Bishop ♗

Name: Sister Lucia

Age: Late 40s to early 50s

Other categories: traumatized, religious

Height: Around 5'4''
Weight: Slim to average
Hair: Short brown hair, worn in a severe style
Skin: Fair, with dark circles under the eyes that suggest long nights of prayer and meditation
Distinguishing marks: She has a large scar on her right cheek, the result of a violent encounter in her past
Eyes: Brown, with a haunted quality that suggests she has seen too much
Clothing: Sister Lucia wears the plain robes of her religious order, a simple brown habit with a white collar. She also wears a medallion of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals, and a leather cord with a wooden cross.

Temperament: Sister Lucia is solemn and introspective, with a calm exterior that masks a turbulent inner life. She is deeply religious, but her faith has been tested by the events of her past. She is haunted by the memory of a violent encounter that nearly ended her life, and it has left her with feelings of guilt and hopelessness. She is a skilled listener and a compassionate counselor, but she is troubled by her own inability to find peace.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Sister Lucia is guided by a strong sense of morality, and she is deeply committed to the principles of her faith. She believes in the power of forgiveness and compassion, and is always looking for ways to make the world a better place. However, she is also aware of the darker side of human nature, and she is not afraid to confront the consequences of her own actions.
Religious beliefs: Sister Lucia is a devout Catholic, and she is deeply invested in the teachings of the Church. She takes her religious duties very seriously, and she is always willing to help those in need, no matter the cost to herself. She is an expert in theology and philosophy, and she is often called upon to advise and guide others in matters of faith.
Political stance: Sister Lucia has no political affiliation, but she is deeply concerned with the issues of social justice and the protection of human rights. She believes that the Church has a moral obligation to stand up for the marginalized and the oppressed, and she is always looking for ways to promote social change.
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2 | Jun 21st 2023 09:02
Victor05 Liberation theology coded character.I approve