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Grandpy's Blog


~ Le someone walks inside the house without knocking.

~ Le grandpy goes to check who the hell is that.

~ Brief moment of silence.

~ Loud noises of broken stuff.

~ Grandpy screams for help.
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1 | 50 Comments | May 5th 2022 13:49


Soon enough, he claims to meet with all his beloved grandsons, which include Haoxi and YiHao too.
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1 | 33 Comments | May 2nd 2022 09:35


Eventually, the Deatheaters are pushed away and they flee for their lives, damaging everything they can until disappearing into the forbidden forest.

The school is half collapsed, the Quidditch field little more than a pile of still burning ashes.
Hagrid's home is still on fire, many students still missing.

The teachers are working hard to find them all and gather them somewhere safe, while Madame Pomfrey takes care of the injured.
McGonagall, with the death of Dumbledor, had to take the responsibility of headmaster, being her the vice. It was her own burden to warn the parents of the students. Warning the people from the foreigner's students was especially tragic for her, since it made her even more sorry that it all happened while having their children as guests.

She warns the parents of each of them, urging them to come to take their children home, as the future of the school has never been more uncertain.

McGonagall and Hagrid are personally watching over a group of students, gathered in a section of the corridor near the headmaster's office. (All our roleplayed characters)
Madame Pomfrey is frantically assisting each one of them, being especially careful with the Nortrig ones.
That's where the kids still are, when the parents start to arrive.

What they find (my characters):
- XinLan naked, with McGonagall's emerald shawn wrapped around his waist, like a towel. He is all dirty of ash, like he rolled in it, but completely unspoiled;
- HaoLin is curled up on the floor, with his three tails on sight and empty gaze, full of tears. Madame Pomfrey is taking care of his broken arm;
- Hazel is standing by a window. She too is not wounded, just a bit dirty of cincer and very upset;
- KiTae is standing victoriously between McGonagall and Hagrid, like a great general who just won a battle. He led a group of first year students to safety from the deatheaters, hiding with them into the Shrieking Shack;
- Sid is covered in blood, especially around his mouth, still licking it from his totally dripping hands. McGonagall shivers from time to time, when looking at him.
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1 | 12 Comments | Oct 27th 2021 14:31


It's an evening like every other, dark and rainy, very cold. It's an average day, he didn't even go to eat in the Great Hall.
He is in the garden in front of his houses, starting to check which pumpkins are ready for Halloween. There is a strange atmosphere, something that makes him anxious, but he can't figure out what it is.
«It can't be. Nothing could ever happen as long as Professor Dumbledor is here», he mutters to himself.
He prepares to head back inside his hut, when suddenly he hears a lot of screams, coming from the Quidditch camp.
He takes his crossbow and hurries towards there, where he sees a few Hufflepuff students running away from that direction. He tries to ask them what happened by they all run past him, too panicked to speak.

As he reaches the place, he sees it in dismay, fires and a group of seemingly dark wizards destroying it.
Not all the students are running, two in particular are standing in the field.
It doesn't take Hagrid long to figure out that the fires didn't come from the dark wizards, but by XinLan himself.
As the kid casts a spell with his wand, a crazy, empowered explosion occurs, making the item shatter in pieces and causing a massive fire, in the shape of a bird, that pretty much swallows the death eaters under its embers.

Meanwhile, Hazel is helping the kfher students of the Hufflepuff team to escape, using her own wand to create powerful shields that protect them from the fire and the heat, while running out from the collapsing, fiery mess the Quidditch field turned into.
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1 | 2 Comments | Oct 27th 2021 10:40


Since the students from Shiinden and Malicedom are all too young to visit Hogsmeade on their own, and they think it would be a shame if their guests didn't visit the village, they decide to organise with the families.
The first Saturday the village is open to the students, an adult member of the families of the guys from Nortrig is supposed to go to accompany their kids. (Not necessarily parents.)

The family members have to reach the Hogsmeade station on their own (through portals or teleporting).
The kids from Nortrig are already there with Hagrid, waiting for their relatives to come to spend a free day in Hogsmeade with them.
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1 | 36 Comments | Oct 13th 2021 14:11