Knight ♘

Name: Lady Sybil

Nickname: Syb

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 23

Other categories: British nobility, Holy Knight, lesbian

Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight: Slim to average
Hair: Long and golden blonde, typically worn in an elegant high ponytail
Skin: Fair, flawless, with a natural pink flush to her cheeks.
Distinguishing marks: A small birthmark on the nape of her neck that looks like the symbol for the holy cross.
Eyes: Bright blue, with a piercing, almost ethereal quality.
Clothing: Lady Sybil's wardrobe consists of white and silver armor, with intricate designs that depict angels and other holy symbols. She always wears a white tabard over her armor, with the symbol of the temple she serves emblazoned on the back. She also often wears a silver pendant in the shape of the holy cross.

Temperament: Lady Sybil is a serious and dutiful Holy Knight, but has a secret romantic streak that she hides from others. She is calm and collected, always maintaining her composure even in the most stressful situations. However, she can also be somewhat cold and distant, a result of the strict discipline she has been raised with.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Lady Sybil is a devout worshipper of the Christian religion, and lives by a strictly moral code. However, she also has a secret affinity for the romantic stories and legends of fair maidens and gallant knights of old.
Religious beliefs: Lady Sybil is a loyal servant of the temple and the deity she serves. She takes her responsibilities as a Holy Knight very seriously, and rarely relaxes or allows herself to indulge in luxuries or pleasure.
Political stance: Lady Sybil is apolitical and does not have any particular allegiance to any political party or faction. She prioritizes her duties as a Holy Knight over all other considerations.
Hobbies: Lady Sybil's hobbies are largely restricted by the demands of her duties as a Holy Knight, but she enjoys the written word and has a fondness for classical literature and poetry. She is also a skilled calligrapher and often writes letters and entries in a beautiful, flowing hand.
Habits: Lady Sybil has a tendency to be very guarded around others, often keeping her own thoughts and feelings to herself.
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1 | Jun 21st 2023 08:28