+*~ Rules ~*+

Hi! Welcome to my rules blog! I don’t have much rules nor do I have much triggers and such. There are a few things I do want you all to know before roleplaying with me!


1. Please be patient with me. I am a college student and I do work so I am busy a lot of the time. I have a life outside of roleplaying so if you do rush me for a reply, you could end up being unfriended (of course I’ll remind you before doing so.

2. This goes with the first rule, because it may take me a while to reply, if I don’t reply within two or three days, feel free to give me a little bump. I could be so busy sometimes and just forget about it so if that happens, that’s when you can give me a heads up!

3. Please look at my status from time to time. Sometimes I don’t have time to tell everyone if I’m going away and such so please check because I will be updating everyone if anything happens.

4. I am not new to roleplay. I have been roleplaying for a few years now but that does not mean I am perfect. I am still improving in a lot. So during our roleplay, if you think I need to be more descriptive or if you want me to write more and such, please let me know.

5. I am into spicy roleplay a lot, so if you want any information on that then just ask! I am a bottom though so just a heads up! ^-^

6. Please no one liners, sometimes I understand it may be hard to reply to something but please give me enough so I can give a response back.

7. If you friend me first, please please send a message first. As will I send a message first if I friended you first.

8. I play with any gender! So don’t be afraid to send a request! I love roleplaying with everyone! ❤

Those are all the rules I have for now! I will be adding more as soon as I think of some! But if you made it to the end, either like this post or tell me your favorite dessert (you can either write it in the comments or dm me it!). I look forward to roleplaying with you!
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22 | Mar 3rd 2024 11:15
Bennybyo I like butter pecan ice cream the most!
Bash I enjoy a good bowl of mint ice cream.
Lobo_Demon Classic Cheesecake will always be held in a special place in my heart.
Midnight_Club Mochi Ice Cream!