
He takes his whole squad of old powerful farts to go to talk to Childe. He doesn't intend to let him play with him, since the matter is urgent and serious.
He heads to the Northland Bank and asks for Childe, explaining it is very urgent.
They are told to wait outside while they call him. Zhongli obeys, but while they are outside, he ends up noticing Dan Heng nearby.
He approaches him. "Why are you outside, boy? You risk to get lost...better if you stick with us, it is not a good idea you wander alone."
Heart this
1 | Aug 6th 2023 06:53
MORAX "Calm down, Jing Yuan...maybe he is confused, he doesn't look fully himself, don't you think? Let's solve this matter first, then we'll take care of him." He sighs, being slightly nervous. He is in hurry to proceed.
"I'm certain no one of my kids nor Jing Yuan would take profit of him. I will question each one of them to make sure of it.
You...Childe!" He clenches his fist. "You were supposed to provide them, you are just wasting our time!" He walks out of the office. Hits and beatings noises as he knocks down all the fatui agents around to steal their clothing.
QiuWu «This matter is of no importance right now, stop wasting time about that Dan Heng and focus on Martin and Dottore!» He doesn't understand the problem, because he approves of rape, he is a proud rapist himself and tried to rape Martin already.
Martin will hide behind Dottore when he sees Morax. XD

Jing Yuan. «He doesn't look good and healthy for sure, but I don't understand what he aims to gain from inventing such lies about myself. I would have helped him without second thoughts, if he had reached for me, without breaking his exile…»

Morax looks in the direction of the noises. He wanted to go to kill…
Karm °I had to do it myself, we have not a closet with fatui uniforms. And I cannot ask them gently to undress, it would be inappropriate for my role.° he smirks at the sounds, °It wasn't that hard after all.°
He looks at Morax as he says that, °You are a bastard to say that, we are more similar than how I could think. Incredible.
I already prepared some food for the journey, never forget that you will need to keep a low profile. °
MORAX "Morax, please. That matter is strongly troubling Jing Yuan, have respect." XD
"There has to be more we don't one is doubting you here, Jing Yuan."
He returns to the office already changed. "Quickly, all of you. Don't be picky with your choice."
Jing_Yuan Wears the first uniform that is big enough to not make him look like a troll cosplayer of Silver Wolf.
«Yes, probably.»

Morax wears the outfit of a cicin mage that is the only one that looks more in the style he appreciates.