
The morning after, he and the others begin early with their training. Zhongli lets WooPil sleep longer since he woke up in the middle of the night. He goes to his room to wake him up when it is already 10am, with a tray with a nice breakfast. "We are beginning, deary. Eat your breakfast, then come to join in the yard, alright?" He smiles at WooPil, patting his head. "Take your time."

Said that, he heads out again, to monitor the others and making sure Jing Yuan is not lazying!! Even Aron is training with them, since it is mostly physical stuff.
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2 | Aug 26th 2023 04:15
MORAX "I'm well aware, you are a honourable man that wouldn't even think about such things.
Mmm...maybe we could come up with an excuse to send him where Chan is staying...he might be happier than sleeping with you or me." Maybe before to see the place. XD
He continues to cook and serves the first frittata to WooPil.

"What the fuck, couldn't you tell me while I was away? I was one step from her room! You made me come all the way as usual!" Aron can't help but smadonn. XD
Jing_Yuan «Yes, that sounds like an interesting idea. He won't be running off, with what I told him, so it should be all right even if he gets out of my sight…» So that Dan Heng can reunite with his bestie Shin. XD
«Let us do that as soon as possible, maybe before the night falls. If you tell Dan Heng you are taking him somewhere far from me, he will probably be happy. Then I will tell Shul that Dan Heng was having the same problem as the other guys who had to go there.»
He shuts his eyes at Aron's words, making it clear that it's better if he goes without making a further scene. XD

WooPil. «He said that nasty word…» he murmurs, hunching his shoulders.
Even if he is served first, he can't eat until the old men start!!
MORAX "What should we tell him to make him move there? I don't want to come up with a" He snaps his fingers at his words. "It is perfect, Jing Yuan. I'll tell him right away. Cyno! Go to call Dan Heng!" XD
"Hopefully she won't be angry and see through our plot..." He says in a lower tone.

"Old men are the worst, seriously!" Aron grumbles and goes to look for Shul indeed.

He looks at WooPil, sighing. "Ignore him, he doesn't know what he is saying because he is mad..."
Jing_Yuan «He will be happy enough to go somewhere far from me, I think.
He of course approves of ZhongLi's way to delegate the job to his son.
«He was sick past night, we can easily convince her that it was a side effect of being here. After all, not even us know for sure how this barrier and magic works, if it would have the same exact effect on everyone.»

Cyno goes to look for Dan Heng without complaints, even if he was training!!

WooPil. He looks down. «I hope that he will not say it again…»
MORAX "Indeed it is the perfect excuse to send him far from Shul. We won't have to worry anymore."
He nods at Jing Yuan, remembering why he laid his eyes on him the first time!!
"You are indeed very cunning and resourceful."
He sighs, patting WooPil's back. "Better if you get used to it, he is used to a different culture with many bad words..."