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Rock_God's Blog

What If Harry Potter Was Real

If you are interested about it, I am looking for some more people to roleplay a plotline where the Harry Potter cast meets a real witch who is a seven year old little girl with a big heart and big singing voice named Lilly Richardson who steals the heart of Harry Potter himself,.. (or sometimes Draco Malfoy who is played by Tom Felton) Daniel Radcliffe!!! :D
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 26th 2022 16:46

Penalties For Not Abiding By The No NSFW Rule

For those of you who are currently unaware, NSFW is strictly forbidden in my roleplays whether you're of age or not. That includes sexual jokes, words, and direct references to anything of the sexual nature. (I can help answer any questions to this as well if you ask.) To those who start off asking me for NSFW, you will be blocked immediately. (I don't accept anybody's friend request who advertises they do it on their page unless they specifically state that it's only optional or they do SFW as well.) However, if we've been roleplaying for a while then the rules are a little bit different. It's the three strikes and you're out rules.

1.First offense= friendly warning. As everybody makes mistakes and a slip or an oops is understandable.
2. Second offense= firmer warning to stop or you will be blocked.
3. Third offense= immediate block.

Look, I hate having to do this guys, but I don't think I'm being too unreasonable as I really don't want to have it come to this, but I have my rules for a reason. Site rules for one, and for two,.. just because you say you're of age doesn't matter because a lot of people can lie about it over the internet and no offense or anything, but I can't trust anybody I don't know.
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1 | 5 Comments | Jun 20th 2022 15:24

Dinosaurs Will Be In Heaven!! :D

Hey guys The Deej here and I'm writing a blog post instead of a status update post right now because I'm waiting for my new friend on here to respond to my old one. But yes isn't it remarkable? Today's creatures won't be the only animals that you will get to see in Heaven because I love all of my creature creations equally and who doesn't love dinosaurs? ;)
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0 | 1 Comment | Jun 10th 2022 01:27

Let's Celebrate Our Independence!! :D

Even if it is a month early. Happy Independence Day everybody, after all showing our patriotism should be an all year round thing anyways. :)
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0 | 1 Comment | Jun 4th 2022 00:08

Happy (Early) Easter Everyone!! :D

I started trying to post this in my status, but it was too long so I decided to make a blog post instead.

Hey everybody, The Deej here!! :D First of all, I hope that everybody had a great Saint Patrick's Day yesterday. Second of all, before it gets asked of me of; "You're literally God, why do you have Easter eggs in the background of your profile!?" It's because of two reasons, (actually three if you count the fact that I'm already getting excited for Easter) one,.. The Easter egg symbols the death and resurrection, and two,.. there's nothing wrong with dying Easter eggs and eating candy left by the Easter Bunny. As who doesn't like chocolate? ;) Speaking of the Easter Bunny, move over Santa Claus because pretty soon he'll be hopping into town!! :D
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0 | 4 Comments | Mar 18th 2022 11:23