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TrenchcoatOfTheLord's Blog

Tips For Novel Type Writing

Hi, I'm a semi-professional novel writer and I've noticed there's a lot of very talented writers who seem to struggle with very similar issues. Here's a few tips that I think could help elevate your writing to a new level! This isn't a specific roast against anyone, by the way. I'm just very passionate about writing and I love teaching what I know and seeing people become stronger writers!

#1: You need to separate yourself from the product you're creating if you have any hopes of getting better. This is also unfortunately the hardest lesson and its one I just now am beginning to learn in college. Most people nowadays don't know this one, but it's crucial to getting better. Criticism towards your art, your writing, whatever it may be, is NOT criticism of you as a person. A well thought-out critique should be honest, thorough, and as objective as possible. It should not bring you down, it should encourage you to change aspects of your progress. Now, I will 100% agree that many people don't take this approach. A lot of people, especially online, are terrible at critique. "This sucks" or "you suck because ____" are subjective opinions that do nothing to help the receiver and are only used to belittle. It's about as helpful as saying nonsense, so you should treat them as such. Those are not real critiques.

#2: Critiques are suggestions and opinions, not facts. You do not need to heed them if you don't wish to. This is your baby, don't let anyone bully it.

With those out of the way, we can focus on actual writing mistakes:

* When writing, MAKE SURE to read it in your head like you were talking out loud. It will help you catch mistakes.

* If you're writing in a character's point of view, write it as if they were talking out loud. Use slang and common phrases if appropriate.

*Your and You're: Your is possessive, it refers to someone's belongings. You use "your" the same way you would use his/hers/theirs. You're is the shortening of "you are". If you get confused (it's common, I do too sometimes), say out loud.

*To, Too, and Two: This one's annoying, gets me all the time. To refers to a location, as in going TO a place. Too is another way of saying "as well". Two is the number 2.

*Commas: Commas should be used whenever there is a break or change in a sentence, like if there's additional information. This is one where saying it out loud is very helpful. Where ever you pause to take a breath in the sentence, but wish to keep going, use a comma.

*Run On Sentences: This one is kind of subjective. Another one where saying it out loud becomes helpful. I tend to use run on sentences just because that's the way that I talk. Basically, if you're reading a sentence out loud and you find that it's too long, too wordy, or you run out of breath, split it into multiple sentences, or change the wording.

*Use if you need help with finding similar words and try not to use the same noun, verb, or adjective in the same sentence.

If I have more tips, I'll make a part 2. I hope this helps!
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3 | 0 Comments | Dec 27th 2022 19:17

New Year Shout Outs!

I know it's not the new year yet, I'm just doing this before I forget so shhh. Also, I'm sorry if I got pronouns wrong, that's something I struggle with. I default to they/them when I'm not sure.


She has great ideas, is really good at putting up with my weird obsessions, and is over all a really amazing person! She was my first rp partner on this site and I'm happy to say we're still going strong several months later! Our characters are also canonically married (or at least close to being married) and have a child, which is kinda weird I guess, but super cool! Also, she makes beautiful handmade jewelry:


By far the best Dean writer I've come across! And honestly, one of the best dialogue writers I've ever met. They're super fun to write with and they go along with every insane, crackhead idea I have lol. I know you think I'm gonna leave you, but I'm saying it publicly that it ain't gonna happen ❤. They get a little sad sometimes, so please stop by their account and say some nice words, they deserve it!


Always one of my favorite people to talk to, whether it be about roleplays or simply vibing. She doesn't think her writing is that good, but I think she writes beautiful detail and is always very thorough about everything! You think I'm tired or upset waiting for you to respond, but I honestly like having a more laid back rp environment, and rp isn't the only reason why I talk to people ❤.


A lovely person I stumbled upon by accident and I'm glad I did. They are the only ones that can get me to play a human with just how interesting they make their character! Unfortunately, they always seem to be subject to my writers block or my insane, ADHD urge to jump the story all over the place because I'm really impatient and I don't know why it keeps happening, but they deal with it in a really nice way and that's all I could ask for ❤.


I'm looking forward to adding more people to this list next year!
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2 | 2 Comments | Dec 26th 2022 16:17

What is an angel anyway? SPN Edition

An Angel is an inter-dimensional, celestial entity that is probably the most powerful species in all of the Supernatural lore.

Ok, but what do they look like? They obviously possess human vessels, but what do they ACTUALLY look like?

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Welcome to my world of poorly thought out head canons for an angel’s true form!

But first, what is the actual canon?

* Size of a skyscraper
* Invisible
* Has multiple heads, can be human or animal
* Angels are neither male nor female, they don't have genders
*They're not born, they're created
* They don't have souls but they somehow create one when transformed into a human? (What?)
*Other bullsh*t that makes no sense so I'm not gonna bother mentioning it

Now that we know that, we can go hog wild on the head canons!

* Made of plasma and light, has a fluid body and can change shape and size, but they’re normally the size of an average skyscraper
* Invisible because their true forms are held in a different dimension that runs parallel to the material plane.
* Also why they need vessels, their true forms can’t interact with this dimension, besides blinding people and maybe breaking a few windows for fun.
* Typically have between 2 to 3 pairs of wings
* Has HUNDREDS of eyes, all over and floating next to them. Each eye can peer into a different dimension, all at once.
* Usually has around 5 heads. These heads can be human or animal. The main head in front cannot change, but the other 4 can based on trauma and personality changes.
* Every feature except the main head can and will change slowly over time with emotions and experiences. (Ex. Castiel’s wings turned black when he betrayed his fellow angels because of guilt and regret.)
* Angels have a variety of halos based on their personality and can have multiple.
* All angels possess both feminine and masculine traits. They are androgynous. They pick pronouns based on their vessel.
* There are probably other celestial entities that exist, but they can't cross over in the material plane using a vessel. So, they're unknown to the world.

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4 | 0 Comments | Dec 11th 2022 20:20

God Toddler Jack, Except Not a Toddler

I'm good at titles, I'm aware. :3

@WaywardSon7 and I came up with a very interesting idea of setting our rp after God dies and Jack takes his place. Now, I'm sure most people know how much I hate season 15, but we can ignore everything besides Jack because playing him as a god I think would be very fun, especially since he's kinda a rule follow but now he's making the rules. Haven't got to play him yet, which is sad, but whatever. Let me show you my good boy :3 and everything to do with this story.


Name: Jack Kline Winchester

Gender: Male

Age: 21 (Looks the same)

Species: Nephilim

Occupation: God of all

Orientation: ???

Relationship Status: Single

* Watcher: This is Jack’s most used form when on earth. He is incorporeal and translucent. He can’t interact with anything physical and can only be seen by those he chooses.
* Nephilim: His physical body, the one he had before becoming god. He can do everything he used to be able to do but his godly powers are bound by certain rules to keep the balance. Can be seen, touched, and injured.

Personality: Despite now being the most powerful being in the universe, Jack doesn’t let the authority and new power he’s been given get to his head. He’s still as kind hearted and giving as ever and will do everything to help without breaking the rules. As god, Jack owns all the knowledge of the universe, so he’s no longer curious about everything except human nature. Free will is still confusing, yet fascinating to him.

Powers: Everything

Weaknesses: Must obey the rules of power, mental and emotional maturity is about the same

Rules of Power: (Only applies on Earth)
* Cannot create or destroy a living thing
* Cannot go against free will using mind control
* Cannot interfere with the natural cycle of life and death (Can’t bring people back to life)
* Cannot interact with other universes/realities
* Has not authority to change anything in hell
* Doesn’t get to choose prophets
* Must obey laws of the physical realm (corporeal and can be injured, but cannot die)
* Cannot reveal information to someone that is not meant to know it
* Cannot drastically change a landscape
* Cannot effect the day and night cycle

Lore: As God, Jack can create, change, and dismiss the laws for the very existence of the universe. However, it takes a lot of energy and is a pretty long process. Also, Jack is bound by the setbacks and consequences of those laws. So, he can’t do whatever he wants.

* Jack is a very hands-on type of god, so he’s constantly followed by his new archangels to make sure he’s safe.
* Made Castiel his most powerful archangel as well as commander of Heaven’s army.
* God’s got checks and balances so what happened last time never happens again


Name: David Wright

Suspected Age: Mid 40s (Doesn’t age)

Species: Suspected human (Psychic)

Occupation: teacher

Personality: Compassionate and soft spoken. David is not a fighter at all, he’s not brave and he has a lot of fears. He’s considered “psychologically unstable” because of what he claims to see and hear, but he is well meaning and genuinely liked by the community and his students. David likes to help people, whether it’s with school work or bringing peace to grieving loved ones by talking to the dead. As well as a teacher, he is also the local psychic.

Powers: 6th sense, healing, rapid regeneration, telepathy, telekinesis, boundless knowledge, etc.

* Castiel’s amnesic persona
* After his fight with the former god, Castiel suffered complete amnesia and was left the last several decades wandering alone and confused
* Has a daughter
* Has frequent migraines, “hallucinations”, and night terrors
* Refuses to pass through graveyards or churches because of spirits
* Has an innate and deep rooted fear of large bodies of water
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4 | 1 Comment | Nov 19th 2022 15:03

Sass Master Cas

Yeah I did that rhyme intentionally. What of it?

This is a character sheet for a version of Cas I created for my rp with @HunterDean which was inspired off of those Sasstiel pics some amazing person made on Tumblr. He's so ridiculous and obnoxious, yet so fun to play that I felt like I needed to share my abomination with people.

Orientation: Dean sexual (Dean and only Dean. Just Dean.)

Relationship Status: In a love/hate relationship with @HunterDean

Alignment: Chaotic Good. He tries to be good…most of the time, but is definitely more combative and brutal than he needs to be.

Personality: “Dean might be an idiot, but he’s my idiot. Only I can insult him.” Super overprotective and hot headed. Castiel is cold and tough to everyone else, but is a bit softer when Dean is around. When he’s not frustrated with Dean, he’s trying to parent him. Never backs down from his enemies and doesn’t really know when to stop. Blunt, says whatever the f*** he wants. Very jealous and vindictive. SassTM. Cas is capable of being kind, especially to humans, but it doesn’t come naturally to him. Absolutely does not take bullsh*t from anyone.

Because Castiel was created as a soldier and was always meant to be one, some emotions don’t come naturally to him. After being with the boys for so long, he’s able to feel everything a normal human can, but at a lower level. Despite being excessively sarcastic and blunt, he doesn’t usually say anything with the intent to hurt people. He’s just not very good at social cues or emotional conversations.

Emotions he was ‘programed’ with: Anger, hate, distrust

Emotions he learned from humans: Kindness, happiness, love

Likes: bees, flowers, nature in general, animals, reading, wing rubs, secretly enjoys making Dean frustrated, enjoys fighting more than he should

Dislikes: tight spaces, cars, demons, touching his wings (he’s indecisive)

Strengths: Very strong, both physically and emotionally. His training as a soldier allows him to basically shut off his empathy, making him a highly effective fighter.

Weaknesses: He’s very bad at recognizing and expressing emotions. PTSD and wartime experiences have made it hard for him to feel empathy. Cas doesn’t really listen to anyone, only barely listens to Sam and Dean (might listen a bit more to Jack).

People he’s alright with living: Sam, Dean, Jack, other angels (unless they piss him off), Gabriel (He's on thin ice though)

Bastards he especially wants dead: Lucifer, Crowley, Rowena, pretty much every demon, Michael

Notes: (Probably more to come)
* Cas knows he’s a lethal weapon but doesn’t have the will to change
* Often flashes his wings to scare or intimidate

“I don’t know how to say this nicely…So, I won’t. You’re a f***ing idiot.”
“Life is full of disappointments and you’re just adding to my list.”
“Zombies eat brains. You’re safe.”
“All I know is one of us is right and the other one is you.”
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4 | 1 Comment | Nov 9th 2022 11:10