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Rock_God's Blog


Hey guys, I realize that I haven't made a blog post in like forever but I have been extremely busy lately getting ready for Christmas. Mary's off school now believe it or not so she won't go back until the start of next year. Oh and by the way, this next post is for @TheWalkingDead1408. Hey dude, my friend until the end April tells me that you're a f***ing good roleplayer.

I'm sorry that we didn't have much of a chance to chat but every time I try to get on (since April and I share a laptop quite a bit when I come over to her house) she swipes it away from me. (My guess is it's because Tiff has been giving her bitching lessons) Anyways, whenever you do want to go and strike up a conversation with The Chuckster, please don't hesitate to say or ask me anything that's on your mind. ;) Well that's it for tonight guys and I'll try to write again soon.

Love, Chucky
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1 | 2 Comments | Dec 16th 2018 00:18

Well, I Started Christmas Shopping Today

Before I begin tonight's blog *yawns* I just wanted to say that I totally forgot to mention that I enjoyed the Crimes of Grindlewald when I saw it with Mary but I absolutely have no f***ing clue how it ended. It confused the sh*t out of me. Anyways, I hope that everybody had a great Thanksgiving. Like we do every year Mary and I watched the Macy's parade together and then we went over to her grandmother's. (It actually is over the river and through the woods believe it or not)

So she has had a busy few weekends. Last weekend she was off school for Thanksgiving break, the weekend before that we went camping together, and today we hit the mall to start our Christmas shopping. It actually wasn't as crowded as I expected it to be on a Saturday, which made things even MORE awkward for me and Tiffany because everybody kept staring at us.

They probably either thought that we were Santa's helpers or two lost Christmas gifts. *shrugs* Ah well, it's getting late and I think I'm going to start getting ready for bed now. *yawns again* Goodnight!

Love, Chucky

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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 1st 2018 23:23

Hey Guys, Ever Heard of Geocaching Before?

So today I learned all about geocaching and apparently it's a pretty popular activity which is sort of like a treasure hunt. I guess what happens is you sign up for this website ( and they tell you all about where you're supposed to find these caches. Then you have to find out where they are and begin searching for them like a treasure hunt. You have to be discreet about it too because you don't want the muggels (other random people who we don't know whether or not they are geocachers) to find out where the location of it is.

After you find the cache you can decide whether or not you can take something out of it or leave it. If you choose to take it then you need to leave something in it return to trade for it. There are also these things called travel bugs and those are items that are specifically marked so you can track them from place to place. Finally there are these micros and other containers that there are a bit smaller and only contain a log book to prove that you found it. (And like everything else you mark whether or not you found it through your online account.)

So yeah, it's really fun to do and I'm getting signed up in order to do it. Some places like national parks don't allow it so you do what's called a virtual geocach and take your picture by the location to prove that you were there. So has anybody else here heard of doing this before? And if you have, do you enjoy it? Please feel free to comment about it. ;)

Love, Chucky
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1 | 0 Comments | Nov 23rd 2018 18:16

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be doing a daily blog anymore, just when I have something in particular to say. So,.. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! :)

Love, Chucky
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | Nov 22nd 2018 22:34

My Daily (Nightly) Blog Part 77

Nothing really to see here tonight unfortunately. :/

_____ Chucky
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1 | 0 Comments | Nov 15th 2018 21:25