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ChaoticFate's Blog

The Woodsman

Name: the man that come from the trees

Nickname: Mother Natures Wrath

Gender: Uninwon but belive to be male

Age:1900 years old

Sexuality: stirght

Race: Unknwon

Language: different languages

Family: none that are known to be alive

Friends: none

Physical Description

Height: 7ft

Weight:180 pounds

Hair: mossy green and short

Eyes: can glow white, red, or green

Detailed Physical Description: extremely tall very fit but most of his body is cover in plant as well. Show parts of his skeleton from his left leg.

Typical Clothing: a Park Rangers hat that's been torn as Moss on it and he also wears a Park Rangers coat and with black boots

Equipment: believe to carry around a fireman axe


Personality/Attitude: kills anyone that wonders too far into the wood or bring a threat to the woods as well but he can be kind and sweet

Skills/Talents: believe to move faster than the wind. Can appear out of nowhere is during the fog he's angry it's believed that he cpuld summon a strom.

Favorites/Likes: Mother Nature, the calmness of the woods and the sounds of peace

Most Hated/Dislikes:any one that try and destroy his woods as well any sounds from the city and humans as well

Strengths: extremely disability, extreme strong, has a interesting healing Factor. Immune to being burn dispite being made of of plants

Weaknesses: unknown many belive to destroy the woods to destroy him fully

Fears: none

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: none

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:none

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: none

Powers: many people believe that the woodsmen have abilities of teleportation superhuman speeds extreme strength and many other people as well as self-healing many people believe that he can also control the plants and has a fire form whenever he catches on fire making him do more damage

Backstory: many believe that the words minimize wants a human from you hundreds of years ago that killed people that and took too far into his words or try to threatening Mother Nature itself many believe that this was survival of the nature cursing a human to do her bidding to make him live as long as the there trees alive the wooden would never die truly.
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3 | 1 Comment | Nov 2nd 2022 10:33

Charater Sheet










Physical Description





Detailed Physical Description:

Typical Clothing:






Most Hated/Dislikes:




Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:

Powers: .

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1 | 0 Comments | Nov 2nd 2022 10:21

Voider and Matter family tree

Grand Mother ( Father side ) : Cubicle of Matter

Grand Father (Mother side) : Triangular of Voider

Father: King Matter (Andrew Matter)

Dead Mother : Queen Matter (Morwara Matter)

Dead Uncle (Father side) : Carrier Matter (Charlie Matter)


Dark Matter ( Don Matter)

Light Matter ( Lilly Matter)

Red Matter (Rey Matter)

Yellow Matter (Yasir Matter)

Blue Matter ( Bella Matter)

Green Matter (Gloria Matter)

Orange Matter (Oliver Matter)

Purple Matter (Paige Matter)

G.O.D ( Galactic Order Destoryer)

Dead Uncle (Mother Side): Jarfarier Voider (Jack Matter)


Anit Dark Voider (Demmie Voider)

Anit Light Voider (Lucky Voider)

Anit Red Voider (Richard Voider)

Anit Yellow Voider (Yuliana Voider)

Anit Blue Voider (Billy Voider)

Anit Green Matter (Georgina Voider)

Anit Orange Matter (Otto Voider)

Anit Purple Matter (Pacifica Voider)

Dead Aunt (Father Side): Farrior Matter (Feyra Matter)


Anit Dark Matter ( Danielle Matter)

Anit Light Matter ( Luke Matter)

Anit Red Matter ( Rihanna Matter)

Anit Yellow Matter (Yasar Matter)

Anit Blue Matter ( Brenda Matter)

Anit Green Matter ( Greg Matter)

Anit Orange Matter (Otto Matter)

Anit Purple Matter ( Patrina Matter)

Dead Anut (Mother Side): Skriker Voider ( Skylar Voider)


Dark Voider ( Deborah Voider)

Light Voider ( Luca Voider )

Red Voider ( Rachel Voider)

Yellow Voider ( Yoel Voider)

Blue Voider ( Brianna Voider)

Green Voider ( Gregory Voider)

Orange Voider (Opal Voider)

Purple Voider (Paige Matter)

Oldest Brother : Avoider Matter (Jonathan Matter)

Older Brother : Nothingness Matter ( William Matter)

Younger brother: ( Mystery Matter)

Youngest Brother: Unknown Matter ( Joseph Matter)
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 29th 2022 06:43

New social media stuff

If anyone wants to contact me outside of role playing these are my ways to talk to me. PureChaoitc#3740 thats for my discord if anyone wants to add me or whatever.

For my Instagram its zathora3245 if you want to add me from there

I have snapcaht witch is timflanagn2001

For my email if you want to talk to me though there is [email protected]

That's all for now im truly sorru for peolpe from discord I knew most,are mad or wont forgive me but you do then you do but if you dont then you don't as for myself it better,not to worry about someone that staying in the darkness.
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2 | 1 Comment | Aug 6th 2022 17:38

The Cursed Captain

Name: James Wade Cursed

Nickname: James or Cursed Captain

Gender: Male

Age: 65

Sexuality: Stright

Race: Half human and half Crab

Language: most humans Language and crab as well

Family: None

Friends: only his crewments

Physical Description

Height: 7'4

Weight: 260lbs

Hair: long and curly that is a dark gray

Eyes: Brown

Detailed Physical Description: a bit over weight but has one normal hand and the other as a crab claw hand with the same of his feet one begin normal the other not some much. he as also hiding a few other crab legs on his back witch is hidden. he also has a missing right eye

Typical Clothing: Black coat with black shirt as well black buckle pants with one dark brown boot and a more betels to keep his crab legs hidden as well not messing up his clothes. he has a right eye patch.

Equipment: doesn't really carry any weapons but can and well use his normal hand as well his crab hand to use in a fight


Personality/Attitude: cold and hardly talks to anyone. mostly doesn't trust no one and will fight anyone that makes fun for what he is

Skills/Talents: he can use the winds of the sea to use in his fight as well breath underwater.

Favorites/Likes: trying to make those understand him and try's to have fun dispute his age

Most Hated/Dislikes: anyone that point out his crab features or anything else bad about him.

Strengths: can and will get strong from getting curses from anything or anyone that try's to fight him.

Weaknesses: can be kill but with fore

Fears: believe to be turning into a crab

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: none

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: his old crew leaving him for dead on skull island and then having to kill them to stop being control by something else.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:none

Powers: james has a unique power it's believe from his birth he was cursed do to his crab body features but from that point forward that was his first curse witch made him able to heal his body within 3 seconds in his body. then when he get three curses he was able to gain ammo from battle's where he found a gun at five cures he can attack faster than 3 times the speed of sound but at 7 cures he able to hurt anyone or anything that's a 30 ft area of around him to take damage from his curses at 9 curses all of his attacks are upgraded to be faster as well do more damage.

These curses can also build up armor on him that can take a hit of earthquake and a volcano going off in his face with him only to wake away fine. he can control the winds of the sea witch they are a powerful storm that get more powerful with the more curses James has witch the winds are strong enough to rip an island in half this power is call bringer of Calamity and there no way to avoid it nothing can't be dodge by this power it's believes that James has 45 curses on his should there only way to stop him from getting powerful is that he has to cleanse the curses off of his own body otherwise he can get stronger and more powerful by looking for some more curses to add on. he can also breath underwater as well. he can come back from the dead but it will use one of his curses.

Backstory: born from a rare DNA mutation his family left him out of to an island for there he was learn to live on his own and soon he started getting his powers and learn that curses didn't effect him like it did to other as it made other people weak it made him stronger from that ay he was trying to get witch's and all kind of stuff to caused trouble to he could be more powerful but he only used it if he was in a fight witch was a lot but by his teens he was on a ship and going out to sea's to find more curses with his crew that he made by hand until few years in his late 50's his old crew left him on skull island but he was want to get his revenge to them but when he get out from making a new crew witch was a lot better and wasn't normal like his old crew he kept trying to find them until they was on a big island from from skull island he had 45 curses and he used it to rip the whole island apart it took a lot out of him but he saw that's old crew was nothing anymore and he found out that someone was controlling them witch made him felt bad but for now he pats that in the past trying to found the people he control his old crew.
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2 | 0 Comments | Jul 27th 2022 11:03