Singer character for celeb romances

Name: Nichola Redding
Nickname (Stagename): Nikko
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (been performing since 16)
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Ash brown that fades to black at the bottom. Her hair stops at her lower back.
Skin: slightly tan with freckles
Distinguishing Marks: she has a long scar on her back which she hides with her hair.
Eyes: Bright green (It's what she's known for in the industry)
Goth style: punk Goth (Refer to image)

Personality: Outspoken, opinionated, playful. Extroverted always goes out of her way to interact with her fans but is openly single.
Morals: lives by the quote "treat others how you want to be treated."
Religion: though she appears on stage as a devil worshipper (makes devil horns with her hands, wears pentagrams, etc.) She is an atheist.

Hobbies: Creating art and writing lyrics.
Habits: she taps different surfaces when she's anxious
Likes: movies, cooking, and smoking
Dislikes: people who are rude for no reason and eating weird food textures.
Fears: Her past (She has quite a traumatic backstory to do with her manager)
Strengths: She has killer instincts. When she suspects something, it's true 95% of the time
Weaknesses: Though she cooks, she doesn't eat much. so she can be prone to fainting every now and then.
Occupation: She's a punk rock artist recognized for her distinctive and unique eyes.
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3 | Apr 4th 2023 12:29