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Rock_God's Blog

My Daily Blog Part 8

Ah sh*t! I'm sorry guys, I didn't realize how late it was getting. I had such a long and busy day today helping Mary with her homework and accidentally fighting with her over it so yeah that pretty much sums it up. Maybe I will feel more like blogging tomorrow.

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1 | 0 Comments | Sep 5th 2018 19:45

My Daily Blog Part 7

Well here we are guys. It's been exactly a week already since I started doing these blogs. Mary returned to school today and I have to remember to pick her up later this afternoon since she's got to go to gymnastics. Although sometimes during the school year I attend Yoga with her and Tiffany, I honestly don't believe that my body is ever going to be flexible like that.

Let's see,.. what else is new today? Not really all that much actually. All I know is that I've been talking to somebody on here,.. I do believe that they're called bitemarks or something of the sort, and I've been telling them my story. Or rather I suppose you would call it OUR story, so yeah,.. that's been extremely exciting for me to do since I love telling the story of how I met Mary although I still have an awful lot of guilt that we had to meet the way we did.

I guess it's just like Tiffany told me. Constantly hating on myself and beating myself up is not going to bring Andy back. My favorite Disney movie ever probably sums up my life real simply. And instead of me telling you, I think I'm just going to shut the hell up and let Rafiki do the talking instead.

Love, Chucky

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1 | 0 Comments | Sep 4th 2018 11:18

My Daily Blog Part 6

Well happy Labor Day everybody. Forgive me for asking this question, but what the hell does that even mean? I THINK it's supposed to be a day off work and school where you laze around on your ass all day and do absolutely nothing right? If that's true then except when I'm out causing mischief, or playing and or doing something with Mary, then that's basically me everyday.

In fact, as I'm typing this right now my puppy is lying down on my lap. I sure wish that you could see him right now. He's so f***in cute that even a cold and heartless person like me is just about to melt into one big pile of butter. ;) He's very easy to take care of too since he's even smaller than I am. (which is why I wanted to get a small dog in the first place) So yeah, I don't have much planned for the day except for the fact that I'm spending it with Mary and taking her to go get ice cream after supper.

By the way, I found this song on YouTube that I was listening to earlier this morning after I woke up (and yes I'm aware of the fact that I spend WAY too much time on there) that reminded me from when I first fell in love with Mary and how I felt when I found out that Andy Barclay (the solider I killed) was really her father.

The song is from another (actually good) Disney movie called Brother Bear. And yes I've seen the second movie (I've seen pretty much every Disney movie known to man because of Mary) but it just wasn't nearly as good as the first imho. (in my humble opinion) So I will end today's blog with it and you can tell me what you think.

Don't forget to comment and subscribe!

___ Chucky The Killer Doll

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1 | 0 Comments | Sep 3rd 2018 11:50

My Daily Blog Part 5

Well here we are on day five of my daily blog. I'm really sorry this is a bit later than planned, but I've been busy as f*** ever since we got back home from the movies. So, what can I say about the movie Christopher Robin without giving too much away? Well I personally thought that it was a very good movie and f***in hilarious at that!

Of course you can't beat popcorn, candy, and the comfortable reclining seats either. ;) Now Mary and I are home for the day and since it's still way too damn hot outside, I think we will probably spend it playing pretend as well as playing videogames and watching more movies together.

Sorry for a super short report today but that's literally all I've got for the day and I have a million other things to do as well. Have a good one! :)

Love, Chucky
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1 | 0 Comments | Sep 2nd 2018 15:58

My Daily Blog Part 4

Hey everybody, Chucky here,.. *yawns and stretches* happy Saturday. I just woke up about ten minutes or so ago. Man! I love being able to sleep in on the weekends just as much as Mary does although thank God I don't have to go to school with her. That is unless I volunteer to be a chaperone for a field trip or something, then I'm stuck.

So anyways as usual she passed her spelling test yesterday. (she has always been a good speller) I can't believe that she's going to junior high school next year! She's not a little kid anymore that's for sure! She's going to be twelve years old next month on the sixteenth, so I guess I have to start thinking about what to give her for her birthday.

So yeah, her birthday is very close to Halloween. Not too long after she will be blowing out the candles on her birthday cake, she will be shopping for her Halloween costume. For the life of me I could never understand why it's called trick-or-treating. Sure it's only just a bunch of kids going out and having a good time, but they should call it what it is,.. begging!

Every year I also get to help Mary choose her pumpkin and carve it. The only thing is now that she's in sixth grade, she can no longer go to the pumpkin patch with her class to pick it since she is too old for that now so we will have to pick one out on our own. Anyways, nature seems to be calling so I'm going to go ahead and wrap this up.

Remember to subscribe to my blog to receive the latest updates. That's all I have to say because I really do have to go take a sh*t!

Sincerely, The Chuckster.
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | Sep 1st 2018 10:15