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Grandpy's Blog

The sweetest fear.

As a yearly tradition, the school organizes several events and activities to celebrate the (second) darkest and creepiest month of the year. Although the theme of the celebrations is death, it is (normally) taken under a humorous and enjoyable note. Nobody is really expected to die or to lose a limb during the activities, as the school would lose those very few students it managed to get.

For some reason, in this school the majority of professors are never up for anything than doesn't concern either knowledge or military, thus the headmaster is forced to pick, every year, the candidates responsible to organise the events.
It's an especially annoying period for teachers and the students can surely notice how grumpy most of them are, without apparent reason. The motive is that they are all expecting to receive a summoning letter from the headmaster, to be condemned to take that unwanted burden on themselves.

During the late afternoon, as the last minutes of the last classes are running, the two professors have already been picked.
Before the end of the lesson, a janitor reaches each of the two teachers with a paper from the headmaster, demanding to meet by her office.

(...) The meeting is brief, all the headmaster asks them for is to organise events that will be both enjoyable and somewhat instructive; a chance for the best students to prove their skills and to the least good ones to be motivated in improving their efforts.
After being briefed about the resources at their disposal, the headmaster leave the teachers alone to exchange ideas and prepare for their duty.
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1 | 18 Comments | Oct 25th 2018 16:45


(...) It's morning. It's the 14th day they are on that isle and Qing's condition just seems to have turned even worse. He is covered in icy cold sweat, moans while being unconscious, like he was under a very strong pain. The wound is black, the skin around is red.
«You can't die you must not... we will live... we will...» XinLi sobs, in tears. He is not in a good condition, either. His skin is burned by the sun, as he is being shirtless, he is weary and desperate.
Like every morning, he leaves the igloo to get more wood and food. This time he is also intentioned to find some herbs. Despite he wants to deny it to himself, he knows Qing is dying. If there is even just a small chance to save him, he must try it.
He walks deeper than usual, holding a stick to support himself. He picks some fruits and wood, then starts to search for particular herbs, struggling to remember which ones his father used when he got wounded himself.
After a while, he finally recognizes some. He rushes to take it, but right after he picks some, he hears growls all around himself. He lets everything fall, except the herbs, and stands straight. He is surrounded by three wolves.
XinLi clenches his free fist, feeling more furious than angry. «It's all your fault», he says through teeth. «You made him that way!» He summons a magic fire in his hand and throws the flames at one of the wolves, which fur gets immediately set aflame. The beast whimpers madly and starts to run and roll, but the magic fire is not easily extinguished. Soon enough, the vegetation around takes fire too, with the flames spreading very fast. The other two wolves flee in panic and the same does XinLi, running back on his way. He feels totally dizzy and weak, only adrenaline and determination manage to push him to continue and not just faint there. He can't die, he must take care of Qing. He must return to him.

(...) Meanwhile, on the ship, Aki notices a lot of smoke and fire from an isle nearby. "Haru!" he calls, while keeping his gaze on the place.
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1 | 43 Comments | Oct 12th 2018 16:32


WhatsApp group 'Trip', 12:30, 2018.08.29.
Min ShiWoo.
] Hey everyone! We are organizing an evening at the cinema tonight. We'll go to watch the newest Marvel film Antman and the Wasp. Anyone fancy to come with us? (Insert the address of the least popular cinema in Seoul area) Take your friends too if you like! We'll see ya there! :)
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0 | 33 Comments | Aug 29th 2018 15:22

Home coming.

The camping trip didn't turn out to be a too pleasant experience for most of them, it was quite upsetting for him and CRIO.
On the Sunday afternoon, when it is time to go back home, they are the first to enter CRIO's car to prepare to leave. HongJae refuses to let any of the three kings set a foot in his Bugatti, thus Jinheung has to ride with Ronin and ShiHo.

Talking about the matter, they realized that they couldn't leave those three on their own, being them dangerous, clueless, potentially unstable and identical to three of their friends. Letting them go on their own would put at risk Hyungsik, Siwan ans JongHyun's career and even reputation. Which is nothing they want.

Yo, on Haru's will, was set to go under the girls' monitoring, although BoYeon and RONIN didn't quite like the idea. Won, hearing he lives close to the girls, claimed to go to stay by Toki, being insisting and threatening enough on the matter.
The one left, Jinheung, is still pending between ShiHo and the Flohwa.

Toki's car is the most crowded, as both Won and Yo have to go with them.

Won approaches the cars and looks at them with wide eyes, worried and confused. "What kind of carriage is that? Who is going to pull it?" He looks at Toki, assuming he would be the one to pull the 'carriage'.
As CRIO starts his car and drives away at crazy speed, Won jumps and even recoils, scared. "What kind of witchcraft is that?!"
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1 | 59 Comments | Aug 18th 2018 08:47