Jake Gunner

Name: Jackie Dawn Gunner

Nickname: Jake


Age: 35

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Human

Language: English and smaller other languages

Family: unknown

Friends: crewmates

Physical Description

Height: 5 '10

Weight: 150

Hair: long brown stright hair that up in a ponytail and has a small beard as well

Eyes: blue

Detailed Physical Description: very skinny

Typical Clothing:a very rough up and ragged white shirt. Also wearing a gold necklace with green pants and black boots and a gun holster belt as well black gloves

Equipment: two flintlock pistol guns


Personality/Attitude: always focus on your target and can alway be relied on for a shooter no matter what

Skills/Talents: can reload any ammo faster than most humans

Favourites/Likes: he likes to shot and step gold or anything he can get his hands on.

Most Hated/Dislikes: losing his guns

Strengths: can always accurately hit his Target and know some hand-to-hand combat

Weaknesses: can easily ran out of ammo and mostly use guns over anything else.

Fears: losing gold and his guns in a fight

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: none

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: none

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: none

Powers: has a very inhuman ability to focus and do more damage to a Target by using his guns it will never work for anything else not even for combat

Backstory: believed to be found in Pirates Bay a place out in the openings where he set sail to meet a new place for either joining a crew or making his own. No one is sure why or where he come from in Pirates Bay but all everyone know is that he a he'll of a shooter with his guns
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1 | Jul 6th 2022 00:01