Vice ‘Frost’ Kline

A g e s: 18-21

H e i g h t: 6”4

W e i g h t: 145lbs

S p e c i e s: Unknown/ Hybrid

B a c k s t o r y: Vice or as said on his birth certificate ‘Jace’, was left for dead by his step father at the age of 10. Tougher than he looked, he survived an entire month in the woods before found by law enforcement. He was mentally assessed due to nearly turning feral, and placed in foster care. Once old enough, he left out and rented a place in the city, adopting a younger rabbit who’d attached herself to him.

P a r e n t s/S I b l i n g s: A little sister, 5 years old, small herbivore

T a t t o o s + P i e r c i n g s: none

P o w e r s/A b i l i t i e s: still discovering

L i k e s: Dark rooms, flowers (secret), black coffee, Asana(little sister), earthy colors the rest is private

D i s l i k e s: Pack environments, cocky bastards, bright lights, dirt under his claws, ironically he likes to dig.

P e r s o n a l i t y: a bit stand offish, pretends to be kind but really hates being around others, you can tell when he’s angry, but nothing else.

O r i g i n: unknown

B i r t h p l a c e: unknown

B i o: He lives in a nice upper class apartment with his baby sister, others mistake her for his child since he does raise her, but he doesn’t see it that way. He’s absolutely a softie for her, though he doesn’t express emotions, she has him wrapped around her little paws. Vice is also a vegetarian, well pescatarian, he eats fish.

A p p e a r a n c e: image below

O c c u p a t i o n: bartender

G e n r e s: may very
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4 | Apr 1st 2020 18:58