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ChaoticFate's Blog

Susan Weston

Name: Susan hope weston

Nickname: Susan or sword master


Age: 27



Language: English, Chinese,Norse and Spanish

Family: Lucy weston

Friends:some crewmeats

Physical Description

Height: 6'2


Hair: brownish red long straight hair

Eyes: Brown

Detailed Physical Description: very curvy, with some muscles, and c size breast and a few scars on her body

Typical Clothing: a white button-up shirt with a belt strap across the chest and another one to hold up her pants that are dark brown. With black boots with two sword holsters and Brown gloves

Equipment: two swords and one gun


Personality/Attitude: can be very aggressive and can be easily agitated to get herself into trouble or start fights

Skills/Talents: extreme swordsman and hand-to-hand combat

Favourites/Likes: wants to fight mostly and get paid whenever she goes into Arena

Most Hated/Dislikes: really likes to fight her own family but will if she has to to get some answers

Strengths: inhuman strength and inhuman speed

Weaknesses: still can be damaged by normal means

Fears: not many but maybe her family

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:none

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: scars from her father

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:none she wants to talk about

Powers: has a very unique ability for a human for unknown reason whenever she is close to death she has an ability to steal the life of others using her own two hands or her swords and whenever she goes into a berserk mode she can steal more life. Making last longer in combat and harder to hit or kill.

Backstory: it's believed that this young lady was raised in Arena after her father killed her mother and abandoned her and her sister to fight into the arena making them both train extremely hard until she decided to leave to start looking clues of her past about her father.
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3 | 0 Comments | Jul 8th 2022 01:07

Jake Gunner

Name: Jackie Dawn Gunner

Nickname: Jake


Age: 35

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Human

Language: English and smaller other languages

Family: unknown

Friends: crewmates

Physical Description

Height: 5 '10

Weight: 150

Hair: long brown stright hair that up in a ponytail and has a small beard as well

Eyes: blue

Detailed Physical Description: very skinny

Typical Clothing:a very rough up and ragged white shirt. Also wearing a gold necklace with green pants and black boots and a gun holster belt as well black gloves

Equipment: two flintlock pistol guns


Personality/Attitude: always focus on your target and can alway be relied on for a shooter no matter what

Skills/Talents: can reload any ammo faster than most humans

Favourites/Likes: he likes to shot and step gold or anything he can get his hands on.

Most Hated/Dislikes: losing his guns

Strengths: can always accurately hit his Target and know some hand-to-hand combat

Weaknesses: can easily ran out of ammo and mostly use guns over anything else.

Fears: losing gold and his guns in a fight

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: none

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: none

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: none

Powers: has a very inhuman ability to focus and do more damage to a Target by using his guns it will never work for anything else not even for combat

Backstory: believed to be found in Pirates Bay a place out in the openings where he set sail to meet a new place for either joining a crew or making his own. No one is sure why or where he come from in Pirates Bay but all everyone know is that he a he'll of a shooter with his guns
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1 | 0 Comments | Jul 6th 2022 00:01

Plots and Ideas.

1. So a mysterious character comes to your universe. He is there to learn and know about your universe but he himself as a bit of a mystery but you can be as friend if you want to, you can fight him if you feel like it or do whatever else to him but then his younger brother comes along and wants to destroy the universe to cause chaos and Bloodshed across it. Once the mysterious charater brother come you can help him but his brother get beaten to only come back with a few friends of his to try to destroy your universe. He keeps doing this for three time until you chose to either made his brotjer turn good, to chain him up in a imprisonment, or kill him to end the chaos. (Genre type: action, crossover, custom, fantasy, Gore, romance, science fiction, and Supernatural)

2. Ok so there's a war between human and dragons but the a mix of half humans and half dragons that are neutral but two peolpe. One is Chase Phoenix who wants to have peace between the two races but Robert Dragon want the dragons to enslave the humans and make them work for the dragons so witch side you will choose. (Genre type: fantasy, Gore, action, and romance. Also you can only chose between a human, dragon, half human and half dragon)

3. So a group of scientists found a way to bring back the dinosaurs but once they did from a powerful crystal but one of the scientists went and and try to destory the crytal but it end up blowing up amd turning a few people into half humans and half dinosaurs that was beging to spread bloodshed will you help stop this (Genre type: science fiction, Gore, romance, and action. Also you can only chose between a human or a half human and half dinosaur) a Apha wolf is being hunted down a grop of hunters that is working with the Warlock that wants all creatures that is magical or not to be killed and will you help this Apha and the rest of the creatures and help save this family. (Genre type: action, Gore, fantasy, and Supernatural. Can only chose a werewolf,mage,wizard,Warlock and a hunter)

5. So a unknown character comes to your universe. Use their to give you an offer to join his side to destroy and kill his brother that keeps stopping him from destroying every universe and if you help them he'll give you a power that none could stand up to you the question is will you take it. If you do you and him will cause chaos and bloodshed across many multiverse. (Genre type: action, crossover, custom, fantasy, Gore, romance, science fiction, and Supernatural)

6.So your character ends up in a place called The Forgotten verse you run into a mysterious person who seems to be weak and hurt due to some has three brothers that ruled over and took over different universes making different people as slaves and making them work for the king of the Forgotten verse the mysterious character ask your help to save and free the peolpe from the forgotten verse and stop his three crazy brothers and there army. On the way you Resurrect The Mysterious character's mother to give you a power defeat his father to stop all evil in the forgottenvesre(Genre type: action, fantasy, Gore, romance, science fiction, and Supernatural)

7. There is a legend of a mysterious person that gives out very power weapon or ability to whoever can find him and return his sword but no one is for sure to know if the story's are true or not. You on the other is very curious about this and overhear a few peolpe in a bar taling about and have a map in the table and the thing is. What will you do and will you join them or take from them to find this mysteryious person that was only a Myth. (Genre type: action, fantasy, Gore, Romance, Science fiction, and Supernatural)

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9 | 2 Comments | Feb 8th 2022 09:21


1. First be nice and be respectful to me don't come at me with a rude attitude or anything like that I'll unfriend you immediately

2. I myself have a few ideas and plots which are shown and my blog but I'm always up to hear what you have or may suggest we can combine the two ideas.

3. I can play both as 1st person and 3rd person aniroleplay but sometimes I make him find the both of them so if I do that please let me know so I can correct myself and not accidentally make it second person view

4. I don't care for erp or anything but if you want to do something like that please at least not make it about that the entire roleplay at least have some moments and try to build up to it if you can

5. As for pairing I I really don't care I'm straight in real life I'm only doing these type of parenting cuz I'm only playing the part nothing more so please don't have any interest in me or asked me out for a date cuz I'm going to say no obviously so my pairings are mxm ,mxf ,fxf or whatever else

6. Try to put some effort into your role plays make a detailed if you want to make it a bit more than three or four lines at least so things don't get rather boring I don't mind every once in awhile one liner but if it happens continuously it will get boring

7. Now I don't care if you use a custom character, original character, Canon character or whatever else just want to make sure that we have a good time now I do know a few verses and stuff but I'm not going to name them all so if I tell you if I know it and I know it if I don't then I'll try my best to understand it or look it up when I have the time.

8. I'm mostly on here most of the time but they always sometimes or I'll be busy with something with either trying to do some type of YouTube or stuff in real life so please be understanding about that

9. Now I'm a patient person but from my experience it's not good to have a lot of friends I really hate people that's in my quest and do not message me and start a role-play if you want those type of people I'll wait for a week and I'll unfriend you if you had me you better be talking cuz I don't want to be wasting my time with someone that doesn't talk cuz I'm not part of someone's friend collector. If i message you and you dont send me back a messngw within three day I'm unfriending you. If i see you as a worthy roleplayer than I won't unfriend you

10. Do not ask me to play as a Canon character cuz I will not do it I did not know how to cuz there will be a few Cannon characters I will play depending what verse it is but if it's something I do not know or do you not know how to play ask the Canon character and don't expect me to be good at it

11. The most of my role play are long-term if you one of those people that wants a short-term let mw know please and also please forgive me if I have any message with my grammar or anything and I don't mind if you have issues with spelling or grammar issues but I know everyone doesn't have English in their first language but everyone has their best so I expect you to try at least

12. If I notice some people who copying any of my sentences or paragraphs and try to reword it into your own lazy version I will call you out on it if I keep seeing you do not then I will unfriend you cuz I'm not here for people that are lazy in detail.

13. Do not copy my characters or my ideas cuz that is just pure laziness please please try to make up your own ideas if you do this I will block you cause there's no Toleration for that.

14.look no one good with grammer so neither i at doesn't mean I'll be 100% alroght so its going to be a bit bad anyways just know that before adding me.

15. Besides that I must relax in a bit chilled back awfully nice and worry about a lot of people that I don't know probably a bad habit of mine but if y'all understand my rules and everything give it a ❤ or whatever so I know that you at least understand my the rules I'll add more if I think of any more.

Heart this so I know you read my rules
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117 | 0 Comments | Feb 8th 2022 09:04

Chase Phoenix

Name: Chase Dragon Phoenix



Age:318 years old


Race: half human half dragon

Language: English and dragon language

Family: real parents are unknown

Adopted father: Zathora Mystery Matter

Friends: Trenton Hacter and james Carter

Physical Description

Height: 5'11 (Human form)
6'8 ( Half human and Half dragon form)
10'5 (Dragon Form)

Weight: 150 (human form)
240 ( Half dragin and half dragon form)
1200 ( Dragon Form)

Hair: Brown (human) purple ( half dragon and half human from) none ( Dragon form)

Eyes:brown (human form) red for right eye and blue for left eye( half human and half dragon form) purple ( dragon form)

Detailed Physical Description: for human form he's rather tall and extremely fit. And his half human and half dragon form he's much taller at a bit more heavier but he has horns and red skin that is scaly as well a tail and horns on his head with sharp claws but his dragon form he has a red scaly body and blue wings

Typical Clothing: in human form he wears a simple red jacket with a blue shirt that has blue jeans and red shoes. And it's half human and half dragon form he's wearing dragon armor which is red and blue.

Equipment: a sword called Dragon Saber


Personality/Attitude: can be very kind but also very easy tempered and hot-headed does not think before planning anything out likes to take on more powerful people

Skills/Talents: most of it comes from his powers and abilities of his dragon or his half human and half dragon forms

Strengths: extremely strong very powerful and has many different types of dragon forms that he can change into

Weaknesses: despite all this he is a week to Magic specifically fairy magic and nobody knows why

Fears: losing to a battle

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: losing his adopted father

Powers: his power is in Billy's consist of extreme strength flight fire and water breathing out of his mouth also out of his hands and each one makes him stronger than the last

Backstory: Phoenix was an orphan and he met his adopted father Zathora which he was trained to become the best hero in Warrior of all time going up against of all kinds of evil even to this day.
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4 | 1 Comment | Jan 17th 2022 20:34