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B a c k s t o r y:

P a r e n t s/S I b l i n g s:

T a t t o o s + P i e r c i n g s:

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s:

L i k e s:

D i s l i k e s:

P e r s o n a l i t y:

O r i g i n:

R a c e:

P e t s:

B i r t h p l a c e:

B i o:

A p p e a r a n c e:

O c c u p a t i o n:

G e n r e s:
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2 | 0 Comments | Aug 7th 2021 23:18

Cassian W. Fletcher

A g e s: 22-26

H e i g h t: 6’0

W e i g h t: 185lbs

S p e c i e s: Human (depends on plot)

B a c k s t o r y: Cassian was raised in a two parent household. His mother was a hippish woman from some place up in the mountains and his father was a rancher in south. They met during voting season, his father voting for Republican Party, saw her and sort of tried to convert her to vote his way.

She cussed him out from the back of the line to the front and some how, the two ended up together. It took a lot of soul searching for the couple, but eventually the two realized politicians and the world was sh*t, but they weren’t so bad together.

Cassian was born out of wedlock, even appearing in his parent’s wedding photos. He gained the stubbornness of his mother and the solemnness of his father. Cassian and his father both had a secret love for picking fruit together and raised themselves a few fruit trees in his younger years.

Through his teens, Cassian got into a lot of fights, so many that his mother decided to home school him, but that didn’t stop him either. He had a temper on him, and so his father started letting him do heavy work on the ranch. It leveled him out some.

Despite his father’s side of the family, Cassian grew to be exactly what his family couldn’t stand. He was always sharing some knowledge that he’d learned through his mother’s old books and stories of old protests she went to.

He has extensively random knowledge about trees.

P a r e n t s/S I b l i n g s: Edwin A. Fletcher (father) and Wren M. Fletcher (mother) (alive and married))
Delilah (5 year old sister)

T a t t o o s + P i e r c i n g s: Both of his ears are pierced (despite his father’s wishes) Tattoo of a bull in a meadow of flowers on his left arm, a piece he thought represented his mother and father

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s: He’s extremely good with trees, and very handy with rope. Quite strong. And though he’s muscular, quite fast on foot.

L i k e s: He’d take a cup of black coffee over anything else. Enjoys some country, but he’s quite into classical. Will drop what he’s doing for bats, he won’t admit it, but he’ll sit up sometimes and watch the bats in the barn fly around at night. His horse, Kline.

D i s l i k e s: Cheese. He hates cheese. Long intros to movies. When his father starts a story with, “Back in my day,”, because back in his father’s youth he was an a**hole. People he’s grown up with. Flies, as much as they’re around in the country, he can’t tolerate flies for a second.

P e r s o n a l i t y: observant, strong willed, solemn. Easily angered

O r i g i n: cs

R a c e: White

P e t s: Willie and Tulip (Barn cats), Axis (Male, Rhodesian Ridge back (dog) ), all the other animals on the ranch.

B i r t h p l a c e: A pool, in his grandmother’s backyard

B i o: Currently, Cassian still works on the ranch, it’s expanded since his younger years, his father and mother adding an orchard and a place for beekeeping as well.

He runs most of the ranch itself, handling paper and physical work as his parents get older. He teaches horse back riding on some weekends to keep busy and make extra money.

A p p e a r a n c e: On the muscular side due to heavy lifting and handling animals. He has cognac brown eyes and sandy blonde hair that he tucks in a bun under his hat, (it’s rather long and he no clue what to do with it). His nose deviates slightly from a Highschool fight, but it fits the scruff and mustache he keeps on his face.

O c c u p a t i o n: Rancher

G e n r e s: May vary
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1 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2021 23:58

Beau Moreau

A g e s: 19-20

H e i g h t: 5'7

W e i g h t: 130lbs

S p e c i e s: Human or Nephilum(depending on plot)

B a c k s t o r y: He grew up in theatre, his mother was a leading actress and his father happened to be the director of his mother’s very last play. Beau and his twin, Beáon, were born after their first child, Artise, his older brother. Beáon passed away in a swimming accident when Beau was quite young.

He was always a graceful child, and was quite the little singer growing up. His father would often take him to the theatre he worked at, allowing his son to be amongst the dancers and their children, as he felt his son was missing a piece of himself when his twin passed.

P a r e n t s/S I b l i n g s: Dimitri Moreau (father), Andromeda Moreau (Mother) , Artise Moreau (elder brother)

T a t t o o s /P i e r c i n g s: He has a small tattoo, it’s hidden behind his ear, a tribute to his twin brother who he remembers loved bees when they were children.

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s: (as a nephliun) He isn’t sure of what powers he has, as he hasn’t discovered who/what he is. His father has kept this secret from the family for decades now.

L i k e s: Coffee, Tea, Vintage decor, angsty plays. Any baby blue flower.

D i s l i k e s: He absolutely hates dust. It drives him crazy. And he’s not a huge fan of the golems outside of the church his mother and father go to.

P e r s o n a l i t y: Very graceful, very touchy and very attached to those he choses.

O r i g i n: European

R a c e: White

P e t s: He wouldn’t consider her a pet, but there’s a swallow he watches raise her babies that lives outside his window.

B i r t h p l a c e: France

B i o: Currently, he works with his brother at their restaurant together, while also acting in a lot of his father and mother’s plays. He’s quite the talent, and enjoys dancing in his free time. He’s absolutely obsessed with romanticizing every moment of his life, hence his mostly positive attitude.

A p p e a r a n c e: blondish curly hair that he often wears naturally, but on occasion he slicks it back slightly. hazel eyes, slightly bronze skin he spends a lot of his summers and springs outside watching the bees, lean muscle he has a very strict routine to keep up his appearance.

O c c u p a t i o n: Host and Waiter at his brother's restaurant and lead actor

G e n r e s: any!
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3 | 0 Comments | Jan 3rd 2021 18:55

Vice ‘Frost’ Kline

A g e s: 18-21

H e i g h t: 6”4

W e i g h t: 145lbs

S p e c i e s: Unknown/ Hybrid

B a c k s t o r y: Vice or as said on his birth certificate ‘Jace’, was left for dead by his step father at the age of 10. Tougher than he looked, he survived an entire month in the woods before found by law enforcement. He was mentally assessed due to nearly turning feral, and placed in foster care. Once old enough, he left out and rented a place in the city, adopting a younger rabbit who’d attached herself to him.

P a r e n t s/S I b l i n g s: A little sister, 5 years old, small herbivore

T a t t o o s + P i e r c i n g s: none

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s: still discovering

L i k e s: Dark rooms, flowers (secret), black coffee, Asana(little sister), earthy colors the rest is private

D i s l i k e s: Pack environments, cocky bastards, bright lights, dirt under his claws, ironically he likes to dig.

P e r s o n a l i t y: a bit stand offish, pretends to be kind but really hates being around others, you can tell when he’s angry, but nothing else.

O r i g i n: unknown

B i r t h p l a c e: unknown

B i o: He lives in a nice upper class apartment with his baby sister, others mistake her for his child since he does raise her, but he doesn’t see it that way. He’s absolutely a softie for her, though he doesn’t express emotions, she has him wrapped around her little paws. Vice is also a vegetarian, well pescatarian, he eats fish.

A p p e a r a n c e: image below

O c c u p a t i o n: bartender

G e n r e s: may very
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4 | 0 Comments | Apr 1st 2020 18:58

Quinn Alomos Erickson II

[NOTICE: As of August 2021, Quinn will no longer be available for new plots. This is due to constant request for him in most ALL of the ideas/plotting sessions I have with new partners and I feel it’s getting repetitive. Until further notice, I will not be using this oc, no exceptions!

Thank you~ Admin ]

A g e s: 18-21

H e i g h t: 6”2

W e i g h t: 147 lbs

S p e c i e s: Human

B a c k s t o r y: Quinn was given his name after his late grandfather, who had a very similar pattern of behavior to him. As a child, Quinn was more into snakes than toy trucks, and spent a concerning amount of time trying to attract them, or find ways to befriend them. During his middle school years, his behavior continued, his fascination with snakes expanding to other concerning things. However, despite his odd tendencies, this didn’t stop girls from liking him, he became the center fantasy of every girl in his class, but he couldn’t be bothered. His mother and father love him very dearly, despite all else. Them both paying fo child therapists and trying to set up play dates, but many never wanted their children to play with him, claiming he was 'nearly the antichrist'. However, the boy didn't mind his alone time at all, in it he prospered, and he never grew to hate his parents, though their worrying annoyed him.

P a r e n t s: Andrew + Sarah Erickson (alive and married)

T a t t o o s + P i e r c i n g s: none yet

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s: Almost artistic with a knife, easily gets along with snakes and spiders.

P e r s o n a l i t y: He isn’t easy to read, most times he’s calm, so calm it flusters most who know him. However, he loves to play games, twisted ones sometimes. He's not meek or shy and will voice his thoughts without care or remorse.

R a c e: Caucasian (( heritage unknown))

P e t s: None surprisingly

B i r t h p l a c e: The back of his fathers car, Oregon

B i o: He’s now a ((high school senior or in college depending on the age I set him at for role-plays)), and most things about him haven’t changed, his mannerisms, his style, his love for snakes. But he’s acquired a small, but mildly concerning eye for blood. Perhaps this came to him after his frequent nose bleeds. He’s still quite a charmer, despite not doing anything other than what he’s used to.

A p p e a r a n c e: Below, lean muscle

O c c u p a t i o n: Works at a local pet shop and sometimes helps out at his mother's bakery

G e n r e s: vary
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3 | 0 Comments | Sep 17th 2019 01:16