Character for unlikely lovers plot

Full Name: Freya Ricci
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Caucasian (Italian ethnicity)
Sexuality: Demisexual

Height: 5’7”
Hair Colour: ash brown
Eye Colour: light blue
Extra: freckles and a faint (but noticeable) scar along the left side of her nose. Notable hourglass body shape.

Goth style: Industrial Goth (refer to image)

Personality: She's quite shy in social situations, but outgoing when she's away from the public eye. She does anything to show the people around her that she cares about them. She flirts with her friends on a daily basis, they know it doesn't mean anything and even flirts back. She tends to avoid confrontation, she shakes heavily when being yelled at for doing something wrong.

Interests/Hobbies: Writing music and making art.
Smokes: Yes
Drinks: No

Back story: She grew up in a particularly broken home. Her father favours her older brother over her, to the point that sometimes it can get violent. Her mother isn't much better, she is emotionally neglectful. Because of this, Freya grew up knowing that she would have to take on life on her own. She found comfort in art and playing instruments but sometimes they weren't enough. She's now in college and working for the local graphic design company. anything to make money and get away from her family.
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3 | Apr 4th 2023 12:20