Beau Moreau

A g e s: 19-20

H e i g h t: 5'7

W e i g h t: 130lbs

S p e c i e s: Human or Nephilum(depending on plot)

B a c k s t o r y: He grew up in theatre, his mother was a leading actress and his father happened to be the director of his mother’s very last play. Beau and his twin, Beáon, were born after their first child, Artise, his older brother. Beáon passed away in a swimming accident when Beau was quite young.

He was always a graceful child, and was quite the little singer growing up. His father would often take him to the theatre he worked at, allowing his son to be amongst the dancers and their children, as he felt his son was missing a piece of himself when his twin passed.

P a r e n t s/S I b l i n g s: Dimitri Moreau (father), Andromeda Moreau (Mother) , Artise Moreau (elder brother)

T a t t o o s /P i e r c i n g s: He has a small tattoo, it’s hidden behind his ear, a tribute to his twin brother who he remembers loved bees when they were children.

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s: (as a nephliun) He isn’t sure of what powers he has, as he hasn’t discovered who/what he is. His father has kept this secret from the family for decades now.

L i k e s: Coffee, Tea, Vintage decor, angsty plays. Any baby blue flower.

D i s l i k e s: He absolutely hates dust. It drives him crazy. And he’s not a huge fan of the golems outside of the church his mother and father go to.

P e r s o n a l i t y: Very graceful, very touchy and very attached to those he choses.

O r i g i n: European

R a c e: White

P e t s: He wouldn’t consider her a pet, but there’s a swallow he watches raise her babies that lives outside his window.

B i r t h p l a c e: France

B i o: Currently, he works with his brother at their restaurant together, while also acting in a lot of his father and mother’s plays. He’s quite the talent, and enjoys dancing in his free time. He’s absolutely obsessed with romanticizing every moment of his life, hence his mostly positive attitude.

A p p e a r a n c e: blondish curly hair that he often wears naturally, but on occasion he slicks it back slightly. hazel eyes, slightly bronze skin he spends a lot of his summers and springs outside watching the bees, lean muscle he has a very strict routine to keep up his appearance.

O c c u p a t i o n: Host and Waiter at his brother's restaurant and lead actor

G e n r e s: any!
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3 | Jan 3rd 2021 18:55