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OCcreator's Blog

Character for fantasy

Name: Sierra Raine
Age: 23
Height: 5"6
Appearance -
Hair: Long, light blue hair in French braids.
Eyes: Hazel eyes
Skin: Fair skin with a scar along her left cheek that also goes over her nose.
Species: shape shifter (can turn into any animal) her favourite form to take is a fox.

Personality: outspoken, opinionated, bitchy. if she doesn't like something that she's told, she'll ignore it, unless its extremely important.
Outfit and body shape: (Image)
Occupation: Assassin

Backstory: Sierra was abandoned as a baby on the doorstep of a well respected assassin. She had been trained from a young age to be as good an assassin as her adoptive father. She's become a region wide, famous criminal hired to kill many high status citizens.
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 8th 2023 20:16

High School character (By British standards)

Name: Lana Yarrow
Age:16 (turning 17, sixth form in high school)
Occupation: Part time at the local book shop
Appearance -
Hair: short two toned hair (Blue and Green) that stops just past her shoulders.
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Pale with visible freckles on her nose, cheeks and forehead. Birthmark behind her right ear.
Features: Piercings (1st, 2nd and 3rd, Helix, tongue, septum and labret)

Goth style: Grunge Goth (Refer to image)

Personality: Quiet, secluded, plainspoken. She doesn't like to dance around the truth.
Hobbies/interests: She loves photography and theatre

Backstory: Bullied throughout high school. once she started to express herself with the clothes she felt comfortable with, she was picked on. After the pandemic she felt more comfortable wearing a mask at all times. Lana has developed social anxiety from being bullied in school and has panic attacks because of it.
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 5th 2023 19:14

Singer character for celeb romances

Name: Nichola Redding
Nickname (Stagename): Nikko
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (been performing since 16)
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Ash brown that fades to black at the bottom. Her hair stops at her lower back.
Skin: slightly tan with freckles
Distinguishing Marks: she has a long scar on her back which she hides with her hair.
Eyes: Bright green (It's what she's known for in the industry)
Goth style: punk Goth (Refer to image)

Personality: Outspoken, opinionated, playful. Extroverted always goes out of her way to interact with her fans but is openly single.
Morals: lives by the quote "treat others how you want to be treated."
Religion: though she appears on stage as a devil worshipper (makes devil horns with her hands, wears pentagrams, etc.) She is an atheist.

Hobbies: Creating art and writing lyrics.
Habits: she taps different surfaces when she's anxious
Likes: movies, cooking, and smoking
Dislikes: people who are rude for no reason and eating weird food textures.
Fears: Her past (She has quite a traumatic backstory to do with her manager)
Strengths: She has killer instincts. When she suspects something, it's true 95% of the time
Weaknesses: Though she cooks, she doesn't eat much. so she can be prone to fainting every now and then.
Occupation: She's a punk rock artist recognized for her distinctive and unique eyes.
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3 | 0 Comments | Apr 4th 2023 12:29

Character for unlikely lovers plot

Full Name: Freya Ricci
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Caucasian (Italian ethnicity)
Sexuality: Demisexual

Height: 5’7”
Hair Colour: ash brown
Eye Colour: light blue
Extra: freckles and a faint (but noticeable) scar along the left side of her nose. Notable hourglass body shape.

Goth style: Industrial Goth (refer to image)

Personality: She's quite shy in social situations, but outgoing when she's away from the public eye. She does anything to show the people around her that she cares about them. She flirts with her friends on a daily basis, they know it doesn't mean anything and even flirts back. She tends to avoid confrontation, she shakes heavily when being yelled at for doing something wrong.

Interests/Hobbies: Writing music and making art.
Smokes: Yes
Drinks: No

Back story: She grew up in a particularly broken home. Her father favours her older brother over her, to the point that sometimes it can get violent. Her mother isn't much better, she is emotionally neglectful. Because of this, Freya grew up knowing that she would have to take on life on her own. She found comfort in art and playing instruments but sometimes they weren't enough. She's now in college and working for the local graphic design company. anything to make money and get away from her family.
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3 | 0 Comments | Apr 4th 2023 12:20