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GhoulTeeth's Blog

Bishop ♗

Name: Sister Lucia

Age: Late 40s to early 50s

Other categories: traumatized, religious

Height: Around 5'4''
Weight: Slim to average
Hair: Short brown hair, worn in a severe style
Skin: Fair, with dark circles under the eyes that suggest long nights of prayer and meditation
Distinguishing marks: She has a large scar on her right cheek, the result of a violent encounter in her past
Eyes: Brown, with a haunted quality that suggests she has seen too much
Clothing: Sister Lucia wears the plain robes of her religious order, a simple brown habit with a white collar. She also wears a medallion of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals, and a leather cord with a wooden cross.

Temperament: Sister Lucia is solemn and introspective, with a calm exterior that masks a turbulent inner life. She is deeply religious, but her faith has been tested by the events of her past. She is haunted by the memory of a violent encounter that nearly ended her life, and it has left her with feelings of guilt and hopelessness. She is a skilled listener and a compassionate counselor, but she is troubled by her own inability to find peace.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Sister Lucia is guided by a strong sense of morality, and she is deeply committed to the principles of her faith. She believes in the power of forgiveness and compassion, and is always looking for ways to make the world a better place. However, she is also aware of the darker side of human nature, and she is not afraid to confront the consequences of her own actions.
Religious beliefs: Sister Lucia is a devout Catholic, and she is deeply invested in the teachings of the Church. She takes her religious duties very seriously, and she is always willing to help those in need, no matter the cost to herself. She is an expert in theology and philosophy, and she is often called upon to advise and guide others in matters of faith.
Political stance: Sister Lucia has no political affiliation, but she is deeply concerned with the issues of social justice and the protection of human rights. She believes that the Church has a moral obligation to stand up for the marginalized and the oppressed, and she is always looking for ways to promote social change.
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2 | 1 Comment | Jun 21st 2023 09:02

Pawn ♙

Name: Jara

Age: Late 30s to early 40s

Other categories: Female clown, long history of servitude

Height: Around 5'3''
Weight: Above average, with a rounded build and a cheerful demeanor
Hair: Bright pink, often worn in elaborate braids, knots, and styles
Skin: Fair, but tan, with creases around the eyes and mouth that suggest a life of serving others
Distinguishing marks: A wide smile that always seems to be on the brink of laughter
Eyes: Dark brown, with a twinkle that suggests she has seen a lot
Clothing: Jara wears a colorful costume that resembles a jester's outfit, with bells and other decorations that make noise as she moves. She also wears heavy makeup and bright jewelry.

Temperament: Jara is cheerful and lively, seemingly incapable of being upset or angry. She has spent so much of her life doing the will of others that she has almost forgotten how to express her own desires or emotions. Despite this, she is a kind and caring person, who is always willing to help out or offer a listening ear.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Jara sees morality as a shifting and subjective concept, and she does not believe that there are any hard and fast rules that apply to all situations. She believes that kindness and compassion are the most important things, and that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, no matter their race, gender, or background.
Religious beliefs: Jara is a devout follower of the cult of Mask, the god of jesters and fools. She believes that Mask is the ultimate force of chaos and unpredictability in the universe, and that he will eventually bring about the end of all things. She takes her role in the cult seriously, and is willing to do whatever it takes to please the deity.
Political stance: Jara has no political affiliation, but she is deeply invested in the wellbeing of the people she serves. She is a staunch defender of the rights and dignity of the marginalized and the oppressed, and will do whatever it takes to help them out. She believes that the world is a messy and complicated place, and that it is up to each of us to find our own way in it.
Hobbies: Jara enjoys collecting strange and unusual objects, and she is always on the lookout for new and interesting trinkets. She also has a fondness for music and dancing, and is an expert fiddler and dancer. In her spare time, she can often be found playing music in the streets for coins, or performing feats of acrobatics for the amusement of the crowd. She is also an expert storyteller, and is known for her ability to weave vivid and colorful tales that captivate audiences for hours at a time.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2023 08:55

King ♔

Name: Captain Ashir

Age: Early 20s

Other categories: Mercenary captain, Knight, Charlatan

Height: Around 6'7''
Weight: Slim to average
Hair: Pale gold, usually worn in a loose braid
Skin: Fair, porcelain, almost too perfect, as if he is made of marble
Distinguishing marks: N/A
Eyes: Pure silver, almost glowing, with an ethereal quality that makes it hard to look away
Clothing: Captain Ashir wears flowing robes of white silk, with intricate gold embroidery along the hems and collar. He always wears a pendant of silver and gold, in the shape of an angel's wings. He also wears soft leather boots and a sword at his side. On duty he wears finely ornamented and polished armour.

Temperament: Captain Ashir is soft-spoken, almost angelic in appearance and demeanour. He is gentle and kind, but also strong and determined. He is a skilled diplomat and negotiator, with a talent for finding common ground and building bridges between factions. He is also capable of extreme brutality and cruelty in the pursuit of his goals, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve them. He is a skilled tactician and leader, with a keen eye for opportunities and a talent for inspiring his men.
Religious beliefs: Captain Ashir is an atheist, believing that his own strength and cunning are the only forces that can dictate his destiny. He does not believe in a higher power or a divine plan, and instead relies solely on his own skill and charisma to navigate the world.
Political stance: Captain Ashir believes in the power of ambition and determination, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He has a strict code of honor that he follows, but is not above using underhanded or ruthless tactics to achieve his ends. He is not afraid to take risks or make difficult decisions, and is willing to sacrifice others for the greater good.
Hobbies: He enjoys reading and studying military history, as well as fencing and horseback riding. He is also an avid adventurer, and loves to explore the world and see new sights.

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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2023 08:52

Queen ♕

Name: Lady Isabella

Nickname: Bella

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: Late 20s to early 30s

Other categories: Royalty, disgraced, mercenary

Height: Around 5'9''
Weight: Average to slightly above average
Hair: Dark brown, chopped short.
Skin: Tanned, with faint wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, the signs of a hard life
Distinguishing marks: A scar on her left cheek she got from her banishment.
Eyes: Pale Yellow
Clothing: Lady Isabella's wardrobe features a mix of high-end clothing, heavy chainmail and leather armor, and a sword belt with a short, curved sword made for slashing. She often wears a fur-lined coat, long scarves, and boots. She has a fascination with jewelry, though she rarely gets to wear it she has a penchant for pendants, earrings, and necklaces.

Temperament: Lady Isabella is stoic and guarded, having learned to live with the shame of her disgrace and the loss of her power. She has become resilient and pragmatic, having adapted to life as a mercenary. She is capable of violence, but only when it is necessary to complete her mission.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Lady Isabella has become jaded and distrustful, having seen the worst that humanity has to offer. She no longer believes in the ideals of honor and chivalry that she once held dear, and instead sees the world as a brutal and unforgiving place. However, she is not without principle, and will not take on missions that involve hurting innocents or perpetuating evil.
Religious beliefs: Lady Isabella is an atheist, having lost her faith in religion as a result of her downfall. She believes that her own strength and skill are the only things that matter, and that no higher power can save her from the consequences of her own actions.
Political stance: Lady Isabella has become disillusioned with politics and is no longer interested in the petty squabbles of rulers and kings. She is more focused on her own survival, and has no interest in being part of any political games or power struggles.
Hobbies: Lady Isabella spends her free time studying combat techniques and the history of mercenary companies. She has adjusted to her new life quite quickly.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2023 08:34

Knight ♘

Name: Lady Sybil

Nickname: Syb

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 23

Other categories: British nobility, Holy Knight, lesbian

Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight: Slim to average
Hair: Long and golden blonde, typically worn in an elegant high ponytail
Skin: Fair, flawless, with a natural pink flush to her cheeks.
Distinguishing marks: A small birthmark on the nape of her neck that looks like the symbol for the holy cross.
Eyes: Bright blue, with a piercing, almost ethereal quality.
Clothing: Lady Sybil's wardrobe consists of white and silver armor, with intricate designs that depict angels and other holy symbols. She always wears a white tabard over her armor, with the symbol of the temple she serves emblazoned on the back. She also often wears a silver pendant in the shape of the holy cross.

Temperament: Lady Sybil is a serious and dutiful Holy Knight, but has a secret romantic streak that she hides from others. She is calm and collected, always maintaining her composure even in the most stressful situations. However, she can also be somewhat cold and distant, a result of the strict discipline she has been raised with.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Lady Sybil is a devout worshipper of the Christian religion, and lives by a strictly moral code. However, she also has a secret affinity for the romantic stories and legends of fair maidens and gallant knights of old.
Religious beliefs: Lady Sybil is a loyal servant of the temple and the deity she serves. She takes her responsibilities as a Holy Knight very seriously, and rarely relaxes or allows herself to indulge in luxuries or pleasure.
Political stance: Lady Sybil is apolitical and does not have any particular allegiance to any political party or faction. She prioritizes her duties as a Holy Knight over all other considerations.
Hobbies: Lady Sybil's hobbies are largely restricted by the demands of her duties as a Holy Knight, but she enjoys the written word and has a fondness for classical literature and poetry. She is also a skilled calligrapher and often writes letters and entries in a beautiful, flowing hand.
Habits: Lady Sybil has a tendency to be very guarded around others, often keeping her own thoughts and feelings to herself.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2023 08:28