- Laura Cunningham, the Police Rookie. -

Name: Laura Cunningham Martinez
Age: 31
Profession: Police Department Rookie.
Race: Human.
Sex: Female
Sex Orientation: Homossexual (Hidden)
Size: 1.86m
Theme Song: And I Grew Into Ribbons - Street Sect
Favorite Song: The Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley


Personality: Being a rookie in the police in the middle 50’s is hard. Laura has fought hard to be assigned to the field as an apprentice of a Veteran Detective. She is introspective, making huge monologues about her perceived reality and how it can affect her. Being in the Criminal section, she has a hardened psyche as she has dealt with the insane and the deranged. She keeps talking to her doctor after every assignment, to keep her sanity in check.

Appearance: Laura is a latino-blooded woman, so her semblance is quite on the Latina side. With a bob side cut, she also has a very piercing brown-eyed gaze. Her face is swift and delicate, although she is a hard-boiled woman. She has a mahogany hue on her skin with pitch black hair.


Weapons: She uses a .38 Smith and Wesson, but also has a pump-action Remington Model 870 which she uses to hunt.

Abilities: Laura has a speciality which is her Hut, a mental palace where she can transport herself into and deduce a crime, and its clues to get a criminal. Also she has great marksmanship, for using a weapon ever since she was a child by her father, a Second World War Veteran.


Story: Laura has been born in Texas. Third daughter of an army’s Colonel and a Mexican actress and owner of a Tequila farm, she was always spoiled to be something akin to her mother’s steps. Although she always found the army and the police thrillers more exciting. She joined the Police army, after much reluctance from her family, but with some help from her father's influence with the Police Chief, who were war buddies. She joined the rookie squad and had a transfer late that year to help solve a hard-case murder. She then was accepted in the Crime and Murder section where she helped solve many crimes with her special technique.

Heart this
3 | Dec 1st 2023 22:21
Megadragon3000 great character!