Kenja Ma Dao

General Info-
Name: Kenja Ma Dao
Date of Birth: June 6th
Age: 100,000 years old
Age she looks like: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Taiwan; Vetala
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: High
Accent: Asian
Language(s) Spoken: Every Language, her native language is Taiwanese
Volume of Voice: None, she is mute
Seen by others as: Dangerous
Likes: Her village, Hunting, Deer, and children.
Dislikes: The Japanese, Poison, Suicide, Dark spaces, cramped spaces.

Physical Info-
Height: 6’1
Weight: 178lbs
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Long, always in a ponytail, very messy
Complexion: A scar runs from the left side of her mouth all the way to the bottom right cheek.
Posture: Fair
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Her ears
Education: None
Religion: None

Backstory: Darkness, that is all that remained within Kenja Ma Dao’s memory. The Japanese attacking, screaming, killing, suicide… darkness.. She was young, too young to have had to endure something so awful, a drink passed into her small hand, her taking a sip, her mother telling her it was all going to be okay. The screaming, the crying and then the nothingness; the next thing she knew she was waking up being told by a strange being that she was now a Vetala, a vampire-like creature that needed to protect her village. She was created into this monster because she did not have a proper funerary rite, neither did her people, but she was told that she was chosen from her entire tribe to be the Vetala and to defend her families and her peoples honor. For thousands and thousands of years that’s exactly what Kenja did. She watched the war between Japan and Taiwan end, she helped in the efforts, she helped bring her village back together and watched it repopulate with new generations. She’s watched the young turn into the old and then say their farewells to the world, it was a bittersweet life to live and Kenja was sick of it. One century felt like one day in the human world. It was all the same, nothing new seemed to happen, that is until she meets your character. Will they be slave merchants hunting out monsters from old folks tales, will they be there to help her out and finally free her from the too long life she was living, or did they come for something more powerful? Fun? Evil? Good? Kenja did not know, nor did she care, she had a thirst for freedom and if freedom was promised she would be down in a heartbeat. I wonder what will happen when they meet?
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0 | Aug 5th 2022 00:29