to put her in a status of coma that could only be reverted through the right counter-magic, contained in the Book of the White. When attacked, she drank the potion to make herself unable to reveal any information to Valentine, about Clary and the Cup.
Thanks to the Angelic blood her husband secretly added to her food and drinks, she developed a unique skill -which Clary inherited from her- that to place objects inside other surfaces and take them out. Something only her and her daughter can do.
Jocelyn is a caring mother and a brave woman, a very good artist and a mighty fighter.

-Malcolm Fade.
>Race: Warlock.
>Age: 200.
>Warlock Mark: claws on hands and feet.
Malcolm Fade is the current High Warlock of Los Angeles, very skillfull and powerful, and used to be a good friend with Magnus, Catarina and Ragnor, during his youth.
He fell in love with his childhood friend, Annabelle Blackthorn. Since it happened before the Accords, it was considered such an heavy shame for her family, that they decided to kill her, by buring her alive. (During 1800s)
For years, Malcolm thought she had just decided to push him away from her life, but when he found out the truth, he got totally destroyed by it and also rather crazy. Thinking they knew the truth but kept it hidden from him, he started to hate Magnus, Catarina and Ragnor very bad and still hates them. He is still so obsessed with her that he dedicates most of his efforts in finding a way to bring her back to life.
He has a very particular look involving white hair and purple eyes.

Shadowhunters Families: (most known)

-Blackthorn Family.
>Status: Ancient and very wealthy.
>Motto: "Lex malla, lex nulla" (A bad law is no law)
>Emblem: Wreath of thorns.
Two of its members are on the lead of Los Angeles Institute.
It had rather negative involvements with Malcolm Fade due to Annabelle.

-Herondale Family.
>Status: old and wealthy.
>Emblem: Herons.
Several members of Herondale family were friends with Magnus trhoughout the centuries, especially Edmund, Will, James and nowadays, Jace. Magnus had a very close friendship with Will, mainly, husband of Tessa Grey.
Sometime during the 1800s, the son of Tobias and Eva Herondale was rescued and raised by Catarina Loss, after his parents were executed.

-Lightwood Family.
>Status: old, wealthy and powerful.
>Emblem: Flames Torch.
They've always been well known for their snobbish attitude towards Downworlders and mundanes, which is changing nowadays with the youngest generation.

-Wayland Family.
>Status: old, wealthy and influential.
>Emblem: Blacksmith's hammer. Horseshoe. Nails.
Historically, the Wayland family is famously known as the weapon makers of the Nephilim before the Iron Sisters. Wayland the Smith is even credited as the first Shadowhunter weapons maker, famous for forging Cortana, as well as Excalibur, Joyeuse, and Durendal, the legendary swords of Arthur, Lancelot, and Roland, respectively
Michael Wayland -thought to be Jace's father in the beginning- was Robert Lightwood's parabatai.

-Verlac Family.
>Emblem: water snakes.
Mainly known for being Sebastian's family and for being on the lead of the Paris Institute.

-Penhallow Family.
>Status: old and wealthy.
>Emblem: mountains.
Penhallow family is on the lead of Beijing Institute and a very powerful family within Alicante and the Clave.

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1 | 0 Comments | by SulBang | May 14th 2017 10:21