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Everly19's Blog

Kenja Ma Dao

General Info-
Name: Kenja Ma Dao
Date of Birth: June 6th
Age: 100,000 years old
Age she looks like: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Taiwan; Vetala
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: High
Accent: Asian
Language(s) Spoken: Every Language, her native language is Taiwanese
Volume of Voice: None, she is mute
Seen by others as: Dangerous
Likes: Her village, Hunting, Deer, and children.
Dislikes: The Japanese, Poison, Suicide, Dark spaces, cramped spaces.

Physical Info-
Height: 6’1
Weight: 178lbs
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Long, always in a ponytail, very messy
Complexion: A scar runs from the left side of her mouth all the way to the bottom right cheek.
Posture: Fair
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Her ears
Education: None
Religion: None

Backstory: Darkness, that is all that remained within Kenja Ma Dao’s memory. The Japanese attacking, screaming, killing, suicide… darkness.. She was young, too young to have had to endure something so awful, a drink passed into her small hand, her taking a sip, her mother telling her it was all going to be okay. The screaming, the crying and then the nothingness; the next thing she knew she was waking up being told by a strange being that she was now a Vetala, a vampire-like creature that needed to protect her village. She was created into this monster because she did not have a proper funerary rite, neither did her people, but she was told that she was chosen from her entire tribe to be the Vetala and to defend her families and her peoples honor. For thousands and thousands of years that’s exactly what Kenja did. She watched the war between Japan and Taiwan end, she helped in the efforts, she helped bring her village back together and watched it repopulate with new generations. She’s watched the young turn into the old and then say their farewells to the world, it was a bittersweet life to live and Kenja was sick of it. One century felt like one day in the human world. It was all the same, nothing new seemed to happen, that is until she meets your character. Will they be slave merchants hunting out monsters from old folks tales, will they be there to help her out and finally free her from the too long life she was living, or did they come for something more powerful? Fun? Evil? Good? Kenja did not know, nor did she care, she had a thirst for freedom and if freedom was promised she would be down in a heartbeat. I wonder what will happen when they meet?
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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 5th 2022 00:29

Lavika Bay

General Info-
Name: Lavika Bay
Nickname: Vika
Date of Birth: November 18th
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Caucasian, Human
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: High in the town she lives in, low in the world
Accent: None
Language(s) Spoken: English
Volume of Voice: Low
Seen by others as: Sensitive
Likes: Dancing, Being in the spotlight, those that cherish and adore her, and herself.
Dislikes: Killer Whales, the ocean, backstabbers, and those that steal her spotlight.

Physical Info-
Height: 5’4
Weight: 156lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Hair Style: Long and Clean
Complexion: Clear
Posture: Amazing
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Education: Low
Religion: None

Backstory: Lavika Bay grew up in a small town right on the coast of the Northern Sea. Her entire life she had been dancing, she danced in competitions, for fun, and also on a tour throughout the world. Lavikas dream was to be one of the most well known dancers of her time. Living in a small town while the big boom of the 60’s was happening was a huge letdown for Lavika. The woman wanted to see the world and she wanted to see it as soon as she could. To be the star she always dreamed of, meet the queen of england, and maybe even fall in love. All of that flew out the window though; the night of one of her biggest dance competitions, a competition that would decide whether or not she would be able to flee this small town of hers just as she had always dreamed. On this night while she was getting ready and preparing herself, a note had slipped under her dressing room door. It was an anonymous letter and it told her to meet them at the cliff that ran just above the ocean front, it promised fame and fortune and Lavika was naive enough to listen to said note. Quickly pulling on her heels, she hiked up her skirt and made her way out into the night and up onto the cliff. Upon arriving she saw no one there and figured they were running a little late. Walking over to the edge the woman peaked down to see the dark water below her and just as she was about to take a step away, she was free falling. A shove to the middle of her shoulder blades had her tumbling through the frosty winter air and right into the ice cold water below. Lavika instantly became paralyzed and couldn’t move. Quickly she opened her eyes and what she saw now haunts her dreams every night; surrounding her from all sides were giant killer whales with gaping jaws. Lavika screamed but it was lost in the water and the killer whales attacked. Lavika woke up on the beach by herself covered in a cloak with multiple gaping wounds that had been bandaged up. After that Lavika Bay never danced again, she discarded her dream and for the next year searched for the person who had saved her. Searched for answers on how she had not died and why so many killer whales had been in one spot all at once. Would she soon find her answer in meeting your character? Did your character save her? Or did they push her? Or maybe neither? I suppose it is to be determined.
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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 4th 2022 00:45

Salvia Remmine

General Info-
Name: Salvia Remmine
Nickname: Via
Date of Birth: January 4th
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Italian, A wizard
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: Medium
Accent: Tonic
Language(s) Spoken: Italian and English
Volume of Voice: Low
Seen by others as: Disturbed
Likes: Dolls, Rivers, Boats, Herbs, Teas, affectionate people, rabbits.
Dislikes: Rude and loud people, other wizards, her mother, those who try to control/experiment on her.

Physical Info-
Height: 4’9
Weight: 121lbs
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: Brown, but the left side is a pure white at the roots.
Hair Style: Long and Frazzled
Complexion: Clear
Posture: Medium
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Education: Medium
Religion: None

Backstory: Cold, that’s all Salvia could remember, ever since she was born Salvia has lived in the coldest parts of Italy struggling to survive to the next day. Poor parents with seven kids, that was a match made in hell; a hell that Salvia was unfortunate enough to live through. Busa Fradusta, a city located in the Dolomites mountains, never frequented by outsiders, hardly even inhabited by citizens. Houses were weak and thin for such cold weather, even in the summer days it never truly got over the 60s. Salvia was the middle child of the seven and was hardly remembered; outcast by her mother and stepped over by her siblings; her father was truly the only one to ever see or hear her. He spent nights with her reading and listening to her stories; sometimes they would even pull all-nighters just to keep one another company in the late hours. That all changed when Busa Fradusta was attacked by thieves and criminals whom had escaped from Austria during an outraged mob who was rioting against the Austrian rulers. That night Salvia watched as her father threw his cloak over his shoulders, placed his hat upon his head, kissed Salvia on the cheek and walked out the door into the raging night of snow and blood. Salvia never saw her father again, she also had to say goodbye to three of her siblings that night, as they also met their untimely ends at the hands of the criminals. Salvia had only been eight years old, but it was old enough to remember. Soon after, her family moved to a small town that was located in Switzerland, a neighboring country to Italy and close to Busa Fradusta. Salvia gained a job with a doll maker and soon she found a passion in the small toys that had perfect faces and gorgeous designs. Salvia even stayed up on her days off and painted perfect faces on porcelain dolls and sewed buttons and thread into plush fitted dolls. A passion had woken within the young woman and by the time she turned eighteen she had learned a bit of magic dealing with these dolls. The doll maker she worked for also had this magic and he taught Salvia all she knew about the art. Voodoo, manipulation, control, and even transformation, it was a true art that sparked an even brighter burn for Salvias' passion for dolls. One day while Salvia is sitting on a bench in a park knitting together a new doll for the shop she is overtaken by darkness. A voice in her mind that tells her to use the dolls, use the dark voodoo magic the doll maker forbade her to use, this voice whispered to the deepest part of her, and she had to fight it off but this darkness was not gone for good and Salvia knew this. With a new threat that resided within Salvias mind she sought out help, along the way will she meet your character? Or will your character be the help she is looking for? Maybe even be the darkness that is talking to her. I suppose we shall see when our paths cross.
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1 | 0 Comments | Aug 2nd 2022 01:38

Salvia Remmine

General Info-
Name: Salvia Remmine
Nickname: Via
Date of Birth: January 4th
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Italian, A wizard
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: Medium
Accent: Tonic
Language(s) Spoken: Italian and English
Volume of Voice: Low
Seen by others as: Disturbed
Likes: Dolls, Rivers, Boats, Herbs, Teas, affectionate people, rabbits.
Dislikes: Rude and loud people, other wizards, her mother, those who try to control/experiment on her.

Physical Info-
Height: 4’9
Weight: 121lbs
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: Brown, but the left side is a pure white at the roots.
Hair Style: Long and Frazzled
Complexion: Clear
Posture: Medium
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Education: Medium
Religion: None

Backstory: Cold, that’s all Salvia could remember, ever since she was born Salvia has lived in the coldest parts of Italy struggling to survive to the next day. Poor parents with seven kids, that was a match made in hell; a hell that Salvia was unfortunate enough to live through. Busa Fradusta, a city located in the Dolomites mountains, never frequented by outsiders, hardly even inhabited by citizens. Houses were weak and thin for such cold weather, even in the summer days it never truly got over the 60s. Salvia was the middle child of the seven and was hardly remembered; outcast by her mother and stepped over by her siblings; her father was truly the only one to ever see or hear her. He spent nights with her reading and listening to her stories; sometimes they would even pull all-nighters just to keep one another company in the late hours. That all changed when Busa Fradusta was attacked by thieves and criminals whom had escaped from Austria during an outraged mob who was rioting against the Austrian rulers. That night Salvia watched as her father threw his cloak over his shoulders, placed his hat upon his head, kissed Salvia on the cheek and walked out the door into the raging night of snow and blood. Salvia never saw her father again, she also had to say goodbye to three of her siblings that night, as they also met their untimely ends at the hands of the criminals. Salvia had only been eight years old, but it was old enough to remember. Soon after, her family moved to a small town that was located in Switzerland, a neighboring country to Italy and close to Busa Fradusta. Salvia gained a job with a doll maker and soon she found a passion in the small toys that had perfect faces and gorgeous designs. Salvia even stayed up on her days off and painted perfect faces on porcelain dolls and sewed buttons and thread into plush fitted dolls. A passion had woken within the young woman and by the time she turned eighteen she had learned a bit of magic dealing with these dolls. The doll maker she worked for also had this magic and he taught Salvia all she knew about the art. Voodoo, manipulation, control, and even transformation, it was a true art that sparked an even brighter burn for Salvias' passion for dolls. One day while Salvia is sitting on a bench in a park knitting together a new doll for the shop she is overtaken by darkness. A voice in her mind that tells her to use the dolls, use the dark voodoo magic the doll maker forbade her to use, this voice whispered to the deepest part of her, and she had to fight it off but this darkness was not gone for good and Salvia knew this. With a new threat that resided within Salvias mind she sought out help, along the way will she meet your character? Or will your character be the help she is looking for? Maybe even be the darkness that is talking to her. I suppose we shall see when our paths cross.
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1 | 0 Comments | Aug 2nd 2022 01:36

Enya Hink

~General Info
Name: Enya Hink
Date of Birth: August 20th
Age: 234 (looks to be in her early 20’s)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Elf
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: Used to be high is now low
Accent: Prominent Elven tongue
Language (s) spoken: Elven, Nordic, English
Volume of voice: Low, almost never talks unless she has something important to say
Seen by others as: Selfish
Likes: Nature, Birds especially, fights, alone time, her followers, and her mistress.
Dislikes: Nobility, most men, large, crowded areas, boisterous and loud people, and fire.
~Physical Info
Height: 5’5
Weight: 145lbs
Eye Color: Fir Green
Hair Color: Grey
Hair Style: Long and layered
Complexation: Clear except for the scar running through her right eye
Posture: Perfect
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Education: High
Religion: None
Backstory: Enya Hink was born into a high fae family, she was born into rules and high expectations. From the moment she opened her eyes she was expected to be perfect and nothing less than perfect. For fourteen years of her life, she followed rules and others and allowed her life to be planned out for her. Always she had dreamed that if she reached true perfection her parents would hug her and say they were proud of her. Unfortunately, the older she got the more she came to realize that her parents never saw her as their daughter but instead as an object to replace them when their time came. She hardly ever saw her parents unless she did something wrong in which case, they would punish her, and she would finally see her parents faces. Enya learned to break rules and rebel just to be able to see her parents, even if it was for punishment. One day she stepped out of line a bit too far and she found herself paying severely. Fire, pain, burning, screaming, her parents faces… all of it changed her life for good. Afterwards she took months to heal, almost a year and this was enough to make Enya come to the realization that no one needed her, and she needed no one.

On the night of a full moon when no one was awake Enya escaped, she ran deep into the woods with nothing but the clothes on her back. Though she found herself alone out in those woods, that night Enya learned what true freedom felt like and she thrived in it. She ran and laughed like a child, she even rolled in the grass. She lived, by herself, alone. Shortly after Enya found refuge with the dark elves, other rebels and rouges just like her. She lived with her mistress, Sonya and Sonya taught Enya all she needed to know about potion making, fighting, and stealth. For many years Enya worked with Sonya and views the woman as her very own mother. Enya is an assassin full time and part time she works for Sonya in the old woman’s shop. Enya may have had a bad start to life but now she thrives and lives, what will become of her when meeting your character, I wonder?
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1 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2022 23:15