Quinn Alomos Erickson II

[NOTICE: As of August 2021, Quinn will no longer be available for new plots. This is due to constant request for him in most ALL of the ideas/plotting sessions I have with new partners and I feel it’s getting repetitive. Until further notice, I will not be using this oc, no exceptions!

Thank you~ Admin ]

A g e s: 18-21

H e i g h t: 6”2

W e i g h t: 147 lbs

S p e c i e s: Human

B a c k s t o r y: Quinn was given his name after his late grandfather, who had a very similar pattern of behavior to him. As a child, Quinn was more into snakes than toy trucks, and spent a concerning amount of time trying to attract them, or find ways to befriend them. During his middle school years, his behavior continued, his fascination with snakes expanding to other concerning things. However, despite his odd tendencies, this didn’t stop girls from liking him, he became the center fantasy of every girl in his class, but he couldn’t be bothered. His mother and father love him very dearly, despite all else. Them both paying fo child therapists and trying to set up play dates, but many never wanted their children to play with him, claiming he was 'nearly the antichrist'. However, the boy didn't mind his alone time at all, in it he prospered, and he never grew to hate his parents, though their worrying annoyed him.

P a r e n t s: Andrew + Sarah Erickson (alive and married)

T a t t o o s + P i e r c i n g s: none yet

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s: Almost artistic with a knife, easily gets along with snakes and spiders.

P e r s o n a l i t y: He isn’t easy to read, most times he’s calm, so calm it flusters most who know him. However, he loves to play games, twisted ones sometimes. He's not meek or shy and will voice his thoughts without care or remorse.

R a c e: Caucasian (( heritage unknown))

P e t s: None surprisingly

B i r t h p l a c e: The back of his fathers car, Oregon

B i o: He’s now a ((high school senior or in college depending on the age I set him at for role-plays)), and most things about him haven’t changed, his mannerisms, his style, his love for snakes. But he’s acquired a small, but mildly concerning eye for blood. Perhaps this came to him after his frequent nose bleeds. He’s still quite a charmer, despite not doing anything other than what he’s used to.

A p p e a r a n c e: Below, lean muscle

O c c u p a t i o n: Works at a local pet shop and sometimes helps out at his mother's bakery

G e n r e s: vary
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3 | Sep 17th 2019 01:16