
Convinced by She'er's optimism, he decides to try to meet the King for real and hear what he has to say. After all, if he won't like the response, he can simply disappear. That's the positive side to live in a totally isolated and remote house.

He closes his stand and follows She'er to the palace when he goes, so that he won't have to book an appointment and possibly have to wait for his turn, he prefers to be abuse of people's hospitality and kindness!!

He waits outside the throne room while She'er speaks to the king himself, just waiting for his turn.
Heart this
1 | Sep 10th 2023 14:45
MORAX "He has nothing in common with his grandmother...I am sure it is from his father's side." XD
"I'm here to support you...whatever you need, Chan. Don't hesitate, I really want you to be fine and find your happiness..." His mood worries him.

Shangque is sleeping in one of the bathtubs with all his clothes on and Raiden is patroling the palace.

"Maybe Johan can convince him. It would be a shame if we didn't get enough proof against him to pay for all his crimes." He would include hurting Cyno too but that can't be taken to trial.
"We would better call him..." He looks for his phone and grabs it, trying to reach Cyno's contact for the call.
Chan «Who knows, maybe if he is your biological long lost son it could make sense.» But that's the most impossible thing ever. WonPil's mother never even left Nortrig in her life and wasn't old enough to have met Morax before he left.
«I know… by now I know that I can count on you…» And he means it, he is not someone who gives his trust easily.
Since he leaves the piece of spam on the border of the bathtub so that Shangque can't complain if he finds out that Raiden had some!!

Jing Yuan. «His testimony could really make the difference. Someone who committed such a crime and even more than once can't be left unpunished…» He clenches his fist.
Unsurpringly, Cyno doesn't answer the phone. But he is actually in Johan's place, looking for clues, intending to pretty much work until he passes out or something. That's his best way to deal with feelings.
MORAX He lets out a chuckle. "I wish it was true but I would remember if I had a child...I am still uncertain if it is possible for us Demigods.
Don't hesitate...there shouldn't be secrets between us, dear."
Shangque will accidentally drop it in the water and think it grew there, a miracle from the Gods. XD

"Indeed...I want to see him in jail, but She'er won't let us influence him. He is even too good at his duty." He sighs. "Dan Heng was injuried?"
Johan had to go to stay by Miko since their house is a crime scene.
"Nothing...where could he be? Should we send someone to look for him?"
Chan «It's not possible for us to have children? I really hope it's true…» He scratches his head. He knows for sure that if he had a kid, it would be the exact opposite as WooPil. «Better not to take risks, though.»
He nods. «I don't want to have secrets with you, dad. You are the only person I can tell about these things…» Stuff about Halls and Gods.

Jing Yuan. «Only lightly, he fought back more fiercely than Shin would have expected. It seems that… what I suspected about the exuviation charm was true, after all…» he says thoughtfully.
«I will go to look for him, I suspect he may be working on this matter. I can't imagine him reacting in a different way to such a thing…»
MORAX "Indeed. If you don't want a child, better to buy Lani's products." It could become a motto. XD
He takes a breath, relieved by his words. He hugs Chan tightly.

"What do you mean? He triggered power in the moment of need?
Jing Yuan, you look exhausted...we will send the guards. Even better, Raiden and Shangque." He worries for his husband.