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Onibugi's Blog


Yichuan want his children to become able to protect themselves and the family so all his children know at least one martial art. Matsu do karate and Dae-Jung decided to start with the kung fu (Obviously not in Peng's school Yichuan didn't think she is able to learn something good to his son).
Matsu goes often to gambler houses and the people there didn't like too much, he likes also to have fights and this didn't help...
Matsu was walking on a lonely road when he met some old friends from a gambler house, after little minutes they started to fight but they were a lot and Matsu was losing.
"Fortunately" Dae-Jung was following him, he thought that was strange that Matsu was dressed like a commoner.
The men are too much and also after that Dae-Jung arrived they are winning against them two...
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1 | 38 Comments | Jun 13th 2018 12:14

Lack of memory

Wang Dae-Jung is the only son of Feng's sister, he was 4 years old when she died. The mother thought that something bad would happen so she tried the better she could to protect her baby. But all the guards were against them and she didn't know who trust...
At the same time Jichen was really worried about all the matter he didn't think that kill all the family would be the answer especially innocent kids. When he arrived at Feng's House was too late but he decided to try to see if someone was still alive. He heard some screams and then a 4 years old child that was running towards him. Jichen recognized immediately Dae-Jung, the boy was crying and he knew what was the matter. Probably his mother made him escape with some trick but the guards we're certainly still there.
Jichen decided to took Dae-Jung to Yichuan, not because he trusted him but because he thought was the only way to save him.
On the road they met PaOh, Jichen was trying with all the ways to hide the boy.
PaOh was on a horse an walked away very fast but for a moment the two brothers looked at each other with a look full of hate not knowing that they were almost in the same situation. And all for two innocent children designated to die because of their family.
Jichen arrived at Yichuan's home and waited for him in his office.
Yichuan offered to Jichen to become one of his soldiers because of his great skills but Jichen refused three times. This made Jichen thinks the perfect compromise, he offered his service to Yichuan if he would protect the baby. At the beginning Yichuan was very shocked about this, but then Jichen said why the boy needed to be protected.
Yichuan at the end accepted to leave Dae-Jung, Feng's nephew live, he adopted him and he and Matsu became twins for who asks...
The years passed quietly, no one asked Yichuan about the baby and he didn't say anything.
Matsu and Dae-Jung were too young to remember the truth (Or better noone told them the truth and they didn't manage, they grow up like nobles) and Yichuan acted like they were really his sons (Also Matsu is adopted).
Dae-Jung grew up strong and beautiful and Yichuan started to be really proud of him.
He is 20 and he starts to feel a strange sentiment like if something bad happened but he doesn't remember... He starts to have nightmares about a woman but he doesn't know who she is the bad is that she dies all the nights...

At the moment he is going to the doctor but not because he is ill but because he wants to meet his friend Fei.
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3 | 25 Comments | Jun 12th 2018 13:19

Dess's birthday

Come to my pucharello's birthday!
Dess wait for you! Surprise party! (Like all the years.
She sento the invitation to all Dess's friends, or better all the people she thinks are his friends.).

Dess obviously knows that Malaria organized It, like all the days She asks Nellie to go out with him and come back only after the arrival of the guests. She managers to surprise him all the years.
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2 | 56 Comments | Sep 4th 2017 06:35

Personal gift

Di certo lui non si aspettava di trovare Khai-Ming nel Nord, cioè non aveva idea di dove trovarlo ma non pensava nel Nord.
In ogni caso finito il suo turno da elite guard prende il grembiule e va a casa sua, bussa alla porta.
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1 | 32 Comments | Aug 29th 2017 16:38


He took a phone when he starts to go frequently on the Earth, he used it to call Amiir and ask him for help. Happened that Edward was really angry with him because he took drugs and he is not really well at the moment. He said to him where he is, certainly not with his usual mood.
He is on the ground of an alley, hoping that Amiir would come early.
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2 | 35 Comments | Aug 24th 2017 16:39