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Demolition Lovers -Joker and Harley-

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

(An alternate origin of Joker and Harely, not anything cannon but I'd like to see where this goes. Beware the possibility of violence towards one another such as domestic abuse and such, hence the title. Also this is different in the way that this is not a Batman story, this would likely take place during the years that Bruce Wayne was traveling thus they are able to get away with many crimes as this is a period where Gotham was running wild with unchecked crime) Gritty ,Violence, Dark Themes.

Always fighting, and splitting. He says she's batsh*t crazy, she says he's a pig. He had cigarette burn marks and scratches from her and she had bruises and scrapes from him, they hated and loved each other in the best way possible. They were perfect for one another. In truth they're both f***ed in the head and too crazy for anyone else, and they can't be left alone so they always come back to each other. In other words, they're each other's affliction and remedy.

After Jeremy contracts a brain degenerative disease, they struggle to pay for any possible treatment. They turn to stealing and eventually violence in and attempt to make the money. Jeremy is losing his mind to the disease and Harley is losing her mind to stress and the possibility of loss.

Oct 21st 2019 22:37

Demolition Lovers- Joker and Harley-

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

(An alternate origin of Joker and Harely, not anything cannon but I'd like to see where this goes. Beware the possibility of violence towards one another such as domestic abuse and such, hence the title. Also this is different in the way that this is not a Batman story, this would likely take place during the years that Bruce Wayne was traveling thus they are able to get away with many crimes as this is a period where Gotham was running wild with unchecked crime) Gritty ,Violence, Dark Themes.

Always fighting, and splitting. He says she's batsh*t crazy, she says he's a pig. He had cigarette burn marks and scratches from her and she had bruises and scrapes from him, they hated and loved each other in the best way possible. They were perfect for one another. In truth they're both f***ed in the head and too crazy for anyone else, and they can't be left alone so they always come back to each other. In other words, they're each other's affliction and remedy.

After Jeremy contracts a brain degenerative disease, they struggle to pay for any possible treatment. They turn to stealing and eventually violence in and attempt to make the money. Jeremy is losing his mind to the disease and Harley is losing her mind to stress and the possibility of loss.

Oct 20th 2019 11:09

Milford Mall (kind of like The Office or Parks and

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

Character Sheet


Nick Name (what they go by):



Position (Job, store they own):




Jun 7th 2019 01:24

Milford Mall (kind of like The Office or Parks and

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

Name: Rory V. Peterson

Nick Name (what they go by): Rory

Age: 22

Height: 5’11

Position (Job, store they own): Camelot Comics and Games

Hobbies/Talents: TCGs, D&D, LARP, gaming, being a total virgin, collects arcade machines

Personality/quirks: Outgoing, passionate about interests, friendly, bit TOO passionate about his interests,

Bio/Background: From a very young age, Rory was... different. He was raised by a man who was obsessed enough to give him the middle name, Voltron. If that doesn’t tell you anything about his upbringing then, I’m not sure what to tell you. Rory recently took over his father’s shop at the Milford Mall. He’s mostly known as the friendly comic guy, but his other reputation is that of the weird guy walking around in cosplay. He once showed up as General Bison, on Veteran’s Day, and let’s just say that people thought he was dressed as a... different kind of veteran. He’s relatively harmless... we think.

Jun 7th 2019 01:23

Milford Mall (kind of like The Office or Parks and

ImNotCrazy replied to ImNotCrazy's topic

Want to do do a group RP like an @Work Comedy, namely like The office or Parks and Recreation. Basically, all the characters work at or own a shop of some sort. This is meant to be a bit goofy and not take itself too seriously.

*Milford Mall is a busy shopping center for all things, from games, to clothes, to that weird smoky store that’s constantly filled with millennials (you know he one), it’s no wonder they sell so many incense there... Anyways, the truly best part is the staff. They’re as focused and professional as... Wait security found what in the fountain?! Dude, that’s awesome, I gotta see this! Sorry, a kid just sh*t in the fountain! Can we finish this later?*

A couple explanations/ guidelines
*INSERT TEXT* , represents those interview and commentary cutout moments from shows like The Office or Parks and Recreation

“INSERT TEXT” , work as it normally would, being the present time or what your character is currently saying in the scene.

(If it gets too confusing I’ll just ditch he idea but I want to see how it works out)

Jun 7th 2019 01:22