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(Rayalarth - School of Magic and Wizardry)
22 / Other / Single and Looking
Blackmarsh, Allandra - Slovakia
From Stone to Stone I risen, from Tear to Tear I shed. From Drop of Blood from Drop of Blood I lost. From Smile to Smile I risen up again. ---- Rayalarth Motto.

Raylarth is a Magical Academy constructed on a mountain, with a huge river that connects to a waterfall at the entrance. Being molded by Geomancy by Melleen Ishvara, one hundred and fifty years ago. The place is a marvel in architecture and magic. The fine threads of Mana could be seen gathering in fine webs holding still in each stone, each tree, each water that courses its unnatural flow through the Academy Grounds.

The entrance is a wonderful hall, full of floating candles held by fine blue threads, and large water fountains a double staircase that led into the Dormitories. but the end of the Great Hall, after passing by the black velvet couches and bookshelves, a marble staircase leads to a lustful garden which statues of Angels have been erected giving the place an angelic aspect, the chrysanthemums and the lilies field, are a spectacle aside.

By the Left, you may Find the Feast Halls which are always changing places and menus, depending of the day of the week. With large feasting tables, and a nice dose of Chef's Spicy Ale. It's one of the best places to gather around and lose a hour, or two, telling jokes, having drinks among friends or listening to the Goblin bard's song in front of its gargantuan fireplace.

Walking by the Hallways that led into the Classes, you can find the Pool of Dreams, which is a huge lake, with a blue and silver water hue, which ever river that crosses the Academy Grounds flows from. That is also one of the magical places which the main waterfall flows in a wrong way, scaling the stone wall and spurting in the sky making a permanent Rainbow, when it's Day or Night.

Following the Great Halls, you may find the interior of the Castle which makes part of the Book Tower of Arthemis, named after the Great Archivist that brought all of its tomes and Books along the Wooden Walls and Stone Staircases. Spiraling ever upwards into the Mirrored Halls of Mischief. The Mirrored Walls is known for the confusion and the tricks that it may take the student and even the staff, sometimes confronting the person with her own intimate fears, or sometimes showing a nice lustful Harem. It all depends on how the Mirrors are on their own humor.

In the Top of the Castle lies, the Headmistress Room, where the Director Melleen Ishvara, usually resides and takes some of their Staff and Student to have a cup of Tea and have some chat.

The Rayalarth is also known by using crystals of pure mana to access what has been called by the Master Mages the Magic Web, so it can emulate what seems to a proto-internet. So you may use the Intra-personal Web to call your friends, make dates, program duels and you may also, make use of The Maginstagram to post your images to your friends, or the Magieeter, our Magical Twitter for more sh*tposting and memes.

Have a pleasant stay and learn well your duties.

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