Lavika Bay

General Info-
Name: Lavika Bay
Nickname: Vika
Date of Birth: November 18th
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Caucasian, Human
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: High in the town she lives in, low in the world
Accent: None
Language(s) Spoken: English
Volume of Voice: Low
Seen by others as: Sensitive
Likes: Dancing, Being in the spotlight, those that cherish and adore her, and herself.
Dislikes: Killer Whales, the ocean, backstabbers, and those that steal her spotlight.

Physical Info-
Height: 5’4
Weight: 156lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Hair Style: Long and Clean
Complexion: Clear
Posture: Amazing
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Education: Low
Religion: None

Backstory: Lavika Bay grew up in a small town right on the coast of the Northern Sea. Her entire life she had been dancing, she danced in competitions, for fun, and also on a tour throughout the world. Lavikas dream was to be one of the most well known dancers of her time. Living in a small town while the big boom of the 60’s was happening was a huge letdown for Lavika. The woman wanted to see the world and she wanted to see it as soon as she could. To be the star she always dreamed of, meet the queen of england, and maybe even fall in love. All of that flew out the window though; the night of one of her biggest dance competitions, a competition that would decide whether or not she would be able to flee this small town of hers just as she had always dreamed. On this night while she was getting ready and preparing herself, a note had slipped under her dressing room door. It was an anonymous letter and it told her to meet them at the cliff that ran just above the ocean front, it promised fame and fortune and Lavika was naive enough to listen to said note. Quickly pulling on her heels, she hiked up her skirt and made her way out into the night and up onto the cliff. Upon arriving she saw no one there and figured they were running a little late. Walking over to the edge the woman peaked down to see the dark water below her and just as she was about to take a step away, she was free falling. A shove to the middle of her shoulder blades had her tumbling through the frosty winter air and right into the ice cold water below. Lavika instantly became paralyzed and couldn’t move. Quickly she opened her eyes and what she saw now haunts her dreams every night; surrounding her from all sides were giant killer whales with gaping jaws. Lavika screamed but it was lost in the water and the killer whales attacked. Lavika woke up on the beach by herself covered in a cloak with multiple gaping wounds that had been bandaged up. After that Lavika Bay never danced again, she discarded her dream and for the next year searched for the person who had saved her. Searched for answers on how she had not died and why so many killer whales had been in one spot all at once. Would she soon find her answer in meeting your character? Did your character save her? Or did they push her? Or maybe neither? I suppose it is to be determined.
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0 | Aug 4th 2022 00:45