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The Ark (Sci-Fi/Horror Group RP)

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

A wave of relief fell over Quinn at the response of another person, "Oh, thank god! I thought I was the only one!" Quinn's voice was still worn yet a hint of relief was still discernable. A thick condensation blanketed his pores as his temperature started to make progress in regulating. Quinn still felt stiff, but he managed to turn he head slightly to get a view of the person who discovered him.

He nodded, "I'm Quinn, I was SUPPOSED to be on security detail in the 6th Reactor Core. But I feel like those are the least of our problems now..." he trailed off. He was supposed to have a nice comfy job, basically standing around and occasionally keeping tabs on and tuning up the mainframe of the sector when needed. It was as easy a mechanic job as they come in this line of work. His legs started to tingle a bit, "Looks like they're coming back to working order. Or at least my veins are circulating steadily again." He thought out loud. He tried to pull himself up, but to no avail, the muscle loss was too great. He sat there now facing a complete stranger. His breath was was visible as he huffed gasping for air. He'd never felt so pathetic before, is this what his sister had to deal with every f***ing day. It was unfair, bit at least she died peacefully. He feared he wouldn't be so fortunate.

Nov 24th 2020 21:49

The Ark (Sci-Fi/Horror Group RP)

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

@cloudydreams absolutely! I've just been a tad busy is all, but we're still going. :)

Nov 24th 2020 21:21

The Ark (Sci-Fi/Horror Group RP)

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

Quinn had been attempting to scream for help. He had been so weakened by the experience, that his voice had become coarse and low akin to a speaker that had been blown. His body was restrained as if he had a parking break within him. The floor was metalic and cooled; it did little to help thaw him. This room was like a giant freezer that had broken down.

Quinn had never felt so defeated in his life. To think he'd made it all this way just to die stranded wherever he fell, it was infuriating. His whole reason for accepting this voyage was to make something better of himself; to be the adventurer SHE never could be. Yet here he was, laying on the floor as helpless as an newborn infant. He could see that his muscle mass had depleted as result of his immobility. He would have to retrain himself. To function at full capacity again.

He began to think of his sister Natalie. She had been unable to walk since she was eight. He could recall the physical therapy she endured only for her to come to the realization that she'd never walk again. He recalled one evening, "You know you only have to practice for a few hours a day." Quinn said to his sister. She was hanging onto a two metal bars, each set to one side of her. "I know that. But this is all I've got to do." She replied.

Quinn shook his head, "Well, you don't want to overdo it. And bored? I just got you some more of those books, did you finish them already?!" He exclaimed. She looked at him and nodded confidently. "I love to read about adventure. The different worlds, far away places... all of that gets me excited. But at the end of each book, I'm still here wanting something more from them." She had a look of determination in her eyes. Quinn was puzzled by this reaction. It was uncharacteristic for her to be so outspoken. She continued, "Once I can walk again, I'm gonna see it all for myself. I refuse to believe that I'll die in this house. I'm going to make my own way for once and step into the unknown." She paused. "But first you have to wake up..." suddenly he was back in the ship where he had been currently.

He heard a man's voice behind him. "Is someone there?!" He exclaimed with his now dried cracked voice. He was still immobile and couldn't turn to see for himself. "Are you a person, or a recording... or am I going crazy?" He muttered toward the end. Quinn could feel a pinns and needle sensation throughout his body. He ached yet he was numb all the same.

Nov 7th 2020 14:06

The Ark (Sci-Fi/Horror Group RP)

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

The smell of fuel blanketed the the atmosphere with it's pungent fragrance as well as something akin to a garbage dump. The low dull humming of machines played out in the parifery of Quinn's consciousness. His flesh was warm and red hot, where yet his veins felt an icy cold liquid flowing through them. It was probably the cryogenic substance they were all briefed on prior to their assent.

Quinn felt air enter the pod for the first time in what felt like an eternity. He choked as oxygen entered his lungs once again. The hydraulic sounds of the pod's frame screamed as it opened. A soft beep rang then woman's enthusiastic voice followed. "Welcome back, Voyager! You have made it to your destination. Please remain calm as hysteria is a common side effect in Cryogenic Preservation. Other possible side effects include, nausea, fever, itching..." the recording went on about the various effects for about two minutes. "... and in some very rare cases frostbite. Now that you're ready, we Welcome you to ARkkkkkk..." the recording cut.

Quinn fell out of the pod freezing and shivering. He was covered only by a white pair of vinyl briefs attached to various wires. As he looked around his breath paused. Tons of pods filled with thawed dead and rotting corpses. "What the hell happened?" He shuddered. The stench filled the air. He could see that some pods where still on line he tried to crawl to some of them but he couldn't move as he still needed to thaw.

Nov 6th 2020 12:36

The Ark (Sci-Fi/Horror Group RP)

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

|| I'll kick off this thing in a bit. The beautiful thing about this structure is that with the cryogenic lore, people can "awaken" and join at various times in the story.

Nov 3rd 2020 10:59