Queen ♕

Name: Lady Isabella

Nickname: Bella

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: Late 20s to early 30s

Other categories: Royalty, disgraced, mercenary

Height: Around 5'9''
Weight: Average to slightly above average
Hair: Dark brown, chopped short.
Skin: Tanned, with faint wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, the signs of a hard life
Distinguishing marks: A scar on her left cheek she got from her banishment.
Eyes: Pale Yellow
Clothing: Lady Isabella's wardrobe features a mix of high-end clothing, heavy chainmail and leather armor, and a sword belt with a short, curved sword made for slashing. She often wears a fur-lined coat, long scarves, and boots. She has a fascination with jewelry, though she rarely gets to wear it she has a penchant for pendants, earrings, and necklaces.

Temperament: Lady Isabella is stoic and guarded, having learned to live with the shame of her disgrace and the loss of her power. She has become resilient and pragmatic, having adapted to life as a mercenary. She is capable of violence, but only when it is necessary to complete her mission.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Lady Isabella has become jaded and distrustful, having seen the worst that humanity has to offer. She no longer believes in the ideals of honor and chivalry that she once held dear, and instead sees the world as a brutal and unforgiving place. However, she is not without principle, and will not take on missions that involve hurting innocents or perpetuating evil.
Religious beliefs: Lady Isabella is an atheist, having lost her faith in religion as a result of her downfall. She believes that her own strength and skill are the only things that matter, and that no higher power can save her from the consequences of her own actions.
Political stance: Lady Isabella has become disillusioned with politics and is no longer interested in the petty squabbles of rulers and kings. She is more focused on her own survival, and has no interest in being part of any political games or power struggles.
Hobbies: Lady Isabella spends her free time studying combat techniques and the history of mercenary companies. She has adjusted to her new life quite quickly.
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0 | Jun 21st 2023 08:34