King ♔

Name: Captain Ashir

Age: Early 20s

Other categories: Mercenary captain, Knight, Charlatan

Height: Around 6'7''
Weight: Slim to average
Hair: Pale gold, usually worn in a loose braid
Skin: Fair, porcelain, almost too perfect, as if he is made of marble
Distinguishing marks: N/A
Eyes: Pure silver, almost glowing, with an ethereal quality that makes it hard to look away
Clothing: Captain Ashir wears flowing robes of white silk, with intricate gold embroidery along the hems and collar. He always wears a pendant of silver and gold, in the shape of an angel's wings. He also wears soft leather boots and a sword at his side. On duty he wears finely ornamented and polished armour.

Temperament: Captain Ashir is soft-spoken, almost angelic in appearance and demeanour. He is gentle and kind, but also strong and determined. He is a skilled diplomat and negotiator, with a talent for finding common ground and building bridges between factions. He is also capable of extreme brutality and cruelty in the pursuit of his goals, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve them. He is a skilled tactician and leader, with a keen eye for opportunities and a talent for inspiring his men.
Religious beliefs: Captain Ashir is an atheist, believing that his own strength and cunning are the only forces that can dictate his destiny. He does not believe in a higher power or a divine plan, and instead relies solely on his own skill and charisma to navigate the world.
Political stance: Captain Ashir believes in the power of ambition and determination, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He has a strict code of honor that he follows, but is not above using underhanded or ruthless tactics to achieve his ends. He is not afraid to take risks or make difficult decisions, and is willing to sacrifice others for the greater good.
Hobbies: He enjoys reading and studying military history, as well as fencing and horseback riding. He is also an avid adventurer, and loves to explore the world and see new sights.

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0 | Jun 21st 2023 08:52